The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 35

Isabella’s POV

The sound of people talking above my head and sound of machines caused me to slowly flutter my eyes open, my hand rested on my stomach as I slowly became conscious. I looked around the brightly lit up room and saw a nurse standing above my head. ‘My … My baby’ I coughed out, my throat felt itchy. She handed me a cup of water which I accepted gratefully, ‘You and the baby are perfectly fine. It’s a miracle that no harm was done, however, you are now at high risk. We highly recommend you stay put and relax for a few months’ She informed me, I nodded my head rubbing my belly with a small smile on my face.

She tells me about medication and vitamins I’ll be needing to take and slowly leaves my room. I hear a knock on the door, and I slowly look up and freeze when I see who’s at the door. I gulp and eye him as he makes his way towards the side of the bed. ‘Isabella’ Lorenzo whispers, almost unsure of how to act. ‘I- I thought … but you’re here.’ I nodded my head slowly, taking in a deep sigh. ‘I can explain’ I whisper, he nods his head encouraging me to continue. ‘Vincenzo wasn’t sure who to believe in all honesty. He was at war with himself and didn’t want to have me stay at the estate while he was figuring everything out. The target that was already on my back would just grow bigger and he didn’t want people getting confident and invade or use me as leverage’ I exhaled and looked back up at Lorenzo who starred at me nodding his head slowly absorbing the information he was receiving.

‘He- We both decided faking my death would’ve been the better option. To keep me safe’ He looked at me then down at my belly ‘You and the baby’ he added. I moved back, my hand clutching my stomach as my eyes widen hearing him say that. ‘Y-you know?’ He nodded his head slowly ‘I saw you here earlier and I was told you and the baby are okay. I mean I’m just surprised Vincenzo didn’t tell us about all this.’ I hung my head low; he edged closer to the bed ‘He does know right?’ I started chewing my bottom lip, ‘Isabella’ he sighs.

I look up and look at him with a pity expression, ‘I wanted to… God, I wanted to. I couldn’t wait to be back in his arms again and tell him about the baby but …’ I stopped talking and he looked at me ‘What?’ he questioned. ‘But he wasn’t Vincenzo’ I whispered. ‘I promised myself not to tell anyone until I told him, but when he came back, he wasn’t Vincenzo. He became the old Vincenzo, the person he was before he met me. It felt wrong, and I was scared. I was terrified that this version of him, the cold distant. That he wouldn’t want the baby.’ I whispered the last part a tear escaping my eye as it trailed down.

He exhaled and looked up at me ‘Isabella, I understand and get where you are coming from, but you have to tell him now more than ever. Maybe you’ll come back to the estate’ I shook my head no. ‘I’m not going back, not until he believes me. Besides, to the world I’m dead’ I reminded him, I looked at him with a confused stare, ‘wait a second. Why are you here?’ I asked confused at the fact that he just so happened to be at the hospital I’m at. ‘This isn’t exactly a tourist landmark’

He lowered his head and looked back up at me, it wasn’t until now I noticed his eyes. They were red and puffy like he had been crying for hours, he looked like he hasn’t slept since yesterday and from how exhausted his voice sounds, I would have to guess he has been at the hospital for a day. ‘Lorenzo’ I whisper begging him to tell me what’s wrong even if I knew I didn’t want to know. ‘Xavier, he … he came to the estate. Long story short, mum is dead, and Maria was shot, she got out of surgery, but the doctor said things are not looking the best, but he is optimistic.’ Before he could even finish, I was already out of my bed, I started limping towards the door, not being able to balance. ‘Isabella, please just stay here. You’re just going to make your condition worse; I promise when I find out anything I’ll come here and tell you.’ He begged, I ignored his plea and balanced myself on the doorknob.

Lorenzo sighed and grabbed my arm helping me out of the door, ‘just as stubborn as the first day I met you, and you had stab wounds in your thighs’ he expressed the parallel. I shook my head with a small smile before I remembered Maria.

We walked into her room, and I gasped seeing her weak body lay on the bed ‘Maria’ I softly cried as I limped towards her, her eyes closed the only noise was the sound of her weak steady breathing. ‘Maria, por favour’ I softly cried caressing her cheek. She fluttered her eyes open slowly before she set them on me, ‘Bella?’ she whispered. I cried and kissed her forehead, ‘I’m so sorry amor. I’m so sorry this happened to you.’ She shook her head softly and held my hand, her weak grip made me ache as I looked at her.

‘Isabella, you’re alive’ she whispered tears streaming down her face, I wiped them off and smiled nodding my head. ‘I was so mad, I thought he killed you’ she coughs and looks at me once more ‘then yesterday I saw it in his eyes, a hint of the same look of love he had a year ago … and I just knew there was no way he did it’ I shook my head not wanting to talk about that, ‘please Maria, just save your energy. When you get out, I promise you we are going to do something again, a trip to the beach?’ I smiled.

