The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 3

Vincenzo’s POV

‘I want two new Casinos opening in the next two months we are already behind schedule on constructions. If it’s not ready to be open to the public within the given time frame, I will be deducting it from your pay’ I hung up the phone and looked up. 

‘The board is here’ Lorenzo announces before stepping aside and allowing the head of the five families inside. Coming next to me to take his rightful seat beside me and Hacker. I stand up as a sign of respect acknowledging them as they all walk to their assigned seats.

Everyone acknowledges the other nodding their heads and proceeding to take a seat, ‘Vincenzo thank you for holding the meeting’ Samuel states waiting for me to begin.

‘Pleasure is all mine’ I state to a room full of men much older than me. I clear my throat before going into detail, ‘We were all called to this meeting being the five heads of the family, we recently been informed that Salvatore has gone ashtray and not only put a hit on a member of the five families but also broke Omertà by sending a tip about the Colombo family to the feds. This meeting is to discuss what to do. We have the bosses here, the underboss and the Caporegime for each family present to discuss.’ I elaborate further when anything is done in the Mafia such as assassinations in this instance the second and third rankings of the family must be informed to make informed decisions in the future and know who is an all and who is a weak link.

‘Vincenzo, how did you discover all this?’ I looked at John and cleared my throat he was the capo for the Frances family. ‘We have a failed attempt of an assignation done on me a few nights. After interrogating he reviled his intents and who had sent him. Upon further digging, we discovered through a fed on my payroll about the leaked information’ I explain standing from my seat handing out a folder to the heads so they can examine numbers the transcript and photos of one of his soldiers interacting with a fed and walking into the federal offices. 

‘In your folders, you can see the words that were said along with the pictures for further proof.’ I lean back in my chair giving them a moment to digest the information in front of them. ‘Salvatore has been going rouge lately upon our denial to allow him to become a part of the family and of our dismissal of him in the commission’ I look around the table seeing everyone exchange looks and gestures before they regain their focus on me.

‘What do you suggest?’ Garcia speaks up, I smile looking up at him. Garcia has always been loyal to the family most importantly he was always loyal to me becoming a father figure when mine failed to do so. 

I cleared my throat and gestured to the room ‘I personally would like to terminate him. However, I called this meeting to discuss other options’ I sat back as everyone began talking and discussing ideas and ways to deal with the problem at hand.

‘He broke Omertà there is no question here’ John began getting agitated. ‘He broke the code of silence, and none less didn’t have the balls to go himself to the feds. He sent a soldier’ Samuel spat looking toward Garcia disgusted. ‘We took a blood oath to keep our mouths shut. How do we know this soldier was a part of the Salvatore’s mob?’ Michele being the only calm one questioned the information I presented. 

I smiled waiting for him to ask that question, I whistled looking towards the doors, opening it revealed Luca I nodded at Lorenzo who sat next to me both my men waiting for my order ‘bring him in’ I ordered them both, Lorenzo heads out with Luca to retrieve the soldier. 

Within a moment my men came back with the soldier slightly beaten up. All men shot their heads in his direction examining the man before me ‘Gentlemen meet the solder.’ I gestured to the red-headed boy standing in front of us all.

He was medium built, average height did not look a day over 23, especially since he willingly dyes his hair red. The underbosses all stood up wanting to interrogate and attack the soldier. 

I stood up squaring my shoulders asserting my dominance ‘Sit. Down.’ I warned the underbosses sternly, receiving a direct command from another don would have no effect but, I was an acceptance. All faced me and forcefully sat down, being the head of my Mafia and of the five families my powers were not limited to just my family but to all the families. 

I never assert myself in their affairs unless it affects me. ‘This man is now a part of my family, anyone who threatens him threatens me. He is a recruit, still proving himself.’ I reminded Red. 

‘Red, tell them.’ He looks up at me clearing his throat, ‘I was a recruit for the Salvatore family for over a year, I was vouched for by Salvatore’s son Frankie. After a year of being a recruit, I was finally moved to soldier, before they made me take the Omertà they wanted me to be a spia (snitch) the order came directly from the boss I didn’t think much of it. So, I went to the feds and told them about the five families, specifically about Mr King’ He looks at me hesitantly before quickly looking back down on the floor. 

