Chapter 764 Sudden Turn Of Events

There were other dishes on the table—deviled crab, crab cake, and more. They had even ordered bisque. Every dish on the table was dishes that Natalie loved eating, so she enjoyed every moment she bit into her food.

Halfway through, Natalie's phone rang.

It was a video call from her four children.

After cleaning her hands, Natalie accepted the call and began chatting with them.

Franklin, Sophia, Xavian, and Clayton were all squeezed in front of the camera as they asked in unison, “Mommy, where are you? When are you coming back?"

As she stared at the table full of delectable dishes, she muttered guiltily, “Mommy's out having fun. I might come home a little later tonight.”

“Is Mommy eating? Can Sophia see what you're eating?” Sophia softly asked.

Natalie nodded, and she turned the camera around to show her children the food on the table.

Her children were all eating nutritious meals prepared by Gavin at home. On the other hand, she was indulging in delicious food. It somehow felt wrong to her.

A moment later, Natalie turned the camera back and looked at her children on the screen.

Sophia said, “Mommy, I learned that too much crab is bad for your health, so remember to drink more water and hydrate yourself!”

Franklin said, “Mommy, Sophia’s right. You have to take care of yourself even though you're enjoying your meal.”

Xavian chimed in, “Mommy, if you like any particular dish, remember to send me a photo of it. I'll learn how to make the dish for you.”

Clayton also added, “Mommy, if Xavian's going to make the dish for you, then I'll help him deshell the crabs.”

At that moment, Natalie was speechless.

She thought that the children would grumble about her enjoying a good meal, but as it turned out, the words that came out of their mouths were endearing ones.

Her heart melted, and so did Yandel, Ross, and Lia's.

“All right, I got it. Still, you can't stay up and wait for me tonight. You have to go to bed when it's bedtime,” Natalie reminded them.

"Okay, Mommy!” The four children nodded obediently before ending the call.

Once the call ended, Lia took a sip of her beverage and sighed wistfully, “Ms. Nichols, it's one thing for the kids to be cute, but how can they also be so sensible? You're tempting me to have kids of my own!"

A rare agreement came from Ross, “Yes. The four of them are so cute and sensible. This is almost unheard of!”

Despite being preoccupied with the crabs, Yandel nodded.

However, Natalie calmly put her phone aside before flashing a smile at the three of them. “If you're envious of me having four sweethearts, then it's time for you to have your own too!”

Just as those words were out of her mouth, the three hung their heads.

No other women mattered to Yandel but Amelia.

On the other hand, Lia only had Lionel in her thoughts. Their seemingly-incestuous relationship was bound to have tons of obstacles.

Although Ross’ case was different from Yandel's, ever since he had been fooled by Belle and fell into hell, he had forgotten what it was like to love someone.

Natalie studied their expressions. She knew what they were thinking and what they were avoiding. God would never mistreat the people who lived their lives to the best of their abilities. Natalie was sure that the three of them would find their own happiness.

After the meal, Yandel and Ross both went to their cars, about to head for the next round.

Lia went to the restroom. While Natalie was standing by the doorway of the restaurant, she caught a whiff of the faint scent of blood.

As she was a medical student, Natalie was exceptionally familiar with the scent of human blood. She was certain that someone was injured nearby. Instinctively, she scanned her surroundings, and it took her a long time before she noticed a black leather shoe peeking out from a nearby bush.

That must be the one!

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