The Rejected Mate
chapter 17 : surprise



Matthew remains silent for a few moments, eyeing my actions and this makes me more agitated and angry, at this point my whole body was shaking with unleashed fury.

He speaks up after a few moments of silence

"Serenity is Roman's Daughter”

I grow! throatily when I hear that, I never knew that bastard had a child and even worse for the child to be my mate, the only thing about him that I was aware of was about his mate passing away roughly around 21 yrs ago. Although Serenity is his daughter that wouldn't stop me from making her mine. My eyes flash black as my wolf, Kian agrees with me.

(A/N: 1 don't know if I have mentioned early, but Damiens wolf's name is Kian and Matthew's is Dom)

I'm about to respond to Matthew when the office room slams open and 1 lift my furious eyes to meet Courtney's anxious eyes.

"Serenity is awake"she says and that single sentence was what took for me to dismiss the meeting and rush into the pack infirmary.



White is what I first see when I open my eyes, I immediately shut them and blink a few times so it would get accustomed to the harsh lighting of the room. I groan in pain as I try to sit up on the bed. Where in the world am I ? I think to myself.

Smell of disinfectant and chemicals burn my nostrils as I realise that I'm in the pack infirmary. It's only now that I feel the needle inside the skin on top of my hand connected to a upside down bottle on a stand and IV and the constant beeping of the heart monitor. I press the red emergency button and few minutes later the door to my room opens and a man with stethoscope around his neck who I recall as Dr. Dave Santiago the pack doctor accompanied by my worried bestfriend Courtney enters.

Courtney rushes towards me with worry written all over her face, the first thing she does when she reaches my side is to punch my arm.

"Owwww Courtney!!, What the hell?" I yell in pain as I bring my arm to my chest to nurse it.

"You deserved it bitch” she yells back

I would've been okay if she would've punched lightly but mind you we are talking about Courtney here, who looks like a slim, petite girl but she punches like a boxer high on adrenaline.

"Why would you do that?" I ask her with a pout.

She narrows her eyes at me and it makes me shrink back into my bed, Courtney has a really good 'mean face’ which is sure to make you piss your pants. "Oh well it's wasn't me who decided to play a damn heroine and risk her life for the whole pack, now am 1?".

I smile at her sheepishly in reply to her question although I know it was not a question at all in the first place. I know I would do it again if I have to, I couldn't risk the life of these innocent people just for the sake of mine

Dave, who has been silent the whole time decides to interrupt us. "okay ladies, now how about I ask the patient a few questions?" He says with a smile on his face.

Dave Santiago has been the pack doctor of the Midnight Moon pack for the past five years, he came back after finishing his studies from Yale, just two years before I left. He along with his mate Amanda live in their own house which is located near the pack infirmary.

I and Courtney nod our heads at that.

"So Ms. Martins how do you feel?"

"Um..I kind of feel sore and dazed at the moment and please call me Serenity” I reply and smile at the end.

"Sure, why not Serenity" he smiles at me "Hmm..seems like the medicines have done a great job at helping your body heal over the course of time to remove the wolfsbane and silver out of your system and I hope you're in no pain?"

I shake my head in reply.

"Okay" he says and writes down something on the clipboard in his hand. He looks up after writing and decides to speak "do you remember what happened to you Serenity?" He asks and I nod my head and then I realise that he was waiting for a reply.

"Yes, um..uh- I was attacked and kidnapped by some rogues” I look down at my lap after saying that, I still couldn't believe that my own father would go to this extent to achieve something. I knew he was a cruel, heartless man and I've seen him just doing that to others, plenty of times but never would I've thought that he would do it to his own daughter, I mean he used to abuse me and all but I thought that would be the limit of it, but sadly how wrong was I.

Dave and Courtney seem to realise where my trail of thoughts is leading to, so Courtney decides to speak up.

"I'm glad you're back to us safely, I don't know what I would've done if I had lost my bestfriend and that too on the day of my wedding, it's all thanks to Alpha Damien and Matthew though. They worked day and night to find your where abouts" she says and hugs me and I return her gesture. Her words has me thinking though. "its all thanks to Alpha Damien and Matthew though’, I expected such on Matthews behalf but him?, I couldn't believe it, why would he look for the mate he didn't want and who he rejected at first sight, does he care about me? I think to myself and shake my head at my own stupidity. Really Serenity? What're you thinking? That he would care about you? Who am I kidding? He was just doing his job as an Alpha and that is protecting all the pack members. He only sees me as a mere pack member and nothing else.

"How long have I been unconscious for?" I ask them both with genuine curiosity.

"Seven days" Courtney replies and my eyebrows shoot up in surprise. wow, seven days? As in a week?!

"Oh I forgot, I shoud tell everyone that you've women up, everyone has been worried about you" she looks at me with a fake accusing look on her face, she turns and leaves the room.

Although her statement was meant to be playful, but it mad me feel bad that I made everyone worry over me.

A nurse comes in and checks my vitals and all other things and later on give me my medicines, and she leaves the room afterwards.

I look out the large window situated at the right side of my bed, I can see the play area for the toddlers and young children, and I smile as I see a girl with brunette hair in two cute pigtails by her side being chased by a raven haired boy. Atleast these kids are carefree and getting to enjoy their childhood and live a good life. My thought are short lived when the door to my room opens for a second time, I turn my head and I was expecting to see a hazel eyed dorky man but I was wrong. My brown eyes comes in contact with stormy grey eyes and I still on my spot on the bed. I seriously didn't think I would meet him so soon, if I had known I would've atleast taken sometime and made myself mentally prepare to face him but I guess somethings just doesn't go as planned.

He just stares at me, which makes my figure squirm in anticipation. His eyes held so much intensity and I couldn't honestly decipher the emotions in them, I break our stare and look down at my hands that are on my lap.

I decide to look up and gasp in surprise when I see him standing directly infront of me now. How did he reach here so fast and why didn't I hear him approaching?! My eyebrows furrow in confusion. He takes that moment to his advantage and comes even more close to my face, I could clearly see the black specks in his grey eyes, at this rate if I even decide to tilt my head even a little to the right, our lips would touch. My breath quickens and my hearts starts beating like crazy and I'm afraid that he can hear and know how his closeness still affects me after all this time.

The right side of his face rubs against my face, it feels so smooth even with the five o'clock shadow he has on his face, he moves his face upwards and now I could feel his warm breath near my ears and shivers run down my spine.

"It's good to see you again, Serenity Ivanovic" he says and my breath hitches

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