The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 31

It felt like my world just came crashing down on me like the air was knocked out of my lungs as I tried to comprehend what Diego just said. ‘What?’ I asked needing to hear him one more time. ‘Your parents are alive Isabella’ without warning I slapped him across the face and pulled him closer towards me by his shirt.

‘You knew an attack was planned … you knew they were going to kill every one of our men and women. YOU KNEW THEY WERE COMING FOR MY PARENTS … you were the inside man YOU WERE THE RAT’ frustration, betrayal and anger dominated my entire nervous system. I couldn’t think straight all I saw was red. ‘You don’t even deserve the option to be breathing right now’ I spat letting him go pushing him back. ‘You sold my parents to that thing! Then you had the audacity to act as you loved us? That you ever cared about us!’

‘Whose bodies were in my parent’s casket’ realisation finally started to take over my senses.

‘I watched them die, how are they alive?’ I shook my head trying to clear things up. ‘Isabella I-‘ I cut him off raising my hand up closing my eyes trying to stay calm. ‘Just … how?’ He gulped braising himself to speak ‘Xavier convinced me it was Mario, your dad who killed my wife and daughter all those years ago to gain contacts for his cartel. He showed me surveillance of him talking to my kids and wife and much dating evidence. The evidence I later found out was out of context and false. By then it was too late’ I looked at him tears burning in my eyes urging him to continue.

‘The plan was never to kill them, it was to hold them, hostage, for as long as he wanted you. The whole purpose behind everything he did was to get to you, Isabella. Even at such a young age, you showed more potential than any man or woman in our field of work, you were both smart and cunning. You had visions, tactics, and people on your side. You alongside your father helped grow the cartel to be the biggest and most powerful in all of Spain. He wanted you to work for him and he knew you’d never leave your parents so he-‘

‘He took them’ I finished his sentence; he nodded his head slowly. ‘When you ran into that room disregarding my plea for you to stay, he was more taken by you. By your bravery and loyalty, when he shot your parents, he didn’t shoot them in the head he shot them in the chest. He never intended for them to die only to give you the illusion they were dead so you could look for him and execute revenge. That’s when he planned to keep you hostage and weaken you enough to work for him and if you ever got out of line, he would reveal your parents to you and force you to do what he said in order to keep them alive and well’

I felt disgusted, my stomach turned, and I felt like vomiting. Never in my life have, I met someone as mentally disturbed as Xavier and that’s saying a lot because I’ve met a lot of people. I felt a shudder go down my spine as I listened to the rest of his words, ‘But things changed … he fell in love with you Isabella’ I looked at him like he had gone mad ‘love? LOVE! Is that what love is to that sick bastard!

Kidnapping my parents and keeping them hostages for YEARS! Oh my god … years’ I whispered. This whole time my parents have been alive and instead of searching for them I was working for him; I gave up hope. I was in the same abandoned house as them and I let one of his men scare me off, I WAS THERE I COULD’VE STAYED! I COULD HAVE SAVED THEM MONTHS AGO

I felt myself slipping into a panic attack, my chest tightening the room began spinning. ‘NOO’ a blood curling scream left my lips as I gripped my hair. This can’t be true please don’t let it be true. I was his hostage for months and I didn’t make it out alive … how they’ve been years.

Sebastián and the men burst inside and quickly aid me back up, ‘estás bien?’ (you okay?) I nodded my head at Sebastián. ‘Bien’ (good) I responded. ‘No one touches him! Keep him alive I still need answers from him’ but not right now I couldn’t bare hearing all of this at once I shook my head and left the room after telling the men to stand guard and watch him until I say otherwise.


I rushed into Vincenzo’s office shutting the doors behind me wanting to be alone for a minute. I looked around his office and felt myself breaking, I really need you Italy, I need you to tell me what to do. I walked up to the previously shattered mirror and looked at myself. This represented my life broken, chattered, missing pieces. I shut my eyes and felt the anger boiling up inside me letting out a frustrated scream I punched the already broken mirror shattering it even more.

Crying I slid down on the floor, so much is piling up I don’t know what to do. Vincenzo in a coma, my parents being alive, this mafia, Vincenzo’s parents acting strange. Maria- My head shot up how was I going to tell Maria? I gritted my teeth, what If he’s lying? What if it’s just a ruse to keep himself alive so buy him time.

