The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 8

The day went by quick and before we knew it, we were back at the strip club. I walked in as Maria was heading to the changing rooms, I took a quick scan. Sighing in relief there was no sign of Vincenzo. I haven’t seen him for a week, and it felt unsettling. I didn’t know if I was happy or disappointed.


As I was dancing, I felt someone slap my ass I spin around and find the same man that was here my first night. ‘Come here doll.’ This, this is my life. I walked a little closer grabbing his tie as I pull him in.

I try to imagine I was dancing for him. Just like my first night in that room. ‘How about we take it to a private room’ he shouts over the loud music. Sighing I gesture him to take the lead, ‘no’ I stop frozen in my spot so did he.

‘Hey, listen here go find someone else to fuck.’ oh no I mentally winced. Vincenzo cleared his throat before he gestured the man to leave, surely when he finally turned to look, he was faced yet again with Vincenzo. Without another word, the man quickly ran off.  Vincenzo looked me up and down before he himself decided to walk off. What the actual hell was that.

Frustrated I followed him ‘Not sure if you know this but I need clients to get paid you asshole’ He turned around facing me his face showed no emotion not even annoyance, ‘Okay, then go.’ Without another word he turned on his heel and left me standing on the floor frustrated and surrounded by too many people to count.

He moved through the crowd, “I’m not done!” I yelled as I chased after him until he was no longer in sight. I rolled my eyes and let out a frustrated groan I spun around on my heel and went back on the dance floor, I bumped into a mature man, and he asked for a private session. I happily nodded my head, and we made our way to the private rooms in the back, I walk in and started up the song.

I edged closer swaying my hips and grinding on his leg, he roughly grabbed my waist and pushed me down. I scoffed and moved his hands away, ‘Sir you’re not allowed to touch’ I moved his hands and stood up from his leg feeling uncomfortable, he quickly stood up and pinned me against the wall. ‘I can do whatever I want, for the amount I’m paying for you’ he retorts his hands planted on the wall behind me cornering me in. I lower my eyes sighing.

‘That doesn’t give you any right, to do anything I’m uncomfortable with sir. Please remove your hands and leave the building’ I asked him trying to stay calm, he scoffed and pushed me back into the wall by my neck. ‘Not until I get what I paid for’ he grunted trying to take off his pants, ‘GET OFF!’ I yelled, his grip around my neck tightened.

Feeling the air being choked out of me. I use every bit of strength I had left and pushed him off me which wasn’t much because from the smell I knew he was pissed out drunk, he stumbled back and looked up at me annoyed.

“I love it when they resist” He mumbled and lunged towards me I tried kicked him off me which resulted in him slapping me across the face. My cheek stinging, I let out a surprised gasp and he pulls me up by my hair punching me in the mouth. I felt my lip swell up and tears threatening to fall. 

I let out a scream getting scared he quickly let go and stepped aside in case anyone came in, I stormed towards him and kicked his balls, He bends downs groaning, taking advantage of his pained state I grab the back of his neck and slam in into my knee on impact I heard a satisfying crack. I did you a favour now you can get a new one.

He fell to the floor unconscious. I rush towards the door without turning back I get out and slam it shut behind me, I’ll tell the security guards and call it a night.

My mind was hazy and my lip hurt.

As I was moving through the crowd I bumped into a familiar rock-hard chest. I looked up and saw Vincenzo giving me a hard look, he looked up his eyes followed where I just came out from. “Move” I yell already feeling like shit. He looks back down at me his gaze darkening. I clear my throat and bow my head down wanting to get the hell out of this club I move past him, and he grabs my wrist and pulls me back towards him.

I slam back into his chest. Still looking down I didn’t want him to see the cut or the bruise

‘Vincenzo, I’m not in the mood.’ I beg him to just leave me alone, he tilts my chin up to get a better look at my face. I looked at him, he looked down examining my face with a concerned look. He gently wiped away the blood on my lip with his thumb still saying nothing as he looked at me. ‘I didn’t know I was bleeding’ I breath out, my chest rising and falling steadily.