‘Once that was done, I would officially become a soldier and took the Omertà.’ I looked around the room smiling, ‘that enough proof?’ I questioned the room. Everyone reminded silent, ‘why does ‘red’ get away with it?’ Samuel’s underboss groans out visibly upset. 

I laugh smirking at them, I walk towards red and lift his shirt up, revealing the cuts, scars, bruises, and engraving. ‘I wouldn’t say he got away with it’ I clarify moving my finger from his shirt. ‘However, proving himself loyal and useful I allowed mercy. Not that my affairs are anyone’s business’ I reminded them who is the boss looking around firmly. 

‘What do you suggest Vincenzo?’ Garcia spoke up. I smiled waiting for someone to finally ask me that. ‘Death, at my hands with every family’s blessing before action is taken’ I respectfully looked around waiting for everyone’s nod of approval.

‘How?’ Samuel’s underboss crossed an obvious line, I looked at him sternly no one asks me how, when or what. Especially a underboss from another family.

He quickly went silent once more. ‘You will all be notified once his death is finalised. Thank you all for coming.’ I stood up, unbuttoning my suit jacket wanting to desperately get out of it.

One by one everyone stood up getting ready to leave shaking hands. Only John and Samuel stayed back looking at me, ‘can I assist you in any way?’ I questioned visibly confused as to why they chose to stay back. 

‘I need some added assistance from the King’s’ John spoke up, ‘I’m here as a witness to the exchange and also in need of assistance’ Samuel added, I nodded my head slowly. I resumed my seat and looked over at John, ‘what can the King’s assist you with?’ I asked leaning back in my chair. 

‘I have the feds closing in on my ‘business adventures’ I need help to get them off my trail’ he explained I nodded my head.

‘John, you have the feds on your tale tracing illegal activities through illegal gambling, street fighting. Samuel, you also have the feds barking up your ass due to the traceable money coming from faulty and unprofessionally done weaponry shipments and exchanges.’ I explain going down a roadmap already knowing the details. 


They nodded their heads slowly, grasping just how much trouble they can be getting in. Feds exposing the men of the five families are not only life-threatening it’s an end to the Family. Specifically, if it’s the head of that family the mafia won’t shut but it will always be exposed and watched as the identity and details of that mafia would have been realised.

I sighed looking up at them ‘I have two new casinos, clubs and a few hotels opening up. In New York, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Russia. I can add you as business partners and use the business as a taxable example of the sudden growth in income also a way to money launder your earnings through the legit businesses.’ I explained being the only businessman among the group. 

Knowing just how to exploit the government while also gaining more money than I know what to do with. They looked at each other then back at me with relief, I smiled condescendingly surely, they wouldn’t think I’d give such a favour without expecting a fair exchange. 

Dominance, confidence, and power are extremely important to be taken seriously in my line of work. I need to show them that with or without them I was still in power, that my rank was still higher, and it isn’t me who is in trouble with the law. Letting them simmer for a moment I decided to speak.

‘In the end, this deal benefits you more than it does the kings. Our business flourishes and you stay out of the law’s eye. However, in return, the Kings get 25% profit for all that we are offering’ I explained the numbers.

I slightly tilted my head eyeing everyone in this room ‘The choice is yours, choose wisely but please don’t take too long as this deal has an expiry date.’ I explained handing them drawn up contracts in case of such an occurrence were to happen.

They all looked at me, ‘how did you know we would ask you for help?’ I looked tapping my thumbs together ‘I don’t like mistakes. Preparedness is key’ 

They sat in their seats for a minute before both John and Samuel signed the contract. Smirking in victory I turned to Lorenzo who was beyond impressed and If I wasn’t mistaken proud.

‘Pleasure doing business with all of you, after my lawyers go over the paperwork. I will personally call you both to explain how it’s going to work’ One by one the members shook my hand, exchanged pleasantries, and left.

