The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 28

‘NOOO’ Vincenzo roared as he lunged towards me, I shut my eyes waiting for the impact, upon not feeling my body implode on landing I peeked looking up. Vincenzo missed my hand but just caught me by my leather jacket. He gripped the small brick railing pulling me back up onto the solid ground.

He pulled me into him tightening his grip around me, I closed my eyes slowly before allowing myself to relax into him as a small smile took over. ‘Lorenzo bring me him’ Vincenzo’s tone was stern and livid. Lorenzo already took off chasing after Xavier.

‘Are you okay?’ He asked checking me for any cuts or injuries, I laughed and slapped his hands away. ‘I’m fine’ I smiled; he stood up extending his hand waiting for me to take it. I looked at it then back up at him and pursed my lips to the side as I sat there thinking for a while.

‘Leonessa take my hand’ I smirked looking at him, ‘You haven’t called me that in a while’ I stated before finally taking his hand, he pulls me up and my body collided with his hard exterior. Inches apart I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

‘Don’t … don’t look at me like that’ I continued my stare waiting for him to speak. ‘Fine, I was an idiot.’ I raised an eyebrow crossing my arms over my chest as I continued to stare at him. ‘Was?’ I questioned. He looked around the roof before smiling like a child looking back at me ‘Am’ he corrected ‘But I’m officially your idiot leonessa’

I shook my head laughing before pushing him off me and walking downstairs, ‘No, no. You need to work for this’ I stated leaving the roof, running down the stairs to see if Lorenzo managed to get ahold of Xavier. ‘That bitch pushed me off the roof’ I yelled. Then stopped seeing the dead bodies on the floor, ‘What happened?’ I questioned looking and Vincenzo who was now hot on my tail. He innocently shrugged his shoulders smiling ‘What? You think only Dragon can leave dead bodies?’ He ushers to his men to start the clean-up.

We walk out of the building and see a very frustrated Lorenzo, throwing what looked like a rock. ‘What happened?’ Vincenzo asked as he looked at his brother, ‘son of a bitch ran. We got plates, I already sent them to Hacker, but he escaped.’ I rolled my eyes completely pissed off. ‘It’s fine as long as no one got hurt’ I whispered out frustrated in the next breath Vincenzo’s men carried dead bodies next to us. I shook my head at the irony before falling silent.

‘Are you okay?’ Lorenzo inches closer to me analysing me like his brother, slapping his hands away I laughed ‘Like I told Italy, I’m fine’ he lets out a sigh of relief hands on his hips looking up at the sky. I tilt my head to the right looking at him, ‘Oh good’ I raise an eyebrow and turn my head to the right.

‘This. Is. For. Scaring. The. Ba-Jesus. Out. Of. Me’ He spoke in between slaps to my arm, ‘Ow- OWWWW’ I yelled out pushing him off me. ‘DON’T DO THAT SHIT NO MORE’ He yelled out. ‘IN MY DEFENCE YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO FIND ME’ I yelled back. He looked at me with the most confused expression I have ever seen from Lorenzo. ‘Chica what’s that got to do with what I just said’ I shrugged my shoulder smiling.

Vincenzo string at us with both his eyebrows furrowed while pursing his lips, as a confused expression also overtook his facial structure. I shrugged ‘Don’t stay like that It’ll freeze that way’ I warned both of them while pointing.

‘Get in.’ Vincenzo demanded me to get in the car, I shook my head ‘I got my own ride’ I flashed his motorcycle keys in my hand winking at him. He shook his head snatching the keys from my hand and tossing it to one of his men.

‘Get in’ He looked at me with a stern expression. I gasped watching the man ride my motorcycle away. Bitch I thought before looking back up at Vincenzo. ‘No’ I replied. ‘Get in!’ he began getting frustrated. ‘NO’ I yelled back, I wasn’t going to make this easy for him. ‘Now!’ His low tone of voice making my legs turn to jelly as I felt my Pussy beginning throb at his dominance.