I let out a breath of air deciding to tell Maria only when I’m a hundred percent sure, no use giving her this information, her feeling hopeful just for it to be shattered all over again. I let a small smile take over my lips, being in his office made me feel somewhat peaceful like he was sitting in his chair talking me through everything. Like he was somehow guiding me.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to call Lorenzo before Hacker stormed inside the office ‘FIVE RANGE ROVERS STOPPED AT THE HOSPITAL’ My eyes went wide before my heart began pounding, all self-doubt leaving my body. ‘Get the men ready. NOW!’ Hacker runs out of the office assembling men, grabbing my gun I tuck it away storming out calling on men to follow me.

Getting in the car we all storm off, calling all five cars’ ‘men’ I announce they all respond ‘Boss’ I cringe feeling like it’s somehow a betrayal to Vincenzo before shaking off the feeling and focusing.

‘We are entering a public hospital, Vincenzo lays in a coma and we have reason to believe Xavier’s men are on their way. We are going to a public place meaning no shooting, no guns unless you deem it a hundred percent necessary, keep your head down from cameras. Use your combat training and knife work to keep it quiet and quick do not let anyone go near the seventh floor. Team B’ I called out, our most skilful team and our longest members ‘Yes boss’

‘You will be in charge of getting Vincenzo out of the hospital and transporting him straight to our clinic on the estate, I already arranged for transfer papers, so his disappearance won’t be suspicious get him out safe and quick. Take him in an ambulance car along with our medics who are in your car to care for him’

‘The rest of you I don’t want any of his men alive’

In union ‘Yes Boss’ They replied, I had Hacker tell the men about Vincenzo’s condition when I found out to keep our men in the loop and so they can feel important that we are loyal to them as they are to us by being honest. I grabbed my phone and called for Lorenzo ‘Pick up, Pick up!’ I yelled getting anxious, ‘Isabella’ Lorenzo yelled out ‘Lorenzo Xavier’s men are at the hospital lock the door until we get there and keep Ariana safe!’

‘Fuck, I’m on it’ He quickly muttered out, I heard shuffling on the other end probably locking the door and closing the blinds. ‘Isabella, I see a few of his men approaching’ He whispered, ‘we’re outside!’ I hung up the phone as our men scattered around the hospital, we walked in normally heads down as I nodded my head to Team B towards the changing rooms.

I gave the rest of the men hand signals to search each floor, I made my way quickly upstairs to Vincenzo’s room, I saw a man approaching the door gun in hand. I quickly crept up behind him ‘Excuse me, sir, the doctors calling you’ I spoke out pinching his arm behind his back moving him out of the camera’s view. Before twisting his head snapping his neck, I shoved him in the nearest bathroom and slowly made my way back to the room.

‘Open’ I whispered Lorenzo checked before opening the door, ‘Thank god’ I muttered seeing them all unharmed. Doctors walked in the room, upon realizing it was our men ‘his men are to be everywhere discreet and alert’ They nodded their heads pushing him outside the room and going out through the back way of the hospital.

‘Camera’s?’ I whispered keeping my head down, Lorenzo acted scared and eyed each camera in the room with his hands up, Ariana mimicking his movements, I grabbed my silencer and shot the camera one by one. After I shot them all I took off my hood, ‘we need to get use out of here now’ Both of them were unarmed and Xavier’s men were leaving this hospital with a King. Any king to avoid punishment.

‘Take this’ I threw Lorenzo my silencer, ‘Team B’s car is outside take it and go we got this’ 

They nodded their heads quickly leaving, following them a short while later with my hood back up, I overlooked my men and saw them subtly snap necks or stab them in their sides and shove them discreetly in a room.

I gave them a hand signal to move out, ‘That was too easy’ I whispered to myself. We all re-entered our allocated cars. When my phone buzzed ‘hello?’ I answered, ‘I see you figured out we were coming” Xavier spoke out in pain, I smirked remembering our encounter yesterday. ‘Xavier where the fuck are you?’ I spat

‘Where does one go when he has been stabbed, Bella?’ I mentally cursed looking around my surroundings he’s here. ‘May God have mercy on you. cause I won’t’ I shut the phone. I ran back inside and through the back ways where they took Vincenzo.

After a few minutes of running around, I couldn’t find them anywhere, I dialled the car’s built-in phone ‘men did team B leave in the ambulance yet?’