After a brief pause, my heart skips a nervous beat as Vincenzo looks me dead in the eyes. ‘Who did this to you?’ my breathing hitched, knowing that tone I stayed silent. ‘I ran into a wall’ I lied ‘Isabella’ he called my name obviously not believing a wall could do this much damage.

His eyes travelled down to my neck seeing the bruise from the man’s grip. ‘Who did this?’ he asked firmly. I gulped and avoided eye contact, he pushed past me and went straight for the private room he saw me come out of. I quickly rushed after him, he stood in front of the door blocking the entry.  I went to object, but his eyes went pitch black, I knew no matter what I said he was going to do whatever he wanted and if I tried to save the man it was just going to anger him more.

His face was stone cold, his body was tense he had veins bulging out of his body while he kept tensing and biting down on his jaw. He stepped back and aggressively shut the door in my face. I banged on the door trying to open it up, but it was locked.

‘That poor son of a bitch’ I muttered under my breath, knowing exactly what was about to happen. I tried a few more times banging on the door, but it was no use. I couldn’t even hear myself think with the music blasting and the amount of people that surrounded every inch of this strip club. I pressed my ear on the door trying to hear what was going on ‘I’ll tear your arm off for fucking touching her” I hear Vincenzo faintly threaten the man.

‘You have no power over me boy.’ He spat back; I oohed in my head pressing myself further up into the door. ‘You sure about that?’ even through the door I could see the dominance in his persona, imaging him hovering over the man with that sadistic look on his face. That smile that indicates something very bad is going to happen.

I waited to hear another comment, but it was quiet, unsettlingly quiet. I moved back examining the door what’s happening. I went back to the door and pressed my ear up against it trying to hear what’s happening, but it was still so quite… too quiet.

I waited for a few minutes and heard a loud thump; I moved back and my heart slightly racing but I wasn’t sure if it was because I was scared or if it was because of an all too familiar sensation of adrenaline mixed with nostalgia.

The door flung open, and Vincenzo stood in front of the door fixing his cufflinks, I peeked over his shoulder and saw a body lying on the floor in a pool of blood. I looked back at Vincenzo who was now wiping a drop of blood that landed on his lip with his thumb.

‘What did you do?’ I asked him shocked, ‘What he did to you’ he responded causally he stepped forward and extended his hand back slamming the door shut. “How did you?” How did just his hands cause that much damage, he looks to his side and whistles a few men quickly rushed towards us he nodded his head to the door and walked away dragging me with him.

‘Let go’ I yelled taking my arm out of his grip, he let out a frustrated sigh and looked at me. He looked around and saw people watching he gave as soon as they saw Vincenzo staring back at them, they all quickly looked away going about their business.

‘Why did you do that? I was going to get security’ I stated, ‘I’ll handle your issues from now on.’ He stated simply, I looked at him sceptically ‘Why?’ I pushed edging closer to him, ‘Isabella, drop it.’ He warned his voice edging in a very dangerous territory.

I edged closer to him closing the distance, ‘I don’t want you near me. I don’t want your help and I hope you take the hint and stay away from me unless you want my knife lodged somewhere very uncomfortable’ I threatened him and walked away.

Honestly, I don’t know why I was so pissed off at him protecting me, It didn’t need to lead to the man’s death though. I frustratedly moved through the crowd, I was perfectly fine protecting myself his cocky arrogant attitude is just so frustrating!

But on him its frustratingly attractive Cockiness is so attractive in a way and it’s so irritating. Like it’s annoying and it annoys me. But the kind of expression and body language that comes with it. The self-satisfied attitude. The smug comments, the eye rolling, the smirking. ‘Come and get me’ hand gestures during a fight.

The eyebrow raises with an air of superiority, it’s just like, fuck you. I’m annoyed right now; I am so annoyed right now. But oh my god I am also so very, very attracted right now. That, that’s what’s making me angry. My main rule my only rule Hate Vincenzo King and what am I doing? I’m still thinking about him.