‘Make m-‘ He quickly covered my mouth with his hand. Inching closer that his lips were hovering over his hand that covered mine. ‘Trust me, leonessa. That’s a sentence you do not want to finish’ My entire female system was ready to burst as I watched this man with an intense gaze. What if I want to finish it? I teased in my head. I pushed his hand away as he helps me in the car with a victorious smirk.

I relaxed into the seat, as I listened to Vincenzo and Lorenzo talk. ‘Call Ariana, let her know Isabella is fine and we are on our way’ Lorenzo seemed taken back ‘Shouldn’t we call Maria? Let her know you kept your promise?’ He asked, I moved my head back ‘promise?’ What promise?

‘Let her be surprised, if you tell her now she won’t stop calling and pasteurising staff and our men until we get there” If anyone saw us right now after what we just experienced making jokes and going on about the day as though I didn’t just kill like five people and almost die. We would all be in an asylum. I shook my head curiosity getting the better of me ‘What promise?’ I asked they both kept quiet.

‘Hello?’ I saw Vincenzo looking at me from the review mirror, ‘I- I can see you looking. Just tell me, we all know I won’t shut up’ I stated the obvious waiting for their answer, ‘Vincenzo in order to calm down Maria he made her a promise that he won’t come back until you’re with him’ I opened my mouth to speak but immediately shut it again when no words came out. I can see Vincenzo looking at me, trying to read my facial expression but I was in some kind of shock.

Vincenzo was never caring about anyone or anything. As a matter of fact, he doesn’t do well with any emotions, other than anger. He never really displayed the skill set to calm down anyone going through a state of panic. My heart melted at the thought of Vincenzo calming my twin sister down and making her feel reassured.

Then my heart twisted at the fact that I was the reason my sister was in that position in the first place. The car came to a stop and I immediately ran out and went looking for Maria, I found her asleep in my bed. My smile grew big as tears filled my eyes as I stared at my sister, and her tear stains on her face. I bent down to her level and wiped her tears with the back of my hand, causing her to flutter her eyes open.

After blinking a million times per second to make sure it was me, she latched herself on me. Holding me as tight as she possibly could. Making me wince as it felt like De Ja Vu


I stood in the middle of the basement, ‘Xavier what the fuck am I doing here?’ I yelled out trying to calm my nerves, I’ll admit I’ve been acting out quite a bit. I don’t know if it was my yearning for my family or if the guilt officially began eating me up inside.

I looked around the empty basement and in the far-left corner, a girl roughly my age sat down tied up, blindfolded with a gag in her mouth. ‘I just wanted to give you some motivation to behave’ Xavier snarkily threatened. He walked towards the girl and pulled out her gag. ‘SPEAK’ He yelled. The girl jumped as her whole body began shaking. ‘I- I- I just want m-my s-s-sister’ The girl helplessly cried out. I tilted my head still unable to understand what Xavier’s whole point to this was.

‘What is your and your sister’s name?’ he asked, ‘I’m beginning to grow bored of this game,’ I whisper shouted. He put his index finger to his lip to shush me then pointed at the girl and gestured for me to listen. I rolled my eyes looking back at the girl, and suddenly I noticed small features that reminded me of Maria.

The birthmark on her neck, the beauty mark on her lip. ‘Maria, my sister’s names Isabella’ her words echoed in my head, ‘my sister’s names Isabella” Maria. I stared at her for a minute as my head immediately snapped to Xavier as I gave him a warning to not do anything stupid. ‘I swear if you so much as touch a hair on her head, I’ll kill you here’ I spat.

Maria’s head snapped in my direction; my stare however was fixated on Xavier. ‘Don’t’ I warned in a low stern tone of voice asserting my dominance. My eyes were wide, my head slightly tilted up as my body squared ready to attack at any second.

He looked me up and down with lust in his eyes before he took out the gun from his pocket and aimed it at Maria. Immediately I grabbed my gun out and aimed it at him ‘DONT’ I spat aggressively. He smirked calling my bluff, he really thinks I won’t pull this trigger. I laughed to myself as I continued staring at him. Never breaking eye contact.

