Chapter 705 Shut Up

Kenneth hung up the call upon hearing the footsteps and shifted his gaze toward Yara as she came in.

He had a conflicted feeling in his heart as he knew Yara had lied about Franklin and Sophia, but he was grateful for her saving his life and her companionship throughout the past five years.

As such, he still tried to care for her as an elder. “Hello, Yara.”

Yara placed her handbag down and slowly walked up to him as she asked, “Who were you on the phone with, Grandpa?”

“No one of importance. I just thought I'd try and help out someone in need, that's all,” Kenneth replied with a solemn expression.

Yara clenched her fists upon hearing that, and a look of hatred flashed past her eyes. “Someone in need? Are you referring to Natalie, perhaps?”

Kenneth made no attempts to hide it and nodded his head. “Yes, that's right. Dream Corporation is currently caught up in some nasty scandals after a few cases of sudden deaths related to the special medicine. Based on what I know about Natalie, I believe someone is trying to sabotage her.”

Yara looked to the side and let out a snicker in response.

Yara's smile grew increasingly sinister as she shouted through clenched teeth, “Since when did you think so highly of Natalie, Grandpa? People have died because of her drugs! Why are you still defending her? Does someone like her even deserve your help?”

“Shut up, Yara!” Kenneth yelled.

“I was the one who stayed by your side throughout the past five years, Grandpa! Everyone else in the Bowers family has been too busy with work to even come and visit you! I, on the other hand, spent all of my time keeping you company and looking after you! I sacrificed so much for you, and this is how you treat me?” Yara questioned him coldly.

"You have made me a promise, Grandpa! You promised that you would only accept me as your granddaughter-in-law and that I would be the future lady of the house! But ever since Natalie showed up, both you and Samuel have been taking her side! You even asked me to give up on Samuel and marry someone else! If I could fall in love with someone else, I would've done that long ago! There's no reason for me to keep dragging things out like this!”

Yara sounded particularly vicious and bitter in contrast to her usual kind and gentle self.

She looks just the same as I remember, and yet I feel like I'm talking to a terrifying stranger right NOW...

With that in mind, Kenneth shouted with his eyes wide, “You... What has become of you? Natalie is your sister, d*mn it! You've wronged her when you tried to replace her using Franklin and Sophia! How dare you act all high and mighty with me when you're the one in the wrong here? I made you those promises because I didn’t know about Natalie's existence. Now that I have learned the truth about everything, I couldn't possibly separate her and Samuel to satisfy your selfish demands!” Yara was so overwhelmed with rage that she refused to listen to Kenneth’s explanation at all.

“So, you have found out about it!"

Yara's laughter turned to sobs as she continued, “This is all your fault! None of this would've happened if you helped me marry Samuel sooner! You've never really helped me throughout the past five years! If you forced Samuel into marrying me, we might have children of our own by now! Natalie would never even stand a chance!”

Kenneth did not expect Yara, whom he had always treated as his granddaughter, to say something like that.

“I believe I have nothing left to say to you, Yara.” Kenneth stood up from his chair and ordered Jefford who was standing next to him, “See her out, Jefford!"

To his surprise, Jefford simply stood there without doing anything.

Kenneth shot him a fierce glare as he asked, “Jefford! Are you deaf or something? Did you not hear what I said?”

“Calm down, Grandpa!” Yara wiped the tears off her face and broke into a grin as she continued, “You see, Jefford only listens to me now.”

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