I grabbed a cigarette from my left pocket and lit it. I blew out the smoke watching as it slowly disappears in the air. Gaining 25% profit from two of the head families should feel like such a victory usually it would be occupying my mind, but I found myself wondering about something else.

Someone else to be more specific, I found myself thinking about the girl I saw yesterday at the airport, she was captivating like you were staring at an eclipse you know you shouldn’t be, but you can’t help but admire. She was beautiful without a doubt her long black hair just hovering over her ass, her sweats hugging her curves perfectly. I sighed scratching my jawline, thinking about how her eyes melted as they looked into my own. 

Those big emerald, green eyes. Some say green is the strongest colour because it ignites the new season after the passing of wintry days, and something tells me she lived up to that saying. 

I have never seen a girl fight as effortlessly as she did, her demeanour reminding me too much of my own the power she was able to radiate was both intriguing and worrying. She looked like the type of girl that would drive me to insanity I was still torn if that excited me or worried me.

I shook my head mentally cursing myself, putting out my cigarette and walking out of my office. I walked past some of my men and women. Everyone apart of my Mafia has a responsibility being either something in the estate or in the mafia or my other businesses.

All sworn under the code of silence. Under that code, you swear loyalty to the mafia and its boss. Swearing silence and loyalty are seen as a big part of our life it’s a sacred binding agreement and if broken, is punishable by death. No matter how long it will take you will die, it’s a guaranteed death sentence there is no escaping.


I get back to my office, sitting at my desk I look at the file and paperwork that was stacked neatly. Letting a sigh out I bury myself in work, then I heard the two idiots at the front of my door. Arguing ‘Cazzo’ I sigh under my breath watching the doors burst open.

‘Hey Fratello, you miss your baby bro’ Lorenzo sang approaching my desk. I smile trying to hide my amusement shaking my head ‘awe poor baby are you working?’ Lorenzo teased pouting looking down at the pile of paperwork. I kept my head down filling out paperwork flipping him off, ‘ouch’ he grabs his chest acting hurt. ‘Fuck yourself, Lorenzo, where is Ariana?’ I asked.

‘Right here Fratello, who do you think opened your door like that,’ she said placing a kiss on my cheek. ‘You’re so lucky it was you’ I smiled and kissed her head. ‘How is that fair, she touches you and flings your door open and I get the finger fuck use both, I’m going to the club’ He jumps off my desk and goes to the door.

Ariana and I burst out laughing, ‘Lorenzo the second I was born you became irrelevant’ The only person who I had a major soft spot for was Ariana. I raised her, I was there for everything, and it was really killing me watching her grow up. Being the oldest, I couldn’t help but be overly protective over her. Putting aside the obvious sibling rivalry so was Lorenzo.

‘Vincenzo we all know I’m your favourite but because she’s here you deny it’ Lorenzo hissed the word ‘she’s’ pointing his finger at her. ‘But it’s fine because she’s my favourite as well’ Ariana leapt for Lorenzo like a tiger hunting a deer, Lorenzo being the drama queen in the family screamed like a little girl and made a run for it as Ariana chased him. I burst out laughing ‘idiota’s’ I screamed out, making a gesture with my fingers to the men to shut my doors.



Isabella’s POV

Finally catching a cab, we gave the man the address to our new apartment and sat quietly in the back looking for jobs sighing in defeat the only available good-paying jobs was this private strip club and a waitressing job near our apartment. Honestly, the money is good and if we are going to make it on our own, we really can’t be picky just yet.

Maria and I individually called the businesses applying Via phone giving them details of our previous jobs and so forth. For the stripper’s joint, we had to give our real names as the owner is apparently pretty controlling and hates being lied to.

Someone doesn’t like making mistakes. I huffed, great a controlling boss what a nice way to start this new chapter. We were told to start tomorrow at the restaurant and the strip club said they will call us sometime next week or earlier with details about our employment status. Man, there were so well-spoken for a strip club. I mentally shrugged and landed back in my seat waiting to arrive at the apartment.