She smiled and nodded her head ‘I’m sorry for what I said … I was just-‘ I shook my head and stopped her ‘you were right, I never should have hidden it from you. They’re our parents, not just mine.’ She nodded her head and smiles ‘I love you so much, don’t ever forget that’ she warned me. I nodded my head slowly ‘I know baby, I know. I love you so much more’

‘Isabella, promise me something. You too Lorenzo.’ I shook my head immediately ‘No, there is no need to make promises. You are getting out of here healthy and alive, Maria when you are up and standing, I’ll make whatever promise you want … please don’t make me promise anything now’ I cried the last sentence knowing if she is asking us to make a promise, she was planning on leaving like she knew her time was up. I refused to accept that fact.

‘Isabella, Lorenzo. Promise me no matter what happens you’ll be happy; you’ll go out and live your days normally. Isabella promises me that you won’t remember me like this, that you’ll remember me as the girl who admired you, the girl who loves flowers and princess movies. The girl who use to beg you to play dress up, the girl who would climb all over you when I wasn’t getting the attention I wanted. Promise me you’ll remember me as I was not as I am now’ She weakly squeezed hand

‘And don’t you dare let yourself go, take care of yourself. Live for me, make memories for me, do so much crazy things because when I see you again, I want to hear all the crazy stories. So, you better live and take care of my niece or nephew’ I looked taken back, ‘Lorenzo can’t keep a secret’ she giggled softly.

‘Take care of him or her, and make sure you tell them stories about their aunty Maria and how much she loved them. Tell them even though they can’t see me I’m right there, watching them grow up, laugh, and make memories. I’ll also be there laughing when they drive you crazy, I’ll be cheering them on from the side lines no matter what they go through, and I’ll be there watching them grow into the person they are destined to be … and whoever that is I’m so proud. Tell them I love them more than the sand at the beaches and deeper than all the oceans and tell them if I could be there, I would have, but I want to know about everything, so you make sure you bring me my babies so they can tell me about their days.’ I choked back tears as I watched her, as she softly spoke her voice breaking as the tears started streaming down her face.

She softly turned to Lorenzo and held his hand as well, ‘Promise me the same, you will not end or give up on life. I want to be able to watch over you and see you doing so many things, I want to see you painting. I want to see you getting excited when you win a game in monopoly, I want to see you laugh and smile, the smile that made me fall so madly in love with you … I want to see you love again and know I’m so happy for you. If I don’t like her, I’ll give you a signal don’t worry’ she joked trying to lighten the mood, he shook his head softly tears escaping his eyes as he squeezed her hand tighter.

‘I want you both to make so many memories and do so much crazy stuff because if you come back to me with boring stories, I’m fly kicking you both out’

She let out a cough before continuing ‘You can both cry and shed tears because I’m gone, or you can smile because I lived. You can close your eyes and pray that I’ll come back, or you can open your eyes and see all the memories and love I left behind. Your heart can be empty because you no longer can see me, or you can be full of the love we shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember me and only that I’m gone, or you can cherish my memory and let it live on forever. You can cry and close your hearts and mind be empty and turn your back on life. Or you can do what I want from you both, smile, open your eyes, love, and go on. Don’t you dare let this be the only memory you remember of me. Don’t you dare associate me with this moment. Remember me for who I am. Not for my death’

‘Alive or not, I’ll never love a soul like I loved you. Please don’t leave me’ Lorenzo quietly begged her. ‘You’ll be in our hearts forever and always; you’ll never leave this world. I’ll carry you around with me forever my love’ He kissed her forehead and rested his head on their intertwined hands. ‘I love you more than you love getting drunk’ she softly giggled, ‘dead or alive I’ll always remember you, my one and only love. If I have room in your heart, I’ll always be with you’

She went quiet and bit her bottom lip, she grabbed an envelope from the side desk. ‘Give this to Vincenzo for me please’ she whispered softly. Lorenzo took the note and tucked it in his pocket. She weakly squeezed both of our hands.

‘I love you so much Maria, and I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there to save you.’ she smiled and shook her head ‘it’s always you saving everyone, let me have my moment’ she softly giggled.

I shook my head ‘you saved so many lives, without needing to be violent. You are an angel, and now you’re really going to be one’ I cried. She rubbed my arm and smiled looking at both me and Lorenzo, she pointed softly to the sky out from the window

‘I want you both to know, that there is where I want to be. Watching over all of you like a dream’ I let out a cry as Lorenzo knelt and kissed her hand. ‘Besides I’ll have Dante to keep me company, I heard so many stories from both of you. I can’t wait to meet him’ she admitted through teary eyes.

