Chapter 767 Get Rid Of Him

The four of them sat down in a bar. Yandel waved at a waiter and ordered him to bring out the bottle of fine wine that he had brought over earlier.

Not long after that, the waiter brought out the wine. However, instead of the usual glass goblets, the waiter brought with him small clay cups to serve the wine.

Yandel uncorked the wine and the air was immediately filled with the rich, sweet scent of the wine which smelled faintly of plum blossoms.

Yandel handed a cup to Natalie and said, “Boss, this is a very special wine that I've brought for you from Loang. You can't get these in the market. It is made exclusively for the Loang royal family. I know you enjoy a good wine. I made a lot of effort to procure it for you.”

Yandel had never revealed his family background. However, Natalie had guessed that he was descended from a noble family of Loang.

Ross and Lia were surprised when they heard Yandel's introduction of the wine.

“How did you manage to get this royal wine?” Lia's eyes were wide in shock.

“I just remembered that you're from Loang, right?” Ross suddenly asked Yandel.

Yandel nodded. He took a sip of the wine from his own cup. “Yes, I was, but that's no longer my home. Now, home is wherever Boss is.”

Ross and Lia exchanged looks.

Whenever Natalie was not around, Yandel was quick and efficient in his work and life. However, in Natalie's presence, he was a different person.

In their memories, Yandel had never spoken about his own life. He acted as if Natalie and his work were his entire life.

A person would only act in this manner if he had been deeply hurt in his past.

They had all been hurt by their loved ones before, and they understood that it was better to not ask. So, none of them questioned Yandel any further.

Natalie raised her cup and said with a smile, “It was fate that brought us together, and I am blessed to be sitting here with all of you enjoying this cup of rare wine. Let's enjoy this moment. We will leave all of our troubles for tomorrow!”

It was rare indeed for them to have respite from the world.

Natalie's infectious good mood spread to the rest of them. Soon, they were all laughing and drinking merrily together.

The wine was good indeed, but they had only one bottle to share between the four of them.

After they finished the entire bottle, Yandel waved down a waiter and ordered him to bring out more wine.

Dream had not only turned the tables, but the company had also expanded massively. The four of them basked in the success. They happily made toasts and finished every last drop of all the bottles that Yandel had ordered

Natalie was lying on the couch in the bar. The alcohol had turned her cheeks a blotchy red. She was still hugging a bottle of wine close to her.

At that moment, Natalie's phone started vibrating.

“Boss, your phone is ringing,” Yandel called out to Natalie.

Natalie was confused in her drunken state. She ignored Yandel and closed her eyes.

Yandel, who had had a little too much to drink, did not even glance at the caller's name before answering the phone. “Hello, who's calling? The person that you want to speak to is sleeping next to me. I'll pass the message to her once she’s awake...”

There was a deafening silence on the line once Yandel was finished speaking. He could feel the caller's frostiness even through the phone

Yandel swallowed nervously. He could not even see the caller's face and yet, he felt as if a pair of eyes were glaring angrily at him

"She's sleeping next to you?” a man’s low voice asked.

Yandel recognized the voice as Samuel's. He was so frightened that he sobered up immediately. “S- Samuel Bowers?”

"Yandel, why don't you repeat what you've just said to me?” Samuel asked murderously.

Yandel could hear the threat in his voice.

He felt as if a cold blade was pressed against his jugular and if he said one wrong word, he would bleed to death.

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