Chapter 792 Are You Not Natalie

On the other hand, Natalie had instructed Yandel to retrieve the luminous pearl from her safe box to gift it to Silas's daughter at her full moon baby shower.

The luminous pearl was as big as a goose egg. It shone brightly under the chandelier when she took it out of the box. The pearl shimmered brightly even when wrapped in cloth.

Silas received the pearl with delight. He turned to Holly and said, “I told you, didn't I, Holly? Samuel's woman is something, isn't she?”

Holly nodded and smiled. “That's right. I hope our Nova will grow up to be someone like her.” “Oh, stop it, Holly. I'm blushing. Nova looks a lot like you. I'm sure she will grow up to be very beautiful,” Natalie spoke from the bottom of her heart. Holly looked like an Oriental beauty. “Thank you for your blessing.” Holly beamed.

Silas wanted to speak to Natalie in private. Hence, he motioned her to the side.

"Mr. Bowers..."

Silas smiled. “Natalie, there are too many Bowers in this household. As I've said before, you can address me as Uncle Silas instead. No need for such formalities. Even though the both of you didn’t have a wedding, you are now part of the Bowers..."

Natalie got over her awkwardness upon hearing that. “Uncle Silas.”

“I've found out what exactly happened to my father back then,” Silas said earnestly. “I admit I thought you were the killer back then and was utterly disappointed with you. So I want to take this chance to apologize to you. I hope you can forgive me for my poor judgment...”

It never crossed Natalie's mind that Silas would bring this up now.

She smiled. “Uncle Silas, let's let bygones be bygones. I never took it to heart, so you don't have to either. I'm good as long as Grandpa is healthy.”

“Yes.” Silas nodded. “I must say, Samuel has a good eye.”

Just then, Yara walked over to Holly.

“Let me carry the child in my arms for a bit.” Yara beamed brightly.

Holly gave Yara a look and saw that it was a familiar face. She handed her child over without a second thought. “Sure. Nova, let her carry you for a bit.”

Yara's eyes turned icy cold when Holly handed the swaddled baby over.

“Is her name Nova? That's so cute!” The baby wailed as Yara's rough handling had hurt her.

Holly frowned in disapproval when she saw her daughter crying. “Ms. Nichols, you're hurting her. Give her back. You don’t know how to hold a baby.”

"Give her back?” Yara sneered. “I won't be giving her back so easily now that you've handed her over to me.”

"You..." Holly was still very weak after giving birth. However, she forced herself to raise her voice upon the thought of her daughter's safety. “Give Nova back to me! Natalie, why are you acting like that all of a sudden? I thought we were good just now.”

“Natalie?” Yara turned to face Holly and fixed her with a piercing glare. “Open your eyes and take a closer look. I'm not that b*tch.”

Holly was floored.

She rarely went out ever since she got pregnant. She knew she had a weak immune system and didn’t want anything to happen to her child.

"How could that be... Aren't you Natalie?”

Natalie and Silas quickly rushed over when they heard Nova crying, only to find Yara dressed in a black evening gown.

At that moment, her eyes glowed viciously. She smiled cruelly at the baby crying in her arms.

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