‘No boss’ Hacker spoke up. ‘FUCK’ I hung up the phone and went for the roof, I froze seeing guns pointed at Vincenzo’s head as he laid helpless unaware of anything happening. ‘Let him go’ I spat. ‘Boss want’s Vincenzo, we’re under orders’ one of them spoke up. ‘Where’s my team’ I spat they nodded their heads to the side, and I watch in horror as they sat on their knees tied up.

They looked at me with shame, I smiled and shook my head reassuring them it’s not their fault. I turned my head back at them and smiled ‘You understand you won’t be leaving this roof with him, let alone alive’ I innocently threaten. ‘Not even you can take on all six of us’ He smiled underestimating me.

‘Oh, you poor thing, who said I was going alone?’ I smirked spotting Ariana from the corner of my eye, on cue she shoot’s two of them. Pulling out my gun I aim and shoot the three in the head.

The remaining one hides behind Vincenzo using him as a shield, I hid behind one of the walls. I gave Ariana a signal to go around and free our men she nods and moves. I come back into view as he stands smug, ‘Throw it’ He gestures to the gun in hand, I huffed slowly putting the gun down on the floor. ‘The great Dragon, bowing down and surrendering. I’ll be famous and feared I killed the deadly dragon. People are going to worship me back home’ He left Vincenzo’s side and stepped closer to me gun aimed at my head.

‘This should be a moment for the books, a great tale of the dangerous dragon being slayed’ I looked at him like he was the dumbest person alive. ‘Isn’t that like every Disney movie?’ I questioned. He pressed the gun to my head harsher ‘shut the fuck up’ He took off the safety and snickered ‘any last words?’

‘Actually yes’ I spoke. I grabbed his wrist pushing it away from me. I twisted his arm behind his back and pushed it up he yelled in pain dropping the gun. I kicked it behind me ‘You lose precious time talking’ with that being said I twisted his head snapping his neck. Felt like I was in a vampire diaries episode ‘Grab him and let’s go now! They would’ve heard the gunshots’

We got our men out first while me and Ariana left after them, they watched us behind the door. I nodded my head we walked into one of the rooms with the body we dumped and let out a blood curling scream, grabbing everyone’s attention towards us and away from Vincenzo and our men.

They left taking advantage of the situation while me and Ariana subtly backed away from the crowd and into the car. I called up everyone reassuring them and getting updates on the situation back at the hospital. Hacker was carefully monitoring the cameras along with a few recruits he is training and informed me we were out of sight.

I sat back finally feeling relieved. I placed my hand over my stomach and winced at the wound. It wasn’t my first wound or scar but it scared me for more reasons than one. ‘Isabella?’ I looked up and watched Ariana eye me suspiciously ‘I’m proud of you’ I cut her off before she could ask questions. She smiled ‘Mafia princess’ she joked trying to lighten the mood. I laughed with her and agreed ‘You truly are Vincenzo’s sister’ she seemed proud of herself smiling.

I watched her anxiously playing with her fingers ‘Ariana?’ I questioned getting her attention. ‘Was this your first kill?’

She gulped and looked at me worried ‘Yes’ she admitted softly. ‘Are you okay?’ she nodded her head before shaking it no. ‘I know what I did was to save you and Vincenzo but when does it stop feeling gross when does that sick feeling go?’

I let out a sigh and sat up grabbing her hand ‘I won’t sugar-coat it, that feeling can haunt you for a while if you look at it from an angel. You can’t look at it like ‘I killed someone’ you need to re-evaluate It to ‘I saved my brother’s life’ In our line of work this type of this is expected to happen. In a normal life, it’s frowned upon and far from their day-to-day life. Ariana, you saved him, and you should be so damn proud of yourself I know if he was able to he would say the same’ She embraced me in a hug and whispered thank you in my hair.


Arriving back at the estate all I could think of was Vincenzo. I rushed towards the hospital we had and ran inside. ‘Where is he?’ I rushed out, she pointed to the room and before reacting my feet already carried me to him.

I stood still as I watched him still connected to tubes and machine’s; a tear escaped as I whimpered feeling hopeless. I rubbed my stomach feeling sick and scared. I approached him slowly and sat next to him asking the doctor inside to give me a minute alone. He nodded happily and left.

‘Hey Italy, I don’t know if you can hear me but … I miss you; I miss you so damn much’ I softly cried gripping his hand ‘the past month has been hell, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t stop stressing. I knew you were still out there; you weren’t dead. That you wouldn’t give up so easily.’