I decided to just finish my shift, go home, and take a nice long shower. Maria clocked out an hour early to go to her late shift at the restaurant. I walked back to the stage and went on about my routine, I look over my shoulder as I approached the pole and saw that bitch dragging Vincenzo into a private room. So, he can sleep around but I can’t even do my job.

I got off the stage and decided to just leave early and go home tonight. I change out of the wig and my outfit. I take the back door and walk down the street.  I felt a thud to the back of my head, and everything went black.

‘Is that her?’  I heard a man mutter, ‘That’s her’ another higher pitched voice spoke out. ‘Hmm, I can see why he may be taken by her.’ a low voice speak up I groaned and tried to rub the back of my head before I realised, I was tied up.

My eyes flutter open, but I wince at the throbbing sensation at the back of my head. As my eyes readjust to the light in the room, I stare at the two men in front of me. One was visibly older while the other looked to be in his early 30s.

I focus my gaze on the younger gentlemen, ‘Ah the princess is awake’ he cooed, ‘Where am I?’ I spat, looking around disgusted, If your gonna kidnap a girl at least clean up a bit damn.

‘Temper, temper, temper. It’s starting to become clear why the King himself fancies you.’ He scratched his chin as he knelt to where I was sitting, ‘But temper doesn’t work with me, if you speak to me like that again I will gladly teach you a lesson’ He purred his threat coming off too sexual to be taken seriously, but enough to make me uncomfortable. 

I looked at the old man dead in eyes, ‘And if you talk to me like a puppy, I will gladly rip out your vocal cords and feed them to you. Don’t ever mistake me for a damsel in distress’ Truth be told I was petrified, but not because of him or his baby threats, but because of being confined in a small dark basement. My whole body was threatening to shut down as my mind immediately wandered back to Spain.

I narrowed my eyes staring him down, I smirked knowing the reaction I was giving him was not what he expected but then again. He kidnaped a girl without knowing exactly what he was dealing with. I started laughing remembering the things I did before being shipped off to Spain.

The man growled as he took a hold of my throat cutting off my air. My eyes rolled back as I struggled to breathe, my hands and tied. I wheezed out ‘coward’ He slammed my head onto the brick wall behind me. ‘SHUT THE FUCK UP’ he roared.

I decided to not say anything as I caught my breath. He grabbed two knives from the table as he approached me again, I looked down at the waistband and saw the shine of his gun. I looked back at him as he propped me up and sat in front of me.

‘You’re the daughter of the drug lords back in Spain, aren’t you? You had a name something they called you.’ He shook his head before muttering that it wasn’t important since they’re dead now.

‘What do you know about Vincenzo King, who are his contacts, and when are his next shipments. When is the next family meeting, I know the head of the King family even if no one else believes me.” He asked strategically, I tilted my head as I studied his body language, his hands were shaking, his breathing was harsh and the way he is questioning me was to structured, not like a mob boss trying to get information on his rival but like a cop. ‘You’re an ex-cop, aren’t you?’ I questioned him.

He looked taken back as he dropped both knives to the floor and pulled me closer to him by my throat. ‘How did you know?’ he asked shocked.

I smiled ‘The way your hands were shaking when you were getting ready to torture me, you find the whole idea of this disgusting and it’s evident on your face, you’re very uncomfortable and disgusted with yourself. Also, the questions you asked me, didn’t resemble a fellow mafia boss or someone in a gang, you questioned me like a cop you wanted information about the contacts and next shipments so you can infiltrate and potentially get your job back.” I broke down my analysis.

Slowly reaching for the knife he dropped on the floor, using the tip of my fingers I get a grip pulling it closer to me. Freeing myself from the ropes. Still lost in thought as he tried to comprehend how I deciphered everything so fast. I could help myself feeling frustrated that I was able to break down everyone so quick but when it came to Vincenzo, I was clueless. I huffed knowing this is not the time.

