Chapter 606 Only You Can Help Me

Natalie looked into her eyes and asked tactfully, “Are your parents aware of your transfer here?” “Yes.” “Amelia, don't lie to me.”

After pondering for a while, Amelia bit her lips hesitantly before pouring out to the former. “They're oblivious to it as I only told them it's a short-term student exchange program. I mustn't let them know that I'm here to look for Yandel. If they find out the truth, I bet I won't be able to step out of Loang anymore. Natalie, you must keep it under wraps for me. I haven't seen Yandel for ages, and I miss him so much...”

As Chairman of Dream Corporation, it was actually easy as a pie for Natalie to help Amelia meet up with Yandel.

Nonetheless, she was worried that he might not be pleased to see Amelia.

Hence, she pointed out placidly, hoping to enlighten the young girl about the current circumstance. "Amelia, have you ever thought about why he keeps blocking your number? Maybe he doesn't have the courage to come face to face with you. Since he adopted you when you were young, you should know him better than me. Don't you know that he's just putting on a show leading a promiscuous life? As a strong-willed man, nobody can change his stance once he has made up his mind.”

In an instant, Amelia cast her eyes down and was rendered speechless. Moments later, she started mumbling gradually. “Natalie, do you know that I've been in love with him for thirteen years? Ever since he brought me out of the orphanage, I've fallen for him...”

Natalie remained silent, lending an ear to Amelia as she poured out her heart.

"Yandel has been doting on me during those years. I thought we'd continue to be together even after I've grown up. However, he changed ever since my parents came and looked for me. He started to treat me coldly and refused to spare me any glance. I kept asking him about his sudden change, but he was reluctant to tell me anything. Not long after that, he left Loang. As I was still young, I talked myself into focusing on my studies. I understood that there was nothing much I could do before I grew up, but I've already turned nineteen this year. I came all the way from Loang to look for him yet, I can't seem to have any chance to see him...” Amelia broke into tears, unable to stifle the waves of sorrow crushing her heart.

Natalie's heart wrenched at the sight of her tears.

Even so, she had promised Yandel earlier she would not mention a single word to Amelia. She knew too well that he had no choice.

"Amelia, have you ever thought that Yandel might still treat you coldly and even hurt you with oppressive mockery when you meet him again?” Natalie had to get a grip of herself to hint to Amelia, although she knew it might sound insensitive to give the latter another blow. She hoped the young girl could at least foresee the disappointing moment if she insisted on meeting Yandel.

“Not at all. I give no hoots to how he'll react later. I only know that I miss him so much! Most importantly, I wish to spend every moment with him just like when I was young,” Amelia replied resolutely, tears flowing down her cheeks like streams.

“Do you mean to say that you don't care about the consequence as long as you can be with him again?”

Amelia nodded in sheer determination. “Yes! Yandel is the one! I'm convinced I've found the very person whom I wish to spend the rest of my life with. I don’t wish to let any chance slip away again.” Natalie did not have the heart to see Amelia shedding tears again.

Not to mention, she had a fancy for the young girl when she was in Loang previously. In fact, she was rather down in the dumps after knowing what happened between Yandel and Amelia.

Deep down, she knew it was inappropriate for her to meddle in others’ love life. Even so, she still wished the best for the duo. Hmph! Instead of giving Amelia a chance, I should say I'm giving Yandel a chance to be true to himself!

Stroking Amelia's cheeks gently, she consoled her, “Poor girl, stop crying. I'm sure you'll get to meet him soon!”

“Hmm,” Amelia replied briefly, still sobbing.

Shortly after, Natalie stepped into the building and took the VIP elevator to head straight for her office on the top floor.

"Boss, I've something important to update you!” Yandel called out the moment she came into view. “Just a minute.” Natalie threw him a glance and said wittingly, “Ah! I guess I've dropped my flash drive somewhere at the main entrance.”

"Oh! I'll assign my assistant to help you..."

"Yandel, this is a highly important flash drive.” She looked straight into his eyes and enunciated, "Don't ask anyone to help you. You must be the one to help me with that.”

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