‘I needed you so damn badly the last few weeks, I found out my parents aren’t dead’ I confessed crying, sniffing back my tears I started chewing on my lip. ‘I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do’ I repeated.

‘I need you here to tell me what to do! This isn’t my mafia; these men aren’t my men. I will go to war if not with your men, then alone. It might be a suicide mission going along, but I can’t make a call without you, I won’t put your men in danger for my needs. I need you to wake up baby… I need you here I need you to tell me it’s going to be okay, that we’ll figure it out.’

I wiped the tears away ‘It feels like lately I’ve been so lost; I don’t know how I managed to keep going without you. You consumed every single aspect of me Vincenzo King … I- I just need you to wake up … please’

I leaned down and kissed his cheek whispering ‘To insanity, Vincenzo King’ I stood up straight and left the room. I brushed past everyone in the living room and go straight downstairs to the basement. ‘Leave us’ I order the men to leave ‘get something to eat’ I whispered to them as they passed me, they smiled nodding their head’s ingratitude. I smiled back at them and the second I looked at him it dropped it a straight line.

I grabbed a chair and sat in front of him ‘You’re going to tell me everything you know. If I like the information and it gets me what I want then you can leave alive, if you lie I will personally end your life right here’

He nodded his head agreeing to the deal, ‘How’d he do it, without anyone noticing’

‘After he shot your parents, I escorted you and your sister out of the house remember?’ I nodded my head remembering the memory ‘after making sure you both were no longer witnesses I allowed Xavier’s men to return and carry their bodies to the hospital to get medical attention. Xavier took it from there, the bodies we used for the caskets were men that died that day’

I closed my eyes trying to stop the tears from flowing down, I let out a deep breath before looking back up ‘how are they?’ I asked feeling myself deteriorate. ‘After his feelings for you developed he started treating them well, regular meals and movement. When you left …’ anger, that’s all I was feeling anger.

‘What’ I spat frustrated, ‘He tortured them, nothing scaring just beatings. He would take out the frustration he had because of you on the two of them. Then would stop in fear that you wouldn’t come back’ sick. Sick.

I flung my chair to the side feeling disgusted and angry at myself, ‘FUCK’ how didn’t I know. Why didn’t he tell me he had them? Why did he never use them?

‘Diego Where are they?’

He took in a deep breath before looking up at me ‘after someone found them at an abandoned warehouse, he moved them to a secure location.’ I looked at him frustrated waiting for him to continue ‘WHERE?’ I yelled

‘I DON’T KNOW, ONLY XAVIER KNOWS’ I stood up and went to hit him before stopping myself. ‘If I found out you know I promise you this won’t end well’ I spat. He nodded his head feeling guilty looking down.

I stormed out of the basement and appointed recruits to watch him and two to get him food. If he Is lying, he is a dead man.

I made my way outside and felt a sense of peace and pride watching our men and women training. I smiled feeling like I accomplished something, that Vincenzo would be proud of me. When I took over our main mission was finding Vincenzo everything else was on hold, Lorenzo still managed logistics and shipments and trained men. We all continued like normal, but we all had priorities.

I made changes and I don’t know if it’ll stick but I didn’t care as long as he wakes up, I don’t care. I lost myself in a train of thought when I saw Sebastián rush towards me in a hurry, ‘He’s awake!’ I grabbed his arms and dug my nails into him. ‘What?’

‘Ow, OW, Bella nails. Nails, Isabella NAILS’ he yelled in pain, I pushed him aside and took off running towards the hospital. Lorenzo in tears stood in front of me ‘Isabella, you can’t go in’

‘Why? Lorenzo move out of my way.’

‘Isabella, you need to know something before you go in’ He pleaded with me to hold still so he can talk to me, but my head was spinning I’d waited a month to see him. I needed to feel his touch I needed him now. I pushed Lorenzo out of the way and rushed inside, I froze tears in my eyes as I looked at him sitting up on the bed. My breathing hitches as I slowly walk up to him, he stares at me confused as I finally stand in front of him. I reach my hand out and caress his cheek, ‘You’re actually awake’ I whisper.

‘I am’ He responds, I cry out and pull him in a tight hug. ‘You came back to me’ I whispered. He pushed me off him as he looked at me with a scowl ‘who are you?’

