Chapter 681 Getting A Hold Of Yourself

Yara pursed her lips and thought hard. Her hand did not move any further toward Martin.

Seeing this, Martin tried to persuade her further. “You need to see that I'm also a victim here. Natalie is the culpable one, so we should work together now and bring her down. It won't do you any good if you kill me now. Everyone is watching us.”

A long pause ensued before Yara finally put the paring knife away.

Martin slumped to the ground in relief when he saw that. He quickly collected his clothes beside the bed and put them on in a hurry. Considering the possibility of Yara changing her mind eventually, Martin darted out of the hotel room before he could even dress properly.

Yara, on the other hand, let him run off without doing anything.

She picked up the white coat and hyper-realistic mask on the floor. The hatred and bitterness in her eyes intensified as time elapsed.

“You're really something, aren't you, Natalie? I can't believe you actually wore this ugly thing for such a long time. It's unbearable!” She crumpled the mask out of anger as she thought of how she could get back at Natalie. “I won't let you get away with this, Natalie! Over my dead body!"

Deep down, Yara knew that not only would she exact revenge on Natalie, but she would also make sure Martin pay for what he did to her.

With that thought in mind, Yara pulled out her phone and made a call to Gale.

“Gale, I have a lab rat here. I think this is just what King is looking for in their pharmaceutical research and experiment.”

A brief silence came after that. “This lab rat... May I know how this person has offended you, Ms. Yara?" Gale could not help but pop the burning question.

“This has nothing to do with you,” Yara commented, toying with the knife again. “Do you want it, or not?"

"Of course! We are more than happy to have another sample from you, Ms. Yara.”


After hanging up, Yara put on her clothes and a face mask before leaving so no one would recognize her.

Over at Dellmoor International Airport, the sun had set over the horizon.

Samuel strode down the VIP passageway in a hurry to leave the airport.

He had called Natalie earlier on, but the call did not get through since her phone was off.

Samuel saw photos of Martin and Yara on the news while he was in Loang, but because the pictures were pixelated, he could not tell if the woman in those photos were Yara or Natalie.

He kept calling her, but no one picked up.

This made him anxious.

I wouldn't care less if the person in those photos is Yara, but what if it's Natalie?

Samuel could not bring himself to imagine the possibility of that.

This was why he asked Billy to pull down all trending searches of the topic online right after it went on the news. He even asked Billy to shift netizens’ focus to other pieces of news, which the assistant found confusing.

"Why are you helping Yara, Mr. Bowers?”

He was unaware that Natalie and Yara looked alike, but Samuel was not in the headspace to explain everything to him in detail. He just asked the assistant to arrange for him to leave Loang on his private jet so he could return to Dellmoor as soon as possible; yet, he did not expect to completely lose touch with Natalie even after he arrived.

What exactly is going on? Don't tell me she’s hiding from me after what happened to her.

A deep frown stitched on the man’s brows as he imagined the worst.

“Mr. Bowers..." Billy was about to ask where they were heading, but when he saw Samuel's disconcerted face from the rearview mirror, he hushed.

Samuel, who had been busy thinking, suddenly thought of Xavian—his prodigy son who was well- skilled in hacking.

“Daddy!” The boy's surprised and excited voice came from the phone. “I thought you're still in Loang? Are you calling me from abroad?”

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