“That proves nothing” He muttered loosening his grip on my neck. I shrugged my shoulders unbothered “judging by the way you’re loosening your grip on my throat it’s evident that You’re ashamed of the person you’re becoming the type of person you’re trying to get information on is who you’re turning into.’ I analysis him carefully, seeing so many of his people in the days.

‘And also, by the fact that you didn’t realise I just freed myself by the knives, you dropped and pulled me closer too.’ I smiled as I stabbed his leg and grabbed his gun from his was it band. I shot the guy from the club in the chest before he could grab his gun. I aimed it back at the man in front of me. ‘I told you do not mistake me for a damsel in distress who needs saving’ I warned him in a low voice edging closer to his face.

Still slightly disappointed he wasn’t the one who came to save me, I was proud that I still don’t need anyone to save me. The day I relay on anyone else to protect me is the day I signed my life away. He took the knife out of his leg as he charged for me. I shot him three times in the chest before I heard a lot of footsteps approaching the room. Panicked I grabbed the other guy’s gun and ran out of the back door.

I have no idea where I am, so I ran as far as my feet could carry me. I looked behind me and saw three men on my tail, fuck fuck fuck fuck. One of the men fired hitting me in the arm. Falling to the floor I cursed.

They handcuffed me to the chair; my heart beating faster than I was breathing. My body was slowly shutting down from ptsd. I can’t be in a tight, dark room. I need to get out of here now!

‘You shot my brother and son’ an old man spat. I looked up, the man looked to be in his fifty’s, grey streaks in his hair, wrinkles beginning to appear around the eyes. He was dressed in a suit and fit that whole godfather mafia boss vibes.

“Look on the bright side. I could have killed them” I spoke out harshly out of breath, keeping my head down trying to mentally take myself out of this room. I felt his presence approaching closer, but I couldn’t bring myself to look up. I can’t be in this situation again, not after last time.

‘You do understand I’m now going to kill you?’ He teased.

Maria’s POV

I finished my shift at the restaurant and waited for Bella at home. I paced around the apartment waiting for her to walk in but nothing. A knot in my stomach began forming, somethings wrong I quickly grabbed my phone and called Isabella.

No answer. I called another ten times and each time I got sent to voicemail. Ok, maybe she’s still at the club. I grabbed my coat and ran downstairs to hail a cab.

I paid the driver and ran inside searching for her, nothing. I raced to the dressing room, ‘Has anyone seen Isabella?’ I asked they all shook their heads. I ran my hands through my hair the knot in my stomach only getting bigger, where are you?

‘If you’re looking for your sister, she left hours ago’ I shook my head at the lady, ‘There’s no way she never came home.’ She shrugged and walked off. My eyes went wide as I realised the only person who’s going to be able to help me is Vincenzo. I stormed out of the changing room and into every single private room until I found him.

I flung the door open and saw Vincenzo about to receive a blow job. I shook my head and focused my gaze back on him. ‘Um what the fuck do you think you’re doing’ He asked frustrated, zipping himself up, I went to speak and looked back at the girl who was in Isabella’s previous outfit she wore today. Talk about fantasy. 

‘Listen babe you suck him off later’ I grabbed her by her arm and shoved her out as I closed the door behind me. ‘Isabella’s missing’ I told him panicked, Vincenzo’s body shot up at my words, ‘What do you mean missing?’ he questioned. Catching onto himself he calms down, his posture returning to as it was before. “What makes you think I care?’ he tried playing it off. ‘She doesn’t want my help she can handle herself’ he spoke up annoyed, looking at him I wondered if Isabella said something. Knowing her she probably did.

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, ‘She left the club hours ago and never came back home, which is out of character considering we don’t know anyone in this city, and she always comes straight back to the apartment after work’

He started at me with a blank expression, ‘Listen, you can deny any feelings you may have for my sister but please help me find her. Imagine it was your sister in this position. I’m begging you’ I plead my voice cracking. “She can’t go through this again, not after last time” I whispered softly to myself. 

‘I hate when women cry.’  He groaned walking out of the room in a rush, I scoffed doesn’t care my ass. I ran after him taking it as my cue to follow him, we entered the security room. ‘Play the back exit footage until you see a girl that looks like her leaving,’ he said gesturing towards me.