My blood ran cold as I looked him square in the face, ‘What?’ I whispered in denial. ‘Vincenzo now isn’t the time for jokes’ I desperately tried to get him to admit he is joking. Pleading this isn’t happening what does he mean who am I?

‘Why the fuck would I joke?’ he spat irritated. He looked over at Lorenzo ‘Chi è quells e perché cazzo mi ha abbracciato?’ (Who is that and why the fuck did she hug me?)

I shook my head aggressively no, NO. ‘No, this isn’t happening. No, you didn’t forget me, this is all a fucked-up dream. You’re still in a coma I must’ve fallen asleep somewhere.’ I started slapping my face trying to wake myself up. Repeatedly my cheeks were stinging as I let out a scream. Not a scream of anger, or sadness a scream of desperation a cry for help.

Vincenzo got out of his bed and grabbed my writs to stop me from hitting myself, I fell into him as I cried out begging him to admit this is a cruel joke. I was now in full tears it felt like I was losing him all over again except he was right in front of me, staring at me with a blank expression with those beautiful grey eyes that once began allowing light to shine through, those grey eyes now returned to its original sate dark and empty.

‘Please’ I begged, feeling myself get lightheaded everything went black.

Vincenzo’s POV

I watched her slapping herself to wake up and felt myself jump up and hold her arms down, she looked up at me tears streaming down her face as she begged me to remember her. Who is she? Why am I holding her in my arms and why does my heart ache to see her like this?

My head was spinning with so many questions and I barely keeping myself steady. She looked up at me her green eyes were so captivating it was hard not to notice them. Her eyes were bloodshot red her bottom lip quivering as she stared into my eyes, hoping to find a glimpse a sign … anything she could cling to.

‘Please’ her voice was soft and helpless. I went to speak before I watched as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she felt lifeless. I held her up Ariana quickly coming to aid the girl in my arms. She calls for the nurse as they rush her out.

‘How are you feeling?’ Lorenzo asked helping me back in the bed, but my mind couldn’t help but wander to her. Why do I feel this urge to go to her like my soul is calling for hers?

I mentally killed myself as I shook my head trying to regain focus. ‘I’m okay’ I answered Lorenzo he looked at me not convinced. ‘Do you remember anything?’ he asked me. I sat up in the bed and let out a heavy sigh I didn’t, everything is fuzzy and a real blur nothing makes sense.

‘The last thing I remember was getting on a plane. What happened before that or after that I don’t remember it’s like it vanished.’ Just as I spoke up the doctor walked back in ‘How is she?’ I asked feeling on edge ‘Isabella’s fine she just passed out from an overloading amount of stress’

Isabella, I repeated in my head, I felt a slight headache I winced in pain looking down rubbing my temples.


‘Isabella’ I whispered softly, feeling helpless as just as broken as her in this moment. ‘Look at me and tell me you don’t regret it. Tell me you didn’t care’ she yelled out, not believing I left her because of my image. ‘TELL ME” She yelled in my face I stood up and towered over her. Mastering every ounce of courage, I had left as I lied straight through my teeth ‘I DON’T CARE’ I yelled. She looked me dead in the eye as smiled ‘liar.’ she harshly whispered.


‘Vincenzo?’ Lorenzo called out. I shook my head trying my best to focus on the doctor. ‘When the plane crashed you suffered a big blow to the head, it’s a miracle you’re alive now. However, due to the brain injury unfortunately you are suffering from memory loss. You didn’t recognise Isabella and she entered our lives during the start of the year so I’ll make an assumption that you’re missing a year worth of memories.’ A whole year?

‘Is it possible to get them back?’ I asked he nodded his head ‘Yes but it’s a straining and dreadful procedure you’re hopeless and not in control of when it comes back. Once your senses pick up something it can trigger a memory, but you can’t force it.’ He keeps talking but by now I stopped listening. I started taking out the needles and tubes off of me. I can’t stay here I need to get back to work.

‘Boss you need to rest’ I shook my head no, ‘I need to work’ I stood up and got my clothes from the side of the bed and got dressed. I stormed out of the room but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her … Isabella sitting up on the bed talking to my sister. She looked broken, my heart tugged an overwhelming urge to go inside and hug her and reassure her everything was going to be okay overtook all my senses.

What the fuck is happening, I don’t get this way about anyone let alone a girl. Fucking hell, I don’t like it, feeling any sort of emotion I looked ahead of me and walked straight out. My men all froze watching me as I approached my doors, there were over 10 groups all scattered in the garden. My men training and teaching other recruits their skilled talent. I squinted not recalling giving them this order. It’s smart and efficient both teaching needed skills in the Mafia and creating a family bond even stronger among my men.

