Chapter 0001 

“Why, Tina? Why have you done this to me? We’ve been married for five years. Haven’t I treated you well enough? Why did you cheat on 


Sean Lakeworth stood inside a villa, his eyes bloodshot. He was 

shouting at a tall, beautiful woman who stood before him in a neat 


A few photos of Tina Sullivan walking into a hotel with a man were on the table before them. The man had his arm around her slender waist. 

“Have you been stalking me, Sean?” Tina frowned at the photos. There wasn’t a trace of guilt on her face. Instead, she looked cold and 

distant. “If that’s the case, let’s get divorced.” 

“Divorced?” Sean’s mind buzzed. He stumbled. All he wanted was for 

Tina to give him an explanation, to tell him that this was a 

misunderstanding … even if it was just a lie. Yet all he had gotten was 

a demand to divorce. 

“Yes, a divorce. Here are the papers. Sign them.” Tina pulled out a divorce agreement from her expensive Hermès bag and slapped it 

onto the table. 

Sean’s eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at the divorce 

agreement-it had obviously been prepared beforehand. Then, he looked up at Tina. “How long have you been thinking of divorcing me?” 

“You forced me into doing this. I hate it when people stalk me.” Tina’s tone was icy. 

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“So, this is all my fault?” 

“Don’t look at me like that, Sean. You’ve been leeching off me for the past five years. It’s none of your business who I want to be with.” 

“None of my business? You’re my wife, Tina! My lawfully-wedded wife ….” Sean wanted to bellow at her, but he lost the nerve to do so as he looked down at the divorce agreement again. He clenched his fists so tightly that his nails were digging into the palms of his hands. 

“So what?” Tina looked uncaring. “If you can’t live with it, let’s just get divorced. Let me make myself clear, though-you’re the one who can’t stand my actions, so you’re gonna leave this marriage without a penny to your name.” 

Sean’s eyes widened even more. He stared at Tina incredulously. Before today, he never would’ve imagined she could say such words. Was she still the kind woman-no, girl-he’d met 15 years ago? 

The one who’d given him a slice of bread when he’d been on the brink of despair and told him to not give up? 

“Look, stop wasting my time. Just sign the papers.” Sean was pulled out of his reverie by Tina’s frosty tone. 

He returned to his senses and gazed at her. She was such a 

heartless, selfish woman. He knew people would change as time passed-Tina’s appearance had changed, but would her personality change so thoroughly as well? 

Sean could no longer see the guileless light in Tina’s eyes nor the kindness she’d displayed all those years ago. His gaze became disappointed. “You’ve changed so much, Tina. Sometimes, I even wonder if you’re really the girl from my memories.” 

“What the hell are you talking about? If you’re just trying to delay the inevitable, I’d advise you to cut the crap,” Tina snapped. What “girl” 

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was he referring to? She’d never even met him before their marriage. 


didn’t answer her. Instead, he made a final confirmation. “Do 

you really want a divorce?” 

“Absolutely,” Tina said resolutely. 

. “Okay.” Sean took a deep breath and shifted his gaze. 

This took Tina aback. For a split second, she thought Sean had changed into a completely different person. But when she returned to her senses, she realized he was still the same man she knew. He was still the useless man who tottered around the house in an apron. 

Her cold tone took on a hint of condescendence as she looked at him. “Actually, you should’ve long since realized that we’re from two different worlds.” 

“Yeah, you’re right.” This time, Sean didn’t refute her. “You’re a high and mighty CEO now and one of Skye City’s top ten outstanding entrepreneurs. On the other hand, I am nothing but a useless man who only knows how to cook and clean. At least, that’s what you think.” 

Tina was surprised by this. She hadn’t expected Sean to have such a clear grasp on the situation. She smiled haughtily. “It looks like you’ve finally seen the light; you know how worthless you are. You’re not worthy of me, you know.” 

“Is that so?” Sean chuckled, but it was filled with mockery and self- deprecation. “To be honest, I have to thank you for this. Thank you for showing me your true colors today.” 

“What the hell do you mean by that? Tina frowned. 

“What do I mean? It’s been five years. Five whole years, Tina … Has there been a day in our marriage that I haven’t cooked you a warm meal after you’ve had a long day at work? 

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“Whenever you said you were tired, would massage your feet. Every time you rolled around in pain because of your menstrual cramps, I cared for you throughout the night. You said you wanted to be ant entrepreneur, so I showed you my support by providing the capital. 

“Even if I were just your pet, you should’ve felt something for me. Five years, Tina. I-” 

“Shut up! I’ve heard enough,” Tina interrupted him with a shrill cry. Her face was red, almost as if he’d gotten her where it hurt. “I’ve never asked you to do any of those things you did them willingly! Also, didn’t I get the company to where it is today through my hard work? 

“I spent countless days and nights throwing myself into my work. Besides, you’ve been leeching off me for the past five years. I’ve more. than repaid you for the money you gave me to start the company!” 

“Is that so?” Sean looked at Tina like she was a stranger. “Do you really think you got to where you are today because of your personal capabilities?” 

“Duh. What else could it be?” Tina retorted. 

Sean didn’t answer her. Instead, he picked up a pen and signed the divorce agreement. He no longer held out hope for her. 

After signing, he put the pen down and threw the divorce agreement 

at Tina. 

He said coldly, “As you wish, then. hope that you won’t regret your decision now that we’re divorced.” 

He turned to leave. 

“What the fuck do you mean by that, Sean? Make yourself clear!” Tina’s face was red with rage. 

But Sean walked out of the villa without another look back. There was 

nothing in this place to hold him back. 

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As soon as Sean stepped out of the villa, his phone started ringing. Then, two rows of Maybachs came in his direction. They stopped 

before him. 

Several men in dark suits and shades got out of the cars. As Sean watched, they formed a neat row and saluted him respectfully. “We’re here on Mr. Black’s orders to receive you, Mr. Lakeworth!” 

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