I shook my head and looked at her with sad eyes ‘say hi to him for us, Maria, I love you so much’ Lorenzo whispered. ‘Promise me you will also keep an eye on her for me’ I rolled my eyes and laughed softly through the tears, ‘and make sure my baby isn’t starving’ she laughed and looked back at me ‘jokes aside, you are going to be such an amazing mum. That baby is the luckiest little bean’ my lips quiver as my throat starts burning up, I laid my head on her shoulder as she sighs. ‘You both didn’t promise me’ she sated. I sighed and looked at her ‘I promise’ we both whispered at the same time, she smiled and looked at the sky from the window.

‘When you find mum and dad, which I know you eventually will. Tell them I missed them, and I love them more than anything. Tell Mama I still check up on the flower shop and I planted the seeds she gave me. That even though I’m gone now I’ll always be around. Look at the flowers or the waves at sea and know I’m there.  Tell Papa that I tried to keep you out of trouble and tell him I love him so much. That he was my rock and my role model the man I wanted in a husband and the man I know is going to be the best papa” she laughed softly.

‘I don’t know how I’m going to do life without you. Without your sweet voice, your smile that always keeps me going. I never known life without you …’ I softly cried. She smiled softly at me ‘If you ever miss me, go to the beach and look out into the waves. I’ll be there playing in the water and waving right back at you. I’ll send a wave, so you know it’s me’ She softly giggled at her pun, while I softly cried looking at her. She looked so weak and fragile, but when she spoke of leaving, or looked at the sky from the window. She looked peaceful.

After a few minutes she softly closed her eyes to rest, I leaned over her and whispered ‘You can stop fighting now flower, you can let go’ I softly cried as I whispered the words. Within seconds the heart monitor went flat she was gone. I looked up and softly cried, I waved goodbye in the air ‘you did good baby, I’m going to miss you and your smile so much.’

Doctors and nurses rushed in the room and escorted us out, the second I was behind the doors I broke down. My body went limb as I fell to the floor and let out a scream, Lorenzo was on the window crying out. Both of us felt broken, I looked up at the roof and cried. The tears were hot as they fell like a waterfall, I couldn’t believe what just happened, I had so many things’ I still wanted to tell her. Things I wanted to do with her, I never saw her with my baby. She couldn’t be reunited with our parents. She never got to do so many things, she hasn’t lived and now she’s gone. 

My twin sister is dead and there is nothing I can do about it. I rushed out not wanting to be there when she was pronounced dead, and Lorenzo ran after me.


A week passed and I was sitting back at home in my room with Lorenzo laying on the bed next to me as we both grieved. Both of us haven’t been out of bed and we both felt drained, ‘we are doing the exact opposite of what we promised’ Lorenzo blurts out. I sigh and continue looking up at the roof. ‘If she saw us, she would kick our asses’ I laughed out, imaging her yelling and stomping her feet. Lorenzo laughed and shook his head ‘agreed, I’ll never hear that playful scowl again’ he whispered. 

Shaking his head, he gets up from the bed ‘I need to get back home, I think it’s time I faced everything. Besides I need to know how the hell they got in so easily, more than half the men were gone but there was still more than enough to stop them. They had inside help’ Lorenzo sates. I sit up ‘It’s time we both stop feeling sorry and get to working’ I announced drowning myself in work is exactly what I need right now. He laughed and pushed me back down on the bed by my shoulders, ‘I’ll get back to work, you my dear are pregnant and need to sit down’ he reminded me.

I rolled my eyes ‘I’m pregnant not on my deathbed, I can’t sit this out.’ He looked at me for a second ‘Fine but work from home. No killing no dangerous activities. STAY. HERE.’ He yelled and walked out, I sulked back in the bed and investigated space. My heart felt empty, a part of me is missing. Half of my heart was ripped out of my chest, and I just had to continue doing life with her. 

I asked him for one thing, I made him promise me one thing. ONE THING … and he couldn’t keep her safe. I hated him, I hate him so much. I left, willingly with one simple thing, one simple plea to keep my sister safe. To keep the better half of me safe and she’s dead, she died.

My head fuzzed, my sadness and grief now replaced with anger and hunger for revenge. I will avenge her death even if it takes me my whole life. I will kill the person who forbid me of my sister, I looked down at my belly. My bump was more visible, I rubbed my stomach and sighed. ‘I promise I’ll keep you safe’ 

‘Did you ever think to tell us you were pregnant’ Sebastián and Alex burst into my room, I looked at them warningly. They shushed me and continued ‘IT’S SOMETHING YOU WOULD THINK ABOUT TELLING US, HEY BOYS BY THE WAY I HAVE A HUMAN GROWING INSIDE OF ME’ I laughed and got out of bed ‘I’m hungry’ I state and walk towards the kitchen. I rummaged through the cabinet and grabbed salt and lemon from the table. ‘What are you-‘ I shrugged my shoulders ‘I feel like lemon and salt.’ I cut up the lemon and added salt as I indulged in the sour taste it left in my mouth. 