The gun clicked indicating its ready to fire if he pulls the trigger. Without thinking I shot him in the chest three times. Running to Maria, freeing her.  Immediately After blinking a million times per second to make sure, it was me, she latched herself on me. Holding me as tight as she possibly could. ‘Please don’t ever leave me again’ She cried into my shoulder as she tightened her grip.

I smiled through the tears that were building up before realisation came over me. We need to get out of here. I grabbed her by her arm and ran for the secret exit and never turning back.


I cried realising I did it to her again, I left ‘I’m so sorry’ I whispered into her shoulder. She shook her head and looked at me ‘I know why’ She explained, I looked down taking in a deep breath before looking up again. ‘He ruins every good thing in my life, even if he isn’t in it’ I whispered feeling completely broken.

Vincenzo’s POV

I re-entered my desk, feeling a lot calmer than I was this morning. The doorknobs began turning and a smile forced its way on my face as I waited for her to come barging through. ‘Boss’ Lexi and Roxy called out as I sat back down in my chair my previous smile now replaced with a disappointed scowl.

‘Roxy? Lexi?’ I questioned looking at the unusual duo. ‘We have news to report’ Roxy stated, I looked at both of them. ‘It’s about Xavier baby’ Lexi flirted as I cringed at the use of the term ‘baby’. ‘Boss is fine’ I stated, scratching my chin. ‘What is it?’ I asked becoming intrigued.

‘It’s about Xavier and Isab-‘ My phone started ringing cutting her off. I looked at the ID and quickly picked up the phone. ‘Vincenzo King’ I stated. ‘Yes, that works out perfect for us as well. See you soon’ I hung up the phone looking back up at the girls.

‘As we were saying-‘ They went to continue before I cut them off, ‘Girls if you had finished your sentence about Isabella, it wouldn’t have been the phone that cut you off. I have a business trip I need to go on. If you have any valuable information let me know when I get back’ I pointed at the doors dismissing the two of them.

Isabella’s POV

After talking to Maria, we both decided to spend some time away from the guys and all the drama. Maria wanted to invite Ariana which I was happy with while I went and took a quick shower. Now I’m stuck deciding on what to wear I finally decided on a mini checkers skirt with a slit and a basic crop black singlet with some nude heels.

I fixed up my hair and touched up my makeup and walked outside going to meet the girls in the front. A yelp left my lips as I was being pulled into a room, I hit him on his chest and left out a puff clutching my heart. ‘I- sometimes I just wanna’ I start punching my hand to demonstrate how badly I want to punch his head in.

‘Leonessa get over it. Where are you going?’ He raised an eyebrow ranking my body and outfit from head to toe before looking me in the eye again. It was now my turn to raise my eyebrow ‘What makes you think you have any right to ask me that?’ He looked up at the roof pondering over his answer in more of a sarcastic manner than I would have liked.

‘Vincenzo!’ I yelled out getting irritated. ‘Isabella!’ He yells back mimicking me, I squint my eyes at him ‘I liked it better when you were a bitter soul’ He lets out a chuckle then pulls me into his chest by my waist. I put my hands on his chest keeping a good distance. ‘Nope. I told you, you need to work for all this again’ I winked and pushed him back.

Making a swift exit I walked downstairs and saw everyone downstairs with suitcases. Giving Maria and Ariana a puzzled look. Maria answers my unasked question, ‘Vincenzo pushed the trip to Spain to right now’ she huffed out going upstairs to pack. ‘When?’ I spat out shocked I was just- ‘about a second ago’ Vincenzo now at the top of the stairs smiles at me, ‘You better change’ He demands lowly, licking his lips. Smirking I shake my head ‘I’m quite comfortable like this thanks’ I walked past him getting quickly packing essentials.

We run back downstairs and get into the range rovers. ‘You ready?’ I look at Lorenzo and nod my head nervous. ‘As ready as I’ll ever be’ I looked over at Maria who mirrored the same expression as I did. We haven’t been to Spain since I shot Xavier and our grandparents thought it best to send us away. We haven’t visited our parents grave in years, I don’t know how I was going to face anything waiting for me in Spain.