They continue to stand frozen like they’ve seen a ghost, ‘Boss’ they all greet. I smile and nod my head each approaching and welcoming me back. They all went back to their training as I watched in curiosity. ‘Isabella!’ a lot of the men called out and greeted her with hugs. Who the fuck is she? I watched as Hacker, bullseye and many of my men approached her, ‘boss we have the information you need’ I tilted my head at them in shock, did they just call her boss?

‘She’s not your boss’ I state aloud, they bow their heads and nod. She looks at me and laughs ‘oh but I am’ she remarks, taking the folder from Hacker she brushes past me walking inside like she owned the place.

‘Hey’ I called out, without flinching or stopping she continued walking. ‘Oh my god Cenzo baby you’re okay’ my mum came running towards me embracing me in a hug and checking me for scars. ‘Ok, ok!’ I snapped not used to her being this touchy. I gaged when I smelt the alcohol on her breath, I shook my head choosing not to say anything and walked upstairs into my office.

I walked in and saw her sitting in my chair, my jaw tensed as my hands balled into a fist ‘So anal’ she speaks up looking at my stature. I let out a dry laugh and slam my doors shut approaching her, I grabbed her by her arm and forced her up ‘no one’s allowed in my office’ I stated. She pursed her lips and smiled ‘I’m not just anybody’ She whispers in my ear and pushes me away.

I sit back in my chair and see unfamiliar paperwork scattered on my desk, ‘What is all this?’ I asked annoyed, ‘While you were away a lot of business and work came your way’ I rolled my eyes and looked up at her ‘It’s not like I was on vacation Isabella’ her breathing hitched when her name rolled off my tongue. It came out so naturally, making me wonder who she is. ‘I’m well aware,’ she responded hurt as she looked to her right.

I followed her gaze and saw a map stuck on a board, red pins, red circles, and strings covered it. I slowly stood up and approached it ‘what is all this?’ She let out a sigh ‘When we found out the plane crashed, I went mad looking for you. Your body was never found, and I knew you were alive’ I eyed her curiously ‘how?’ she squinted her eyes confused ‘how did you know I was alive?’ She scratched the back of her neck nervously ‘This is going to sound ridiculous but, I felt it. I felt you, your presence was still there. I guess I just refused to give up on you’

I looked at her for a moment our eyes staring deep into one another’s, I stepped back to go and sit back down she grabbed my arm and held me still. Her gorgeous green eyes looking into mine I kept my composure tensing underneath her touch. ‘You have no idea who I am do you?’

‘I really don’t, to me your just some girl in my office’ I shrugged her off and went back to my desk, it’s not normal for me to feel whatever it was I feeling, I need to focus on the mafia, I cannot afford to lose time with a girl no matter how much my body, heart and mind pushed me towards her.

I rolled my eyes as I mentally gaged, ‘You can leave’ her broken exterior suddenly shifted like she became a different person she looked at me her brows raised as she laughed ‘I actually have work to do’ She grabbed the papers from my desk and walked towards the couch and sat down going over the logistics. ‘Who are you?’ I asked her. ‘A girl who will drive you to insanity’

I winced feeling a headache looking down holding my head.


‘Get it through your head. You’re only here as a tool.’ I spat; she shook my head not believing a single word coming out of my mouth. She was right she was more than a tool she was driving me insane, and I couldn’t get her out of my head ‘Look me in the eyes tell me you regret everything that you never felt anything towards me. That it was all a lie’ she pushed. I winced at her request then quickly gained composure.

A sadistic smile danced on my face as I lied through my teeth. ‘It was all a lie’ I muttered. ‘Okay,’ she answered back. I moved back shocked and annoyed. Okay? she wasn’t going to fight me? Did she not care? My blood began boiling as I burst. “OKAY? OKAY? Okay, what?” She let out a dry laugh throwing her hands in the air. ‘You wanted me to hate you? You wanted me to not be able to stay in the same room as you? YOU WANTED ME TO HATE YOU! Congratulations. Vincenzo King, I hate you.’ she spat. I looked at her and shook my head Liar.