I shook my head at the two boys and shrugged ‘If you are waiting for some sort of miracle apology or explanation. You are wasting precious time’ I winked and sat in the living room. ‘So, we won’t talk about what happened last week when you escaped, or Maria or the fact that you are pregnant and didn’t tell a soul, and probably wouldn’t have told anyone if Lorenzo didn’t find out and your bump wasn’t showing.’ I winced hearing her name, all I want to do is sit in my bed and forget everything all my soul yearned for was for my sister to be with her again even if that meant in death. I closed my eyes softly and remembered my promise to her, and remembered my main reason to stay alive I sighed rubbing my belly

Finally, I looked back up with a fake smile answering their question. ‘Exactly we are not going to talk about any of it’ I smiled. 


An hour passed since Sebastián left to get me some information from the estate about the incident that happened, I grew frustrated waiting like a sitting duck and dialled Lorenzo’s number. I tapped my finger on the back of the phone waiting impatiently for him to pick up. ‘I can’t talk right now; can I call you back?’ He answered the phone and rushed, ‘No! Don’t you dare hang up this phone! What’s happening’ 

‘Boss, Lorenzo it seems they had inside help. The surveillance caught three voices near the back gate, whoever helped them snuck Xavier in through the blind spots of the back entrance.’ I cursed, repeating the words I said yesterday. You need just as much protection if not more from the back than you do in the front. A lot of people love sneak attacks, fucking cowards. 

‘Who were the voices’ Vincenzo spoke up, my heart stopped beating the air caught in my throat hearing his voice again. I shook my head frustrated at myself. 

Biting my lower lip waiting for them to continue the conversation. ‘Two female voices’ Hacker spoke. ‘MOTHERFUCKER, THERE DEAD’ I yelled already knowing exactly who it was, ‘I- Hello! HELLO!’ I hung up the phone and stormed out of the living room, knowing exactly who did this. I don’t care if I die today, those two were going to suffer for what they did. Oh, they better run, because If I get my hands on them, I will skin them alive. 

‘Isabella, you can’t leave. Not in this state of rage and in your current state’ Alex begged me, I shook my head ‘I never think clearly unless I’m mad. Once again, I’m pregnant not crippled’ I grabbed my knives and gun. I picked up my blonde wig and strapped it on, grabbing glasses and a big coat. ‘Don’t wait up’ I walked towards the door ‘I’m coming with you!’ He shouted, I looked back at him ‘No, you’re not’ I laughed. ‘Yes, I am. We are in this together, where you go, I go. You are not allowed to be alone, not now’ he begged me with his eyes. 

‘Alex, you might see things. I don’t want you to see. I don’t want you to see me like this’ I begged him to stay here, ‘stay put, where it’s safe. Please’ I begged him. He shook his head adamant ‘I’m coming’ I sighed and looked at him defeated, ‘fine’ I caved in. We both got in the car, and I took off for the strip club, I parked in front of the club and scanned the car park for a familiar car. I smirked seeing both cars parked, I moved the car parking it in the back, near the alley door. I got out of the car and grabbed two cloths from the back seat, pouring some fluid to knock them out I hide them in my pocket my head low as I walk inside. 

I look through the crowded club and spot two dancers. I walk around to the bar and call for the manager, ‘I want Lexi and Roxy for a private dance. In the last room’ I smiled, the manager nodded his head and informed me of the price and told me to wait in the room for my dance. I walked towards the room and pressed myself against the wall waiting for them to come in. 

The door swung open and then close. ‘Where is-?’ I pounced from behind them placing the cloth over their mouth and nose, they gripped my arm trying to get out of my grip but with the anger, I was feeling no amount of strength was going to make me budge. 

I dragged them through the alley door, I inched the car and let go of them running out of breath as my lower back started to ache. Alex rushed out of the car and forced me to stop saying he’ll get them in the car. He got them in the boot of the car and drove off quickly, I ushered him to drive and park behind a school that was planned on being bombed to demolish. Doing as I said we arrived and parked in the back keeping the car in a discreet area I watched as Alex carried both of their limp bodies inside, I forget how strong he is and that he isn’t the same sixteen-year-old boy who I use to care for. 

He handcuffed their hands above their heads, and I watched impressed, he huffs after he is done and looked at me. ‘They’re dying here, aren’t they?’ he watched my face looking for a hint of remorse something he could cling too but found none of it. They’re the reason my sister is dead there will be hell to pay. 

I nodded my head slowly ten nodded my head to the side so he can make his exit. He watched me unsure before deciding not to push his luck further and walked out waiting for me in the car.

 I grab a chair and sit in front of both of them waiting for them to come back to their senses. I looked at the two and saw nothing but red. They were the reason, Vincenzo doubted me. They were the reason Maria died. They are the reason for the two biggest pains in my life. I smirked standing up and grabbing my phone I open the camera application and hit record positioning my phone on the floor behind us in the corner making sure the angel was just right. 