The car came to a stop, realising we arrived I let out a small sigh and got out of the car. Vincenzo intertwines our hands as he leads me up the staircase of the private plane. He let’s go taking a phone call and his seat, he indicated to sit next to him, and I oblige.

After a few minutes we were in the air, I blew out air bored beyond belief. I peeked at the minibar and a wide smile overtook my lips … just what I need. I quickly get up and rush towards the tequila. ‘Hey stranger’ I smiled ‘My drinking buddy!’ I cheered feeling as everything was right in the world again. ‘I’ve missed you’ Lorenzo pouted as I smirked shaking my head ‘When I got drunk with Vincenzo it felt like I was cheating on you’ he admitted. I punched his arm ‘YOU DID!’ I yelled at him.

I poured the shots, and we cheered before taking a swing. What felt like a hundred shots later my head started spinning as a lopsided smile took over my lips. ‘Isabella’ Lorenzo slurred out making me laugh ‘Y-Yessssss’ I answered him taking another shot. ‘Did you fall from heaven?’ I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him funny trying to remember if I had ever been to heaven. ‘Because so did Satan’ He shrugged throwing back another shot.

I squinted my eyes as an idea popped into my head. ‘Fine and I was going to kill that spider on your shoulder’ I shrugged and walked off with a smirk. ‘WHAT WHEREEEEEEEE AHHH. GET IT OFF. GET IT OFF. GET IT OFF.’ Lorenzo started screaming and jumping as he looked like he was going to faint. His outburst alerted Maria, Ariana, and Vincenzo. Great I facepalmed.

‘VINCENZO GIVE ME THE GUN!’ He yelled still running in a circle, I shrugged let’s have some more fun ‘IT’S CRAWLING UP YOUR NECK’ I dragged my finger up his neck to give him the illusion it’s there. ‘AHHHHHHHH’ He let out a girly screech as he started frantically slapping his neck and then banged the back of his head on the couch to ‘kill’ the spider.

I doubled over laughing, ‘IDIOTA’ I laughed out holding my stomach. ‘I want in on this’ Ariana blurted out grabbing some alcohol. I fist-bumped the air ‘that’s my girl’ I go to get another shot before Vincenzo swings me back around. ‘No more for you’ He points at me I smirk looking at him ‘Aw you poor naive baby, you actually think I’m going to listen, don’t you?’ I pouted in pity and shook my head patting him on the chest, ‘Okayyyyyy, I’ll play along’

I turned on my heel ‘I DONT-‘ I opened my mouth and winked at Ariana ‘Want another drink’ I put my thumbs up and looked back at Vincenzo ‘better?’ I smiled. He rolled his eyes and sat me back down on the chair. ‘Sit’ I squinted my eyes ‘WHAT AM I A PUPPY?’ I yelled.

I looked at Lorenzo who was glaring at me ‘SPIDER’ I yelled pointing at him causing him to jump and scream once again frantically dusting himself. ‘LORENZO SHES LYING’ Maria yells out to get him to stop. I fall off my chair laughing ‘I HATE YOU!’ He yells out I couldn’t stop laughing so I flip him off. ‘IM A BIT LOOPY’ I laugh out.

I jump back on my feet and smile, ‘Ariana pour me another oneeeeee’ I slurred out trying to keep my balance in these heels. ‘Wow’ I lost my balance and grabbed Vincenzo’s arm ‘Thanks Italy’.

‘IM TAKING A SHOT’ I sang out before drowning it down. ‘IT BURNS MY THROAT, BUT IT’S SOOO GOOD. WOW OHHHHH’ I screamed out singing the first thing that popped into my head. I looked at Vincenzo who was giving me a disappointed yet amused scowl. I smiled innocently before pointing at Lorenzo to put the music on.

Uptown funk comes on and the three of us burst out in dance and song and Vincenzo and Maria stare at us like we are their three-year-old kids on a sugar high. ‘UPTOWN FUNK YOU UP UPTOWN FUNK YOU UP’ we cheered taking some more shots and badly dancing.