I woke up to someone shaking me, ‘Isabella we’re here get up’ I looked at Maria like a five-year-old would look at their mother before saying just five more minutes. Maria from her facial expressions was so over my shit already. I giggled and finally got out of the cab the feeling of the cold air hitting my skin jolted me awake, ‘Mierda’ I hissed it’s freezing. We quickly walked inside; the building looked really nice for a place in the backstreets of Brooklyn.

We gave details, filled out forms and the landlord gave us our key we got inside the elevator and pressed floor 25. We were high up and all I wanted to do was cosy up with a blanket and sit on the balcony, as my memories of Spain take over, and my thoughts ran wild, slowly erasing the trauma we had to endure.

But I was not going to let his abuse turn me into some damsel in distress I didn’t allow it then and I won’t allow it now. I shook my head as if to get rid of those thoughts and focused on the number on the elevator changing before it dinged on level 25.

Opening the door to our apartment I took it all in. It wasn’t much but it was breathtaking. Our living room and kitchen were connected in front of us a massive slide door right in the middle of the wall leading you to the balcony.

Our bedrooms were connected, and we had only one bathroom. ‘Great twins are sharing a bathroom, this should be fun’ Maria sarcastically beamed. ‘We each get only an hour inside in the mornings’ she nodded her head in agreement. Looking at each other we couldn’t help the silly grin forming on our faces ‘WE’RE FREE’ we shouted at the top of our lungs.

We stayed up watched tv, ordered a few living essentials, bed covers, blankets, pillows, and things for the apartment. Tomorrow morning on our run will stop by the grocery store to pick up food and toiletries. We each went off into our separate bedrooms, lying in bed I couldn’t help but grab the blanket wrap it around myself and step outside on the balcony.

The feeling of the cold air causing goosebumps to form on my skin sent a shivering feeling through my body. Gripping the blanket tighter around myself I couldn’t help but imagine that man again, who was he? 

Why did he stare at me for so long? why did my body heat up? why am I still thinking about a man I don’t know? why does he have so many tattoos?

All unanswered questions, well except for the last one I think I know that answer and all I could master was heavenly. I clenched my legs together feeling the intense throbbing from just picturing his gorgeous face in between my legs. 

I sighed closing my eyes softly, imaging how his deep grey eyes burned into mine, the way his eyes looked like they were formed by the god of thunder. 


‘STUPID FUCKING ALARM CLOCK, MARIA WE ARE IN THE 20 FIRST CENTURY FUCKING BREAK THAT CLOCK AND GO BACK TO SLEEP’ I yell from my bedroom. First goddamn decent sleep we have had in lord knows how long, and this idiota really wants to wake up at … I grab my phone to check the time 6am … SIX BLOODY AM!

I bury my face in the pillow groaning and yelling into it. ‘Get your ass up I’m hungry, we need to go for our run, and we have no food, or any female products move it.’ Rolling my eye’s, I grab my sweats that we arrived in, and the tank top I had on yesterday and put them on again. Okay, maybe we do need to go get a few things I mentally gag at how dirty I feel. 


After our hour run, we stopped by Starbucks and got a frappe. Yes, we got Starbucks, no judgement! As we entered the mall, we got a few outfits with the stripping money we earned before we arrived in New York, some food, and toiletries. Maria was getting bored and wanted to buy some lingerie, I have no idea who she thinks she’s wearing them for but whatever.

As soon as we entered Victoria’s secret my body heated up, I eagerly scanned the store knowing only one person was able to get that reaction out of me. My eyes landed on a tall, tattooed man with a girl who could pass off as his twin. It was him; my heart began speeding up feeling like it was on the verge of bursting out of my chest. My legs started turning into jelly feeling myself throbbing. I crisscrossed my leg mentally scowling myself to get it together.

‘Isabella’ Maria shouted from across the room alerting sex on legs as he scanned the room curiously before landing his eyes on me, I tried to desperately pry my eyes away and make myself seem as normal as possible and not look like I was imagining him fucking me on that table.

I licked my bottom lip when I caught him still staring at me and walked further inside the store, I started grabbing a few pieces and watched as he eyed a lingerie set on a mannequin. I smirked getting an idea, I slowly strolled past him picking up the set smiling to myself when I heard him suck in a breath. 