‘The feeling is mutual Isabella Knight’

She slapped me across my face Pushing me away ‘LET ME GO THEN. LET ME LEAVE. LET ME GO’ She yelled. ‘I can’t do that’ I whispered. ‘I understand you more than you understand yourself,’ she whispered, then you understand that I can’t stand the thought of you leaving, that the mere idea of you not being close to me drives me insane. I know I can’t have you but I will be selfish I won’t let another man have you either. Mine or not you will always be mine, you don’t even know it but I’m yours. In this life and every other.

She wiped the tears from my face “Okay I’ll stay not that I have a choice. We will be the death of each other’ A sinister smile took over my lips as I looked at her ‘To insanity’ It felt fitting we were going to be each other’s reasons for going mad. She huffed smiling. Mimicking me she frustratedly agreed ‘To insanity’


I groaned looking back up at Isabella, comfortably sitting on my couch going through her paperwork. I studied her why would she stay? If that headache and what I saw was a real memory, why did she stick around? I let out a sigh pushing that nagging feeling to the back of my head.

I stared at my desk looking through all my paperwork and I felt lost, I let out a frustrated groan not knowing anything my memory of the past year was gone meaning every business deal, every new connection, shipment dates, meetings everything got punched out.

I heard Isabella giggle as she watched me satisfied ‘Something funny?’ I asked not seeing the amusement in the situation. She rolled her eyes and sat up ‘Do you need a hand?’

‘Does it look like I need your help?’ I scoffed out, she looked at me with a playful expression almost mocking me. She nodded her head sarcastically, ‘What’ I spoke out through my teeth, frustrated biting down, causing my jaw to tense as I watched her hold the same expression.

‘Do you really want me to answer that, or would you like to maintain plausible deniability for later?’ I huffed ‘What makes you know anything anyway?’ her expressions now turning serious ‘Who do you think took over when you were in a coma?’ she asked genuinely.

‘Lorenzo’ I answered he is the underboss, I didn’t think he could handle the job but looks like he did a pretty good job, I applaud him mentally. She laughed shaking her head ‘No, but I’ll give you a hint … she’s sitting on this couch judging you’ She cocked her head to the side with a wide smile.

‘You?’ I asked shocked she nodded her head and stood up. ‘You asked me who I am right?’ I nodded my head completely drawn in. ‘I’m Isabella Knight, but I use to go by Dragon’ she explained I was taken back she was- is dragon.

Although now that she said it in a way it made sense to me. How she sorts of splits into two, how she can quickly shut off any emotions and replace it with a cold hard exterior who doesn’t care about anyone or anything … she numbs herself. ‘I-‘ she cut me off and stood next to me as she started explaining and going through what I missed out on. As she spoke, I was mesmerised by the way she took control, the connections she managed to make with powerful members aboard. A man walked in and asked to have a minute, I eyed him from head to toe as a slight sting of jealousy stung me.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, Lorenzo walked in as Isabella walked out. ‘I see you’re settling in nicely’ He sits in the chair in front of my desk, my eyes still glued on the door where Isabella stood talking to a man I didn’t recognise.

Lorenzo’s laugh broke me out of my train of thought as I looked at him, ‘what’ I asked annoyed. ‘Even with your memory loss, you haven’t changed’ I rolled my eyes ‘Don’t be an idiot, I don’t know the woman’ I shrugged him off leaning back in my chair.

‘You might not remember her, but she’s there.’ He pointed at my heart, I scoffed ‘Seriously? Did you forget who you’re talking to?’ I yelled getting frustrated. ‘You were different with her’ he shrugged. ‘Whoever I was a year ago, I’m not anymore’

Lorenzo nodded his head slowly ‘back to the old Vincenzo’ he spoke up standing up getting ready to leave. ‘It’s the only version of me’ I stated. He shook his head frustrated ‘I know I should be understanding, I shouldn’t be getting mad but no that’s not the only version of you. She made you into a decent human, she made you embrace all your demons, and she fucking loved you despite everything. Since I could remember you carry more anger and pain than a thousand armies could ever bear. You were betrayed, deceived, hurt, forced to grow up. I was there so believing me when I say the only time, I saw peace in your eyes … in your soul was when you saw her. Isabella’s the only reason why you’re not just existing anymore you were living’

Isabella’s POV

I sat in my bed and looked down at my stomach, I smiled and rubbed it. I wonder how long It’ll stay in this flat before I start showing. I smiled in awe whispering ‘I guess we are going to have to wait a little longer before we tell him about you’

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