‘Isabella come over here and have some water’ Vincenzo orders me I look at him with a mischievous grin. ‘I’M TOO HOT’ I sang out waiting for him to continue. I point at him with a wide smile that reminded me of the ‘:D’ emoticon. He gave me a blank stare as I kept my finger pointed at him and my smile getting bigger with each passing second as I inch closer waiting for him to cave. He lets out a sigh and with a monotone expression breath out ‘Hot damn’

I snapped my fingers at him and danced ‘CALL THE POLICE AND THE FIREMAN’ I bobbed my head to the beat before the plane had a stroke. Being very drunk I fell over spilling the shot all over my tank. ‘WHAT WAS THAT’ I yelled petrified. ‘It was just a little bump in the road’ Maria spoke out reassuring me. I looked at her with wide eyes in shock ‘WHAT DID WE HIT A DEAR? WE’RE IN THE AIR’ I cursed motioning to the plane tipping whatever remained of the shot on the floor. I frowned looking at the spilt vodka. ‘Damn’ I slouched.

‘Isabella is that blood?’ Lorenzo looks at my leg, I squint my eyes then widen them before squinting and staring at my leg. ‘No?’ I answered unsure of the red splotch on my leg. ‘That is not a question you’re supposed to answer with another QUESTION’ I looked at him with a blank expression. ‘Do. not. YELL AT ME’ I yelled before trying to regain balance. I threw the shot glass at him and laughed as he dramatically fell to the floor. ‘Mariaaaaaa Isabella threw a glass at meeeee’ He whined as Maria looked at me with a scowl. ‘WHAAA, HE STARTED IT’ I pointed at him stomping my feet. ‘Nope, I will not be a part of this … whatever the fuck this is.’ Maria cursed sitting back in her seat.

I and Lorenzo exchanged cheeky looks before giggling covering our mouths. ‘What,’ she said in a rather pissed off tone. We both stopped laughing trying to keep it in and hide our smirk. ‘What,’ she asked through gritted teeth. ‘You said a bad word’ Lorenzo whispered before we both burst out laughing. ‘Oh, I’m going to give you both a bad wo-‘ She stormed towards us before Vincenzo held her and spun her around calming her down. ‘HEY SHES MINE PAL’ Lorenzo yelled stomping up towards them.

‘NO HEY!’ I yelled catching up to them. ‘Okay, that’s enough’ Vincenzo and Maria both spoke out at the same time. I looked between them then back at Lorenzo ‘Maybe they’re the twins’ I asked full of doubt.

‘Come on’ They dragged us apart and forced us to drink water. ‘I don’t want to’ I pouted as Vincenzo held the glass to my lips. ‘Come on’ he pushed, I sucked in my lips and shook my head. ‘I’ll buy you food when we land.’ I looked at him interested raising my eyebrows. ‘I’ll get you whatever you want’ I quickly obliged drinking the water. ‘BLAH BLAH LAHH’ I quickly stuck my tongue in and out before wiping it. ‘That not nice’ I uttered making the noise people do when they want to taste something.

‘We have a long time to land. Can you just … sleep?’ Vincenzo asked me helpless. I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. ‘I’m all sticky’ I motioned to the spilt drink. He grabbed a clean white tee and guided me to the bathroom to help me change.

He looked at me waiting for me to give him permission. I slowly nodded my head as he dragged his fingers up my arm to the strap of my tank. I closed my eyes feeling dizzy as the heat in the bathroom just rose to a million degrees. He slips off the strap I let out a shaky breath as I can feel his eyes never leaving my closed ones. He grabs the bottom of the hem and pulls it over my head before putting his t-shirt on me. I open my eyes and look at him. ‘Thanks’ I whisper feeling myself sobering up faster than I would like. He nods his head his gaze growing more and more intense.


After the heated moment me and Vincenzo had in the bathroom, I decided it best to quickly walk out of there before I was unable to stop myself from tearing every clothing off his body and having him fuck me until I couldn’t walk.

I took a shaky breath as I sat back down on the seat still feeling tipsy, I looked down at the glass of champagne that is meant for Vincenzo and debated it as I pursed my lips like a duck. ‘Eh, It’s not like I’m not already drunk’ I grabbed the glass and drank it. Mimicking a chefs kiss I put the glass back down and saw Lorenzo holding a massive backpack. I laughed looking at him ‘What are you doing?’ I questioned standing up to walk to him.