I made sure to sway my hips when I walked past him. His eyes followed me hungrily watching his body heat up and his breathing pick up, his chest heaved up and down and it made him a million more times attractive. Seeing how hungry he was for me, it felt like a long time being wanted like that. I stop in front of Maria and smile ‘You find something?’ I genuinely asked her also trying to act as normal as possible without alerting her.

She gave me a few sexy pieces to try on and placed the casual ones for both of us in a basket. Three pieces were picked out by Maria, red, dark purple and black. 

I grabbed the set I picked up and decided to spice it up by adding fishnet stockings pulling them up to my knee and trying on the lingerie. The corset bra and low waisted underwear highlighted my curves as I analysed myself in the mirror. 

I open the door subconsciously hoping he was somewhere near the changing room; I opened the door completely revealing myself to Maria.

‘Cazzo’ a deep-voiced muttered. His Italian accent was thick, my heart jumped to my fucking throat and my pussy began throbbing just from hearing his voice, his thick accent just made me go from lust to hunger.

dulce Madre de todo la Santo. (Sweet mother of everything holy)

Maria looks at my flustered face then scanned the room and her eyes landed on sex on legs, she looks back at me with the biggest evil grin. I mentally yell at her to not do whatever it is she is about to do.

‘Isabella Knight’ she whistles out altering him and practically the rest of the store. I look at her mortified and ready to kill her ‘te mataré’ I hissed at her. The sexy Italian muttered something under his breath before running his hands through his thick black hair. Trying to breathe, my breathing hitched watching his muscles flex under as he tried to desperately remain calm. 

Nice to know I wasn’t the only one feeling like I was going crazy.

I cleared my throat death glaring at Maria ‘We are leaving’ it came out more of a threat than a statement, but she simply nodded feeling satisfied with herself and went to checkout. ‘Ariana, I don’t know why the fuck you dragged me in here’ the Italian man spat at who I’m assuming is the girl’s name, Ariana I repeated her name in his accent in my head. A pretty name I thought to myself.  ‘Ay your such an idiota, Vincenzo you’re here to pay that’s all.’ she spoke up, and I sniffled a laugh. 

‘Why do I have to pay? Why the fuck would you bring your brother here while you shop for this shit. Put it back I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re wearing this shit for anyway.” He hissed, even from behind the door I swear I heard her roll her eyes.

‘Big bro … just shut up” She responded exhausted, ‘this is the last time I’ll ever let you guilt me into shopping with you’ I laughed in my head, ‘no it’s not’ I mentally added my inputs don’t know why but the way he treats his sister made me smile like a puppy.

I climbed out of the dressing room, looking at the price tags bumping into Italy. On impact, my face hit his chest, what is under that shirt, rocks? I hissed and looked up, ‘I- sorry I didn’t see you’ I stuttered out rubbing my forehead. 

He stared at me unamused, ‘watch yourself’ he walked past me, I rolled my eyes grabbing his arm stopping him from walking off ‘It looked like you enjoyed doing that yourself’ I winked indicating him watching me in the set. A small playful smirk immerged on his sour face. ‘It was a show I’d love to watch again’

I raised my eyebrows and looked him up and down ‘except next time, you won’t have anything but those fishnet’s on’ my breathing hitched, and I clench my legs shut and mentally cursed my urges that were getting the best of me.

‘How about next time you get out of my way’ I smiled looking up at him. His jaw tensed ‘watch that tongue’ he warned me. ‘I wouldn’t want to have to cut it off before I get good use out of it’ He threatened his threat coming off more intimidating than I would like to admit. I laughed lowly, ‘watch your step’ I threatened him and walked off pushing past him. 

‘I’M FINE BY THE WAY’ I yelled out as I started walking towards Maria. Then suddenly I felt a pair of hands gripping my forearm’s. I hissed and looked at the man holding me. My eyes went wide. Fuck it’s him. The guy from the club “what the fuck are you doing here?” I asked shocked to see him again. ‘You sneaky stealing, fucking bitch’ I yanked my arms from his grip. ‘Judging from your fucking tone I guess someone didn’t get sucked off yet huh?’ I grabbed Maria by her arm as we quickly exited the store. 

