A Cue for Love Chapter 786 Did He Bully You

“Nat...” called out Samuel before extending his hand to gently wipe the woman's tears away. However, Natalie did not care that her face was drenched with tears. “Can you give me some time alone? I know crying won't change anything but make you feel sorry for me, so I'd rather you not see how weak I am right now. But I promise you that I'll get back on my feet as soon as I'm done crying.”

Though it pained Samuel to see the woman that way, he agreed to her request anyway. “Okay.” The man then left the room without another word to give Natalie some space.

Samuel closed the door behind him but did not take another step further, for he thought it was best to stand by just in case Natalie needed him.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Natalie stared at the report in her hand while her teardrops fell onto the paper. It's no wonder Thomas never showed any love for me; I'm not his daughter. That's probably also why Yvonne never had anything good to say about Mom and why Mom left me a letter asking me to stop looking into this matter.

Suddenly, the things that confused Natalie before started to make sense. But if Thomas isn't my biological father, who is? And why did he never come back for Mom, Yara, or me?

Natalie had always hated Thomas for betraying her mother, but in the end, she realized that she had been despising the wrong person.

Still, she refused to believe that her mother was as Yvonne described. There must be a reason why Mom did what she did!

Tightening her grip on the piece of paper, Natalie swore to herself that she would get to the bottom of it. This whole thing is just like a puzzle. All I have to do is put the pieces together, and everything will be revealed to me, including the truth behind Granddad's death and the reason why Mom hid both of us from the world.

After Natalie had recollected herself, she went to the bathroom to wash the tears off her face. Natalie intended to go out to look for Samuel, so she was surprised when she found the man standing right outside the room.

Her eyes began to tear up once again when she realized that the man had been waiting for her all the while. “Samuel...”

"Feeling better?” inquired Samuel with a worried frown.

“Yes,” answered Natalie with a shaky voice before nodding.

Then, Samuel grabbed Natalie by her right arm and pulled her straight into his warm embrace. Thump! Thump! Thump!

With her face pressed against Samuel's chest, Natalie could hear the man’s heartbeat. For some reason, the rhythmic thumping had a soothing effect on Natalie.

“I don't care what your background is or whose blood you have running in your veins; You're the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I promise I'll love you with all of my heart,” swore Samuel as he looked deeply into Natalie's eyes. “If finding out who you are means that much to you, we'll solve this mystery together.”

At that moment, Natalie instinctively bit her lower lip because she was feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside after listening to those moving words.

She felt like the luckiest woman to ever live when she realized that she had someone who was willing to stay beside her even when she was at her lowest point.

When the two returned to the Bowers residence, the five children got extremely worried because they noticed how red Natalie's eyes were.

Yumi immediately glared at Samuel before asking Natalie, “Mommy, did he bully you? Is that why you cried?”

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