I looked up when I heard them groaning slowly coming back to their senses taking my seat once more. I smiled as i watch them slowly realise who was in front of them, they both looked at me confused. ‘WHO ARE YOU?’ ‘WHERE ARE WE?’ ‘WHAT’S GOING ON?’ ‘WHY ARE WE HANDCUFFED’ I stayed silent as I watched them scream, struggle, and desperately try to get out of their cuffs. 

‘You don’t know who you’re messing with, you’ll regret this our boss will have your head.’ I laughed mocking them. I leaned forward slowly parting my legs as my smile turned into a straight line. ‘Which boss?’ I questioned they looked at me confused ‘Vincenzo King … Or Xavier?’ 

They quickly turned to look at each other shocked and visibly frightened.  ‘Which boss?’ I called out bringing their attention back on me.  

‘Who are you?’ Lexi spat. ‘Who am I?’ I asked, ‘your worst nightmare’ I smiled taking off my glasses. They stared at me with shock, fear, and immediate regret. ‘Impossible’ Roxy screams trying to free herself. ‘Why? Have you never seen someone come back from the dead?’ my lips slowly curled into an unsettling smile. 

‘You are the reason for the fire that’s burning inside me. The reason why my sister is dead, and you will be paying for this with your life’ I flicked out the knife. They eyed the knife, sweat visibly falling from their foreheads. I played with the knife twirling it ‘You, you died.’ Lexi still trying to wrap her head around the concept that I was standing in front of her I rolled my eyes. ‘Yeah, well it didn’t stick.’ I stood up slowly and placed the tip of the knife on Lexi’s chest where her heart sits. 



‘You let Xavier into the estate … why?’ I asked Lexi as I dragged the knife along her barely covered body. ‘I- I-… I’ panic rising through body, her skin turning white as her veins budge out from how hard she’s tensing. I rolled my eyes and applied pressure to the knife leaving a scar from her chest down to her belly button.

 She screamed out and breathed when I stopped, ‘Why Lexi? Why?’ I asked again, ‘He wanted to get you’ she finally whispered. ‘You both saw me in a cloth dead, why didn’t you tell him I died,’ I questioned. She shook her head no ‘our deal was to make you look guilty in Vincenzo’s eyes. So, Xavier can take you back so that you would go back to him. He wanted us to do this when his memories of you were gone and there was no foundation, we knew it was the best time to plant doubt in his mind.’ 

I stabbed the knife into her stomach and pulled it out, ‘please,’ Roxy begged, her voice nearly failing her under the weight of her frightened state. Her eyes darted to Lexi and then back to me. ‘Please. Don’t hurt her, hurt me instead’ I cocked an eyebrow, twirling the bloody knife through my fingers. I chuckled. ‘Is that what you think?’ I asked. I moved the knife and placed the blade underneath her chin, forcing her to look me in the eyes. ‘Oh, you poor, naive thing. I was always planning to hurt the both of you.’ 

My eyes darkening, I smirked ‘I just planned to hurt you worse’ 

They both started struggling and squirming trying to get out of the handcuffs. ‘Oh no, trust me, sweetheart, you’re going to want to stay strapped in for this. We’re about to find out just how many times a person can break.’ I stabbed Roxy in the leg. She cussed tears threatening to fall I smirked my face inches from hers. With the knife still in her leg I pulled it down and watched as her soul struggled to stay in her body.

 I pulled the knife out and watched her as she struggled to keep her head up. ‘You let them in’ I slashed her stomach, ‘You helped them get inside!’ I slashed Lexi’s stomach. ‘YOU ENABLED’ another slash, ‘THEM TO ENTER’ another slash. ‘GAVE THEM THE ABILITY’ another slash. ‘TO KILL MY SISTER!’ I screamed. I balled my hands and started pounding my fist into their faces. ‘YOU KILLED HER. YOU LET HER DIE. YOU LET THEM GO IN WITHOUT ANYONE TO STOP THEM. YOU HELPED THEM KILL HER’ I screamed feeling my world crash beneath me. 

I stopped and stepped back; both their heads hung low barely able to breathe. Blood poured from their face as their eyes puffed from the impact. ‘You took the last bit of light and killed her. Don’t worry I’ll kill the shooter next.’

 I flicked the knife, ‘he promised me, he would protect her. He said he would! He lied!’ I carved ‘to’ on Lexi’s stomach and moved to Roxy. ‘He promised, now she’s dead and you both just helped her death’ Carving ‘insanity’ on Roxy’s stomach. I took a step back and looked at their stomach, taking my knife I cut out a circle in both of their legs and dipped my finger into it making sure my finger was coated with their blood I wrote all over the walls. ‘Insanity’ ‘to insanity’ ‘remember yet?’ ‘Miss me?’ ‘I’ve only begun’ ‘Not the end’


I then grabbed my gun from my back pocket, aiming it at their chests. ‘You set fire to my world, now I’ll happily watch you burn for what you did’ I lowered my gun and left the building. Grabbing my phone on the way out, while it was still recording. Getting inside the car I aim my gun out the window filming as I shot every single gas tank in sight setting the building up in flames. I closed the video and sighed into my seat. 