We quickly exited the store, and he was hot on our tail, he cut us off in the surprisingly deserted parking lot and stood in front of me. ‘I cannot catch a break’ I sarcastically muttered.

‘You have five seconds to give me back my wallet or so help me god I’ll fucking kill you both here’ he spat. Pulling his jacket back, revealing a gun.

Maria was clearly frightened, but I on the other hand being surrounded by people like him my whole life was calm. I felt in my element right back at home ‘Go ahead kitten, do it’ I pressed teasing him. ‘Your money is all gone now, I’m actually planning on wearing it tonight’ I smiled condescendingly winking at him. 

He pulled out the gun and aimed it at my head, my heart rapidly beating. Not sure if it was fright or simply adrenaline, I looked him dead in the eye not moving a muscle or showing any sign of fear. Like I was almost daring him to pull the trigger, to do something stupid and give me an excuse to return to my old self like I so badly wanted.

‘RED!’ a familiar deep Italian voice roared clearing everyone who was in the mall. Whoever was around now all scattered away like scared cats.

‘But boss-‘

‘Shoot and you’re a dead man’ His voice was low boring its way into my head sending a chill up and down my spine. ‘Red, that’s an order’ Red stayed stubborn with the gun still aimed at me. ‘SHE STOLE FROM ME’ He shouted like it was a green light to shoot me. Like he was going to allow it and I thought he would when I saw his face go through shock than anger.  He pulled out his gun and aimed it at the man in front of me ‘Red’ He muttered, Red visibly scared lowered his gun slowly before adrenaline kicked in and he shot at me, my old reflexes kicked in I leaned back everything felt like it was happening in slow motion like I saw the bullet travel above my head then hit the wall behind me. I jolted up and looked back at him shocked and pissed. 

‘You need to learn how to aim a gun, or don’t carry one’ I spat, he looked at me mortified and back at his boss. ‘Watch. Your. Mouth’ Vincenzo slowly warned me.

Goosebumps rose on my skin rolling my eyes I chose to ignore it but before I had the chance to react my body jolted back at the sound of the gun firing. Red now laid on the floor clutching his leg ‘I don’t like repeating myself,’ he muttered before casually walking away. I looked down at red shocked, not knowing what to feel.

He laid on the floor his leg bleeding out. Not being able to utter a single word my heart turned Oh, bloody hell. I cursed myself, sometimes it felt like I had two different personalities, I didn’t but in a way, it felt like I did. 

I kneeled to his level, grabbed a scarf I recently purchased and applied pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. ‘Why are you helping me’ he managed to cough out. ‘First of all, don’t talk your voice annoys me. Second, because I’m not completely heartless’ well at least not anymore. 

How did he just casually shoot someone, like nothing and walk away like nothing even happened. No one even blinked an eye, as if what just happened never happened. Not that many were around anyway.

I went to call the ambulance before he snatched my phone from my hands and hung up. ‘No’ he muttered. ‘You need a hospital’ stating the obvious. ‘We have a private clinic! hospitals ask too many questions’ He spoke out breathless, unbelievable he just got shot, and he’s still loyal to the Italian. Sure, his amazing to look at but he doesn’t seem … well you know gay. I eyed him chewing the inside of my lip. 

‘I still want my stuff back’ I rolled my eyes at his comment ‘Yeah and I want my sanity back.’ I stood up “we want things that are long gone. Get over it already” seeing men approach us I walked off grabbing Maria as they helped red into a car.

Maria still slightly shaken up looked at me, ‘don’t get yourself in that mess’ she stated, I looked her offended ‘you have a tendency to get wrapped up with people like him Isabella, you always loved the adrenaline, the mystery, the danger. But he might be too dangerous. stay away from him’ I looked at her dumbfounded ‘I was not planning on getting wrapped up in anything’ I stated half lying.

