Chapter 604 You Must Promise Me

When Natalie woke up the following morning, she was surprised that Samuel was not lying next to her.

She lifted the blanket to get off the bed only to find hickeys all over her body.

As snippets of her steamy session with him on the previous night flashed across her mind, she blushed instantly. Thus, she kept fanning herself with her hands, hoping that it would help to cool her flushed face down.

After a quick wash-up, Natalie walked down the stairs and headed toward the living room. Moments later, when he was still nowhere to be seen, she moved toward the kitchen instinctively and saw him frying eggs.

Samuel had changed into a plain white shirt. Amid the grease and smell in the kitchen, he did not look odd at all. In fact, Natalie could even feel a rush of happiness and pride as she gazed lovingly at him.

Regardless of how assertive the omnipotent man was in the business industry, he would prioritize her wellbeing before everything else.

She tiptoed toward him and wrapped her arms around his lean waist as she murmured, “Morning.” Samuel, who was about to flip the eggs in the pan, stiffened momentarily. In an instant, his tensed frame relaxed at the softness of her body.

“Have you had enough sleep?” he asked.


Oblivious that he was getting aroused, she continued to plaster herself against his back.

He turned around slightly, held her dainty face, and locked his lips on hers.

As they indulged themselves in the passionate moment, they only came to their senses when the smell of burnt eggs filled their nostrils.

After a simple breakfast, Natalie thought Samuel would take her back to the city. It never crossed her mind that he would take her to the beach.

The warm golden rays from the sun cascaded on the blue sea, creating a breathtaking view.

Natalie stood on the soft sandy beach barefooted as she stretched out her arms to feel the breeze. “Samuel, the sea is mesmerizing! I can get everything out of my mind just by staring at it! After I have done everything and things are back to normal, I plan to lead a secluded life on an island.” Samuel stroked her lustrous hair affectionately. “I'll accompany you by then.”

"Okay!" she replied with a bright smile.

Although they were still clueless about the mysterious mastermind, the vision of a beautiful life on an island boosted their confidence.

"Samuel, do you still remember what you said last night?”

“Yes.” He squinted his eyes as he looked intently into hers.

"You said that you wouldn't live by yourself if I happen to meet my end at any moment,” she mumbled sorrowfully.


“Promise me. If it really happens, you must pull yourself together and continue to live without me. I don't believe in reincarnation, but it's possible for us to meet again if we manage to survive.” Natalie uttered languorously as if she was commenting on the weather.

“Nat...” Samuel tried to refute.

“Do I have your word?" Natalie asked solemnly.

“No, I can’t promise you!”

Natalie stood on her toes to stare into his eyes adamantly. “Promise me! Samuel, I want you to promise me!”

She was not wearing the hyper-realistic mask while alone with him at the beach. She wanted to face him with her true self.

Her flawless porcelain skin was glowing under the sunlight. There was an unmistakable hint of perseverance amid tenaciousness in her beautiful eyes.

Samuel had never come across any woman as stubborn as her.

Eventually, he had no choice but to give in. “All right. I promise.”

A smile broke out on her face the moment she heard his words.

Samuel could barely take his eyes off the captivating bright smile on her face. He knew it would be one of the most unforgettable moments for the rest of his life.

In the meantime, Thomas was observing a new batch of test subjects held captive in the cage at the research center of Dexmed Pharmaceutical with a frigid expression.

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