We parked the car at home, and I saw Lorenzo and Sebastián arguing in front house. I got out of the car and threw the phone at Lorenzo. ‘Show your boss’ I spat and stormed inside. I walked inside my room turned on the shower, I stripped my clothes off and hung my head low under the hot water. My jaw tensed, my hands turning white from the pressure of pushing them up against the walls. ‘FUUUUCK!’ I screamed, unleashing every single pain. My grief, my sadness, my hurt, my demons. I leaned back against the wall and sank to the floor watching the blood from the girls wash off me. I rubbed my belly, hearing knocks on the door. I washed my hair and body and got out slowly. 

‘Isabella!’ Lorenzo called out. I sighed grabbing my robe and covering myself. I opened the door slowly and let him in. ‘You, okay?’ I nodded my head slowly, ‘we went to look for Lexi and Roxy. I knew that’s where you would have gone first. We didn’t find them but’ I looked at him with no expression. He paused for a moment. ‘You did it didn’t you’ I looked at him with a ‘you already know the answer to that’ look. 

I sat on the bed, and he sighed sitting next to me, he hugged me. I rested my head on his shoulder we stayed like this for a few minutes. ‘Show your boss’ I whispered. ‘Show him the video. I want him to see and hear it all’ I stood up and walked out with my clothes to change into the other bathroom.

I come back out in my trackies and a baggy jumper. ‘You can’t do this anymore’ Lorenzo begged me still sitting on my bed. ‘You have to stop; you are going to get bigger and you’re already at risk with your pregnancy. Please if not for me for the baby’s sake stay put. Protect it like how Maria would want you to’ I sighed nodding my head. ‘Okay,’ I whispered. 

‘You still need to tell Vincenzo’ Lorenzo whispered, I sighed nodding my head ‘I know I do, but I just can’t not yet. Not until I recognise him when I look into his eyes. I will tell Vincenzo but the Vincenzo I know is not the one he is now’ I felt my heart twist saying his name, and a yearning sensation overcame me. I just wanted to be in his arms around me again, to be near him. Then my head snaps at me to get a grip, he doubted me, and he didn’t keep his promise. 

I shook my head and wiped away a few tears that fell down. ‘I have an ultrasound appointment tomorrow … do you want to come with me?’ Lorenzo smiled and nodded his head. ‘Of course, I do’

‘Okay leave go home rest. Tomorrow come and we will leave be here by 9am’ I informed him and kicked him out of the room, I just needed to be alone now. I grabbed the clothes from today grabbed the pack of matches and some alcohol from the kitchen and walked around outside ‘Isabella?’ Sebastian called out. I threw the clothes on the ground and poured the alcohol all over it I stood over it for a moment and lite the match on fire. 

Without hesitation I threw the match on the clothes taking a step back I watched it immediately ignite I stood there for what felt like hours watching and hearing the crackling sound of the flames. Today everything around, me went up in flames. Maria is dead. Vincenzo is gone. I feel so alone, even though I have Lorenzo, Sebastian, and Alex around me, I couldn’t help the feeling of loliness. That kind of loliness is the worst when you have people with you, but you still feel the void that’s what kills.

I fell to my knees as a tear trickled down my cheek. ‘I’m so tired’ I cried softly looking down at the floor. The boys all quickly came to my aid and carried me inside putting me to sleep. 

I laid in bed and the only thought that kept repeating itself was ‘I’m going to set you on fire just like you set my life up in flames.’ Your death will be by my hands Xavier know that!


I slowly opened my eyes to a very excited Lorenzo at my door, ‘GET UP. GET UP. GET UP.’ I rolled my eyes mentally cursing my stupid idea to invite him to the ultrasound. ‘LORENZO IT’S NOT FOR ANOTHER TWO HOURS!’ I shouted. There was a pause and I smiled going back to sleep thinking he left the pregnant lady to rest.

I of course was mistaken because the door flew open, and I heard footsteps coming closer to bed until it went silent. I peeked and saw Lorenzo standing over me. ‘I thought we could go to the beach before’ he whispers softly. I look up at him ready to yell but then my features softened realising because he wanted to go to the beach ‘You promised her a trip, but she never got to go… and I miss her’ he whispered.

I sighed and sat up, ‘let’s go to the beach’ I spoke softly. Lorenzo got in the car waiting for me while I got ready, I grabbed a t-shirt pink dress and slipped it on. Putting my white air forces on I tied my hair into a ponytail and walked outside to the car. I got in putting my seatbelt and Lorenzo slowly got out of the driveway and made his way towards the beach. 