The thought of the Italian sent a shiver down my spine, fear, curiosity, and adrenaline pumped through my veins. He was dangerous no doubt but something about him caught my attention and I knew once something catches my attention it’s hard to let it go.

There was more to him, but he was way too dangerous to be messed with. I shook my head, I need to stay away from him I can’t go down that path again, I just can’t do it. 


Entering the apartment, we organised everything. Food in the fridge, clothes in the closet, everything was in place and we both felt so sticky. Maria ran to the shower before me, so I decided to start dinner before our shift at the restaurant.

I placed a plate for Maria on the table while I ate my food on the balcony. ‘Shoot and you’re a dead man’ his voice echoed in my head like a catchy song you just couldn’t shake off.


Vincenzo’s POV

‘YOU JUST SHOT HIM’ Ariana yelled in my ear as we got in the car, ‘years and years of me shooting people and you never fail to be just as shocked as the first time Ariana’ I rolled my eyes, at her repetition. 

‘It’s Red, he’s a part of the mafia! We don’t shoot our own’ She stated the obvious. ‘Ariana, I gave him a direct order, he disobeyed and shot an innocent I don’t tolerate that. I’m the boss if I say jump you jump. Besides he is a new soldier, he is only a part of us because he was useful’

‘Your main rule is don’t show mercy to those who steal or wrong you!’ She stated my rules back to me, rolling my eyes I rubbed my temple feeling a headache coming on. She wasn’t wrong, that was my main rule. We don’t show mercy to those who wrong us, steal, or try and harm us. 

‘I’m the boss Ariana, what I say you obey. My men. My business. Drop. It. Ariana.’ I warned her. Hearing the threatening tone in my voice she huffed and crossed her arms and sat in her seat like a child avoiding my stare.

Finally, silence.

Cazzo, the second it got quiet. My phone started buzzing against my thigh. ‘Vincenzo King’ I answer the phone. ‘Boss we filled the positions for the strippers. You told us to call when those spots were filled as they will be entertaining your personal guests’

‘Si, I need names’

‘Isabella Knight and Maria Knight’

Isabella Knight, my thought began to run wild imagining her on that pole causing my dick to twitch. Hell, I don’t know why I can’t get her out of my head. I shot one of my men for her and I don’t even know how, I cursed under my breath knowing I’ll be apologising for it later. Letting out a cough I hung up the phone. 

My mind disregarding my plea to shut up began thinking about her in that set at the store. I shuffled uncomfortable moving and adjusting my pants. It hugged her curves like it was made just for her, her long legs barely covered in the fishnet stockings and her long hair draped down just above her waist. She looks like something out of this world. 

She has this attitude this commanding personality, my mind replayinig the events at the store. The way she grabbed my arm stopping me from walking off, how she threatened me.

She radiated power but also goodness, that’s what intrigued me the most. How can she be both a devil and angel, watching her handle Red and even talk back to me was something I have never seen any man do and I respected her for that. It only made her more desirable, setting her apart from every girl I know. I had an annoying feeling that this was not going to stop. I just needed to get her out of my system, I nodded my head convincing myself it was just lust.

We arrived back home, and I went straight towards my office.

‘Lorenzo and Bullseye in my office’ I yell out, the whole estate going dead silent. I didn’t forget that Salvatore trying to kill me off, I gave him enough time to stir in his spot. Time to play I smirked to myself feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Both men rushed inside the office before nodding their heads in respect, ‘Boss’ I nodded my head greeting them. 

‘We just got word from Red that the Salvatore’s have been stealing from us, let’s not forget he tried to kill me. There’s a shipment about to take place near the harbour. The Salvatore’s will be present to do an exchange with the Gracias under our name.’ 

‘I want his men wiped out, I want him to think he escaped’ Both nodded and went to assemble men. Nessuna Pietà (No mercy.)


Within a few hours Lorenzo and the men were back. ‘We have a special someone downstairs boss’ Lorenzo smiles looking between himself and Bullseye. 



