Chapter 739 Mine Is Sweeter

At the café, Natalie ordered a latte for herself. Subsequently, the staff asked the two towering men next to her, “Sirs, what would you like to have?”

“Whatever she’s having.”

"Whatever she’s having.”

Both of them gave the same answer.

Sensing the tension in the air, Natalie added awkwardly, “Miss, three lattes to go, please.”

At that moment, even the staff could feel the incendiary atmosphere in the air.

After having their orders taken, Shawn received a call from his assistant. The reason he ran into Natalie there was that he was inspecting the businesses under Watsons Group. Considering he had left his assistant for an hour or two after meeting Natalie, the assistant called to remind him of their next appointment.

“l intended to stay with you for a while longer,” Shawn lamented, “but I still have something important to attend to which I'm unable to postpone.”

Natalie beamed with her eyes. “Don’t worry about it. You should get back to work. We'll see each other again when you're free.”

“All right. Thank you for the coffee.” Waving the latte at her, Shawn bid Natalie goodbye.

When Shawn's assistant saw him return with only a cup of coffee after disappearing for an hour or two, he couldn't help but frown. “Mr. Watsons, I'm sure you didn't leave for such a long time just for a cup of coffee.”

“Hmm.” Shawn broke into a dejected smile. “Instead of bringing her back, all I got is a cup of latte.” He still hadn't given up on Natalie yet.

Nonetheless, he didn’t expect someone as aloof as Samuel to behave in such a possessive manner, leaving him no chance to compete at all.

As bitterness crept into Shawn's heart, it was cushioned by the soothing taste of the latte.

After bidding their farewells to Shawn, Samuel led Natalie to the underground parking lot.

Having broken the seal on her latte cup, Natalie stuck a straw in and drank one-third of it. When she turned to look at Samuel, she noticed that his drink was untouched.

“Samuel, why aren't you drinking?”

Just as she spoke, she took another sip of her drink. Before she managed to swallow it, Samuel unbuckled her seat belt and pulled her over. Subsequently, he planted a kiss on her lips.

Everything happened in a flash without any warning at all.

Before Natalie could react, she felt her lips being pried open and her coffee sucked away.

Despite finishing the coffee in her mouth, Samuel wasn't satisfied at all. Holding the back of her head, he prevented her from backing off while ravaging her mouth with greater intensity.

Faced with his overwhelming passion, Natalie felt her tense body gradually weaken.

In a secluded corner of the parking lot, Samuel didn't give Natalie any chance to flee despite how uneasy she felt.

It wasn't till a long while later that he finally let her go.

Blushing from her face to her ears, Natalie glared coquettishly at Samuel. “Didn't I buy one for you? Why must you... drink from mine?”

When he finally caught his breath, he gave her a mischievous look and replied matter-of-factly, “The coffee in my cup doesn't taste as sweet as the one in your mouth.”

Natalie's pupils constricted suddenly as her heart began to race. She couldn't believe how audacious Samuel was when it came to whispering sweet nothings. If someone were to walk past them at that moment, she would wish for the ground to open up and swallow her.

Feeling thirsty, Natalie wanted to take another sip of her drink.

However, the thought of the passionate kiss from a moment ago deterred her from doing so.

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