‘Do you think it’ll ever go away?’ He asked me softly; I looked over at him. ‘I don’t think the pain ever leaves; I think we just grow with the hurt.’ I answered him, He looked ahead deep in thought before he softly spoke up. ‘It hurts’ he whispered. ‘Of course, it does,’ I smiled sadly at him. ‘The hurt is how we know it was love. The absence we feel is proof that what we had is something that can be lost.’ 

With pain in his voice, he whispered to me once more begging me to give him an answer. ‘…And when does it stop?’ I sighed with my eyes turning dark like a cloud before it rains, not wanting to answer his question because the answer is not what he wants to hear. 

‘Isabella’ he softly whispered begging me to end his misery with a timeframe. 

I shook my head slowly closing my eyes, I leaned the back of my head against the headrest and finally answered him. ‘If it was love, it won’t.’ I answered from my heart, from my own pain that I chose to bury deep inside me. To not focus on the feelings, I had or for the person my heart yearns for. The two people who I felt strongest for died, one literally and one metaphorically. He parked the car and we both got down and picked a spot on the sand and sat down staring out at the water. The water was calm, no one was at the beach. Everything felt calm and quiet, I leaned my head on Lorenzo shoulder as we both stared out watching the sun bounce off the beautiful blue water. 

‘She wasn’t for everyone you know that?’ Lorenzo speaks up softly, I hummed as he continued ‘She knew it too. People found her different and strange’ he laughed softly. ‘Don’t get me wrong she was, she danced in the rain, she laughed when she cried, and she loved with her whole heart through her pain. People fear the unknown and they never knew a girl like her. I never knew a girl like her, but when I did. From the first second I saw her I knew she was it. That funny, smart, and loving crackhead was the one for me’ We both softly laughed.

 ‘She loved you too you know?’ I told him softly. ‘Maria never loved a soul like she did yours, she would talk about you constantly what she wanted to name your kids, how she wanted her wedding to be. How she planned to grow old with you… She would’ve made the perfect mum’ I added.

He nodded his head agreeing with me, ‘Over the course of the year she would talk about you constantly, like you put the stars in the sky. You really meant something to her.’ He kissed my forehead warningly and rubbed my arm, we both stood up slowly getting ready to go back to the car. 

We stood still and turned back around looking at the water, I smiled ‘We missed you sis’ we waved at the water, the calm water started forming waves. I let out a laugh ‘she waved’ I giggled and smiled from ear to ear, a tear falling as we both smiled admiring the water. 

I miss you sis it hasn’t even been more than a week and I miss you so damn much!


We got into the car and made our way to the appointment ‘Can we find out the sex of the baby?’ Lorenzo beamed, I looked at him from the side and laughed. ‘I’m only a month and a few weeks. I need to be at least five months’ He slouched in his chair and sighed. ‘Then what the fuck is the point of this!’ he frustratedly slouched in the chair. I raised my eyebrow at his temper tantrum 

We got to the doctor’s office and walked into the ultrasound room, I layed on the bed as the nurse spread gel on my stomach.

She started moving the stick around my stomach looking for my baby, we heard its strong heartbeat, and my eyes tear up with pride and happiness. My heart skipped a beat as I listened to the heart of this tiny human growing inside me, I whipped away the tears from under my eyes and saw Lorenzo get teary, ‘Oh my god look at it, you have a person growing inside you’ he laughed out amazed. I smiled and looked at him ‘I can’t believe it.’ I spoke feeling like it was now that I fully wrapped my head around the concept, the fact that I’m pregnant, I’m going to be a mum. 

Oh my god I’m going to have a baby!

After the appointment we got back in the car and Lorenzo was driving me back home, ‘Isabella, I mean it. No more stunts, no more fights. No more, not now at least’ he warned me. I looked at him hesitant ‘My parents-‘ he cut me off ‘I promise you; Vincenzo hasn’t forgotten about them. He spends every second looking for them. I promise we will get them for you, just stay safe’ 

I looked at him and sighed feeling defeated ‘Okay, I promise’ 


Vincenzo’s POV 

Lorenzo walked in my office, my eyes were blood shot red and puffy from the amount of crying I did. I felt so lost, so stupid for these stupid emotions. I hated crying, the feeling of helplessness you get when you scream out in pain, knowing that what is causing your pain your tears you can’t do anything about.

‘How is she?’ I whispered afraid to hear his answer, he looked at me his eyes bloodshot red. He collapsed into my arms and cried in my shoulder. I hugged him tight against my chest letting him cry, my heart aching the pain I was feeling was nothing compared to the pain Lorenzo or Isabella might be feeling. I don’t know how I’m going to tell Isabella that her sister is dead, that I failed my promise.