‘Ah Madam your carriage awaits.’ He bows in front of me then kneels allowing me to get in his backpack. ‘Why thank you kind sir’ I replied giggling as I jumped in the bag. He stood up quite literally carrying me in a giant backpack on his back. ‘If I was sober, I’d seriously start questioning you on where the fuck you got this from but … FUCK IT. GO FASTER GO GO GO’ I chant encouraging him to run around the plan like idiots.

‘Heyyy Vincenzo! Look’ He edged closer to Vincenzo like he was going to tell him the biggest secret, He looked around seeing if anyone was listening to him and whispers in his ear ‘I have a dragon in my backpack’ he moves back and grins excited while looking around the room like a child in a candy store. I burst out laughing as Vincenzo stares at the both of us ‘Dragons don’t exist that’s Isabel-‘ Lorenzo cut him off by putting his finger to Vincenzo’s lips to shush him. ‘If they don’t exist explain something to me’ He looked down then back up at Vincenzo as if he is in deep thought, ‘Why is there one in my backpack?’

‘Yea Vincenzo! Why is there one in his backpack then’ I mimicked Lorenzo’s tone as I tried to be sassy while falling and trying to keep my head up float in this bag. ‘Cazzo’ Vincenzo breaths as he approaches me, he carries me up and holds me bridal style. ‘Bedtime’ He demands more than asks. ‘But I’m not tired’ I whine as I flop dead in his arms my head upside down.

I shot back up ‘ARIANA IS STILL DRINKING’ I shout ‘That’s not fair’ I crossed my arms over my chest and roll my eyes. ‘Oh, don’t you worry, I’ll deal with her next. One drunk at a time’ He sits me in my seat as he goes to walk towards Ariana who was trying to convince the pilot that she can fly this plan better than him. I frowned as the feeling of disappointment creeped through that Vincenzo wasn’t going to stay.

‘I’ll be back leonessa’ He whispers probably seeing my disappointment. ‘Ariana … Ariana. ARIANA STOP PUSHING BUTTOUNS’ He yells. Making me burst out laughing, I look behind me and see Maria also trying to get water down Lorenzo’s throat and put him to bed. Vincenzo came back carrying Ariana and strapping her in her seat, ‘Sleep’ He demands ‘But’ he looks at her with what I’m assuming is a scowl. ‘If you promise to sleep now, I’ll take you shopping when we land in Spain’ he bribes her. Without another word she quickly shuts her eyes tight and ‘sleeps’

Vincenzo laughs as he bends over leaving a loving kiss on her head, ‘ti amo sorella’ (I love you sis) he whispers as he walks away, she allows a smile to form on her lips but refuses to open her eyes and jeopardise her shopping spree. Vincenzo laughs as he stares at her with admiration before making his way back towards me. I close my eyes and fake sleep so he wouldn’t catch me staring at him, he sighs as he sits next to me. He lifts my head and re places it on his chest as he snags his arm around my waist pulling me close.

He lowers his head now his lips are inches from my ear, ‘I know you’re awake leonessa’ he whispers amused, I peak a look at him and roll my eyes. ‘Shut up’ I responded as I lifted my head to look at him, ‘You love her huh?’ I asked referring to Ariana, he sighed a smile forming as he looks up at Ariana who is now fast asleep. ‘She’s like my baby’ he admits. I propped myself up and watching him as he started at his baby sister ‘I raised her, she couldn’t sleep unless she was in my arms. When she was happy or upset, I was there. When she made friends, she couldn’t wait to introduce them to her big brother. She would blush and get all giddy when I would call her princess and then get angry when I’d call her by her name.’ He trailed off, and my heart could explode from the way he talks about his family it’s a side to him you don’t see often.

A raw vulnerable side, he tries to act all tough and scary and don’t get me wrong he is but deep down he possesses the biggest heart for those lucky enough to be a part of it and it was easy to see his siblings were a major part of his heart. I looked down to his chest and wandered if I owned a part of his heart two