I roll my eyes as I stare at the camera footage. ‘Wait stop there’ I scream spotting Isabella. I cover my mouth in horror as I see someone hitting Bella in the head with the back of the gun. They drag her lifeless body to the back of a black van. Vincenzo grabbed me by my arm as we exited the room. We left the club and went for his car.

‘Get in’ without question I quickly jumped in the car as he speeds off. We approached a secluded gated estate. The land was massive housing over five houses and in the middle a place fit for well for a king. We approached the gates heavily guarded by 12 men.

They looked inside the car and immediately open the gate upon seeing Vincenzo. I look over at him studying his facial expressions, he looked calm, but it was obvious deep down he was furious, and even a little scared. Was he scared for Isabella?

Everything about him was powerful, how he spoke, walked, dressed. He no doubt was a man you don’t want to mess with, and I know this from one encounter with him, and I recognised that hard look on his face from the parking lot.  he is ready to kill.

We arrived at the front of the mansion as he parked his car in front of the fountain, he hurried to my side as he opened my door and grabbed me my arm again, rushing us inside.

‘LORENZO GATHER THE MEN NOW’ He roared making me jump. We entered a bedroom sitting on the bed that looked like Vincenzo’s twin, she was gorgeous long black hair, tan complexion, and the most beautiful crystal blue eyes I’ve ever seen.

‘Keep her here, non perderla di vitsa’ (don’t let her out of your sight) He quickly ordered a girl in a room, I eyed her sceptically not knowing what to do, and with that, he slammed the door closed leaving me in a room alone with her.

‘I’m Ariana King I’m Vincenzo and Lorenzo’s baby sister’ I nodded my head ‘I’m Maria knight I have a twin, but she’s been kidnapped hence why there’s a stranger in your room’ I explained to her, she eyed me carefully. ‘Don’t take this to offence, but why does my brother care your twin got kidnapped?’ I rubbed the back of my neck ‘They have some weird relationship id get into it but honestly I don’t understand it at all and judging from the way your brother reacted to seeing who took her I think he knew the men. I think they’re trying to get to him through her.’

She nodded her head understandingly ‘Come here’ she sensed my fear and pulled me in a tight hug. ‘He’ll bring her back’ she whispered reassuringly. ‘H-how can you k-know’

‘Because my brother never goes to help someone outside the family, and he is never this angry.’

Isabella’s POV

I bit my lip to refrain from screaming out in pain, I was not going to satisfy this man and allow him to know I was hurting. Despite the king crawling pain in my legs as he kept rapidly stabbing me. My legs covered in blood, my body feeling tired ready to collapse at any minute. 

I force my eyes open as I stare at the old man in front of me ‘just kill me already’ I spat over it, he smirked, ‘You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you?’ He laughed.

I laughed bitterly at his pathetic threat once again, ‘You don’t have the balls’ I mocked him. ‘You’re pretty cocky for a girl who has her hands handcuffed to the back of the chair’ I shrunk back into my chair as I stared at him hopelessly, “I’m cocky because I’m not afraid of death. We’re old friends actually” I muttered. Feeling the last bit of energy, I had left slowly fading away.

I looked at the door praying he would come storming in to save me but nothing. I hated myself that I was waiting for him to come, and regret and guilt overtook my body.

Our conversation from the club when i yelled and attacked him for helping me, ‘I don’t want you near me. I don’t want your help and I hope you take the hint and stay away from me unless you want my knife lodged somewhere very uncomfortable’ my own voice echoed in my head, I lowered my head down sighing.

‘No one is coming to your rescue love, you’re going to rot in here’ he smirked, I shut my eyes waiting for the next move. I heard him take his gun out from behind his back aiming it at my head.

I look up at him, keeping my gaze fixated on his eyes. “If you’re gonna kill me, I want you to look at me old man. Don’t go from behind like a coward.”

In a split second a flash went off and I was left in nothing but complete Darkness.

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