I walk down to the basement and eye a very scared Francesco. Lorenzo and bullseye standing next to him. I step into the light so I’m in view. ‘Vincenzo Please, let’s talk’ he begs. I motion for bullseye to leave and Lorenzo to stay put.

I grab a chair and slam it in front of him as I sit down ‘Talk’ It came out harsher than I intended but I remained calm and composed waiting for him to speak. He flinched trying to move back and get as far from me as possible.

‘I didn’t steal anything I swear we owe our entire legacy to you’ He blurted out, like a scared mouse.  I laughed mockingly ‘Oh si, you didn’t steal anything’ I laugh smiling at him. Enjoying his obvious fear, the amusement intertwining with my every word.

Nodding my head ‘Si, all you did was sell our narcotics without informing us, stealing my contacts claiming you were doing business under the Kings name, proceeding to try forming an alliance with our overseas partners and as if this cannot get any better.’

Grabbing the chair, I was sitting on I stood up picking it up in the process slamming it across his head. ‘Your pathetic attempt to kill me. I’m sure your assassin came back and showed you my handy work’ I spoke out proud.

His eyes widened his chest going up and down as his breathing became harsher and rigid. ‘Do you know what I do to those who go behind my back Francesco?” I question him. He looked at me his eyes, widening visibly terrified and full of fear.

The kind of fear that can paralyse you, the fear of what’s about to happen. The fear of not knowing kills more people than torture. His body trembled while I watched in bliss feeling satisfaction in his terror.

His knuckles began to turn white as he gripped the chair he was currently tied to. I leaned down now at eye level. ‘I torture them’ I whispered answering my own question. ‘Vincenzo please don’t do this I’ll do anything’ I cut him off-putting my finger to my lips. 

‘I didn’t finish’ I walked over to the table containing my favourite weapons. I dragged my fingers across the weapons feeling giddy. ‘I torture them until their souls leave their bodies. Until your body simply can’t take the pain anymore until it finally gives up and puts you out of your misery. In short, my old friend … You’re going to die tonight’ I conform his unasked question.

I pulled out my knife walking back towards him I glide it over his face and body. ‘Vincenzo Please’ he cries. I drag the knife and wherever it landed cut him hearing his grunts and cries on the more sensitive areas. A fresh cut on his cheek watching it ooze blood, ‘PLEASE’ he screams. Another cut. I began to cut him wherever I decided the skin could use a scar.

‘Why shouldn’t I end you right now?’ I questioned ‘I have a son’ he begged. I looked at him fire burning inside me. ‘Am I supposed to care that you procreated?’ I asked him calmly. ‘I have a family; I have siblings I’m responsible for. But that didn’t seem to matter when you wanted to kill me’ I made clear at the irony in his plea. 

I then stab him in his stomach, missing all vital organs not killing him. Just causing him pain, ‘Did you think I was going to end your life fast? … oh no I want you to feel this … I want you to suffer’ I threatened in a low voice. ‘I have a kid please’ He whispered. I looked at him with a raised brow ‘Congratulations? Let’s hope he isn’t as stupid as you’ I prayed.

I watched his Adam’s apple slowly bounce up and down as he swallows the lump in his throat, muscles stiffening his body kicking in flight or fight. 

I tilted my head a crazed look in my eyes. Sweat began to fall from his forehead as he eyed me looking for any sort of hope, any humanity behind them. My eyes darkened my head became clouded by a dark cloud and a devil whispering in my ear. 

I laughed, keeping my eyes on him. Grabbing the knife, I pull it out of his stomach harshly and tossing it up in the air and catch it, swiftly stabbing him in his right eye. ‘You won’t be needing those anymore’ I hiss pulling the knife back out. 

The room filled with his horrific screams as I proceeded to do the same to his left eye. Then once slice to the neck. Ending his life, I watched his body fall lifelessly to the floor. His head collapsed in front of him blood dripping from every inch of his face. 

I grabbed his arm and carved V.K before flinging his arm back standing up to grab a towel off the table and wipe my stained hands.

‘Send his eyes to the Salvatore estate” I looked over at Lorenzo, ‘and burn his body to ashes” I give out my orders heading towards the door.

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