‘She’s gone’ he cried out, ‘What?’ Ariana whispered from the door, Lorenzo looked up at her and opened his arms weakly. She rushed towards him and hugged him crying in his chest. I watched them and felt alone, lost, and hopeless. I failed them, I failed Maria, and I failed Isabella. Ariana extended her hand out and pulled me towards them by my shirt, I sighed and hugged them both as they cried into my chest.

‘I’m so sorry’ I whispered. ‘I saw her’ Lorenzo whispered. ‘We both watched her soul leave her body, she looked so peaceful’ he whispered looking lost in thought. I raise an eyebrow ‘we?’ I asked. He looked at me shocked and coughed trying to recover. 

‘I meant me’ he corrected himself, I eyed him knowingly. ‘Isabella’ he admitted. I watched Ariana’s face turn from sad to shock as mine. ‘What?’ I asked. ‘I found her in the hospital her room was next to Maria, I know you faked her death to protect her Vincenzo’ I tensed my jaw and looked away. My mind swirling with why she was in the hospital in the first place, is she okay? How did she take the news? Is she upset? Does she need me?

‘You didn’t kill her?’ Ariana whispered, looking at me with guilt. I shook my head no ‘I couldn’t’ I whispered back. ‘Why didn’t you tell us? Why did you let us isolate from you? Why did you let us push you away and say all those harsh words? Why didn’t you tell Maria you saw how she was decaying from the news!’ She threw questions my way. I winced and nodded my head slowly ‘I saw but I couldn’t tell her, if she knew she would go out looking for her. Putting her life and her sisters in danger. Besides I couldn’t tell the two of you without her knowing it didn’t seem fair. I needed to keep all of you safe …’ I drifted off and stayed quiet. ‘You did what you had too, Maria would’ve done what she did no matter what.’

I shook my head, ‘I promised to protect her, and I failed. She had every right to yell and scream at me. I just wish I said sorry … I wish I could’ve made it right.’ I whispered and looked at them both. Lorenzo sighed and pulled an envelope out of his pocket jacket. ‘She told me to give you this, she wanted you to read it’ He handed me the envelope and guided Ariana out leaving me to read it alone. 

I looked down at the envelope marked Vincenzo. I hesitated before I opened it, slowly tearing it open I pulled the paper out. 


If you’re reading this, then it means I couldn’t tell you this in person. I didn’t want to leave this world without telling you what I need to get off my chest. I’m sorry for all the hurtful things I said when I thought you killed my sister, but not that sorry because you made it believable, she was dead. I wish I was there in person to hug you and thank you for keeping the promise you made to me. To always protect my sister, I know it’s not easy no one knows that better than me, but you somehow always manage it. So, thank you for making sure she’s safe, thank you for keeping the better half of me alive. 

You weren’t the easiest to get along with, but when you finally let me in. I was so happy, I connected with you like I connect with my sister. I looked up to you and admired you in so many ways, your love for your people. Your passion, your drive and most importantly your heart. The heart you don’t let anyone see, I got a glimpse of it and was in awe. Don’t you ever let your heart go, sometimes it’s okay to tell your mind to shut up and listen to your heart, often it tells us what we really want in life. But our minds silence it and plays life safe.

Thank you for also keeping me safe, I know I’m dead now, but truth be told I never felt as safe as I did in your home. I love that you even with your memory loss still treated me the same way you treat Ariana, like a baby sister. I love how overprotective you were of me even if you hardly knew me, and what I loved most of all is the love I see in your eyes for my sister. When I heard Xavier speak yesterday, it finally clicked. 

My anger was clouding my judgement and I finally realised there was no way you could kill her, the way your eyes told me a story made me a thousand percent sure my sister was alive and safe. Your actions say one thing, but your eyes tell a different story, it’s always in a person’s eyes. They tell a story something you would never utter out loud, the eyes they never lie. 

Don’t give up on that sparkle don’t give up on the love you have for my sister, even if you don’t remember her don’t let it stop you. Make new memories, I got to say goodbye to my sister. I got to hold her hand and talk to her one last time, go take charge before it’s too late for you. Knowing my sister, she won’t sit until she gets revenge so be patient let her burn the world because she’s going to do it one way or another. After the fire has settled look for her among the ashes and hold her, because she’ll never admit it. She’ll never admit all she really needs is a hug from you. 

Please keep my sister safe, she’s stubborn so she won’t want your help or protection at the start but don’t give up she needs you more than you know, and you need her so much more than you think. 

Until we meet again big brother, but I better not see you and the rest for a very long time, I want to hear stories about what you been up to. I want to be able to smack you in the back of the head when you tell me a dangerous and stupid adventure … I never thought it but I’m going to miss you.

I’ll make sure to say hi to Dante for you, I can’t wait to meet him. 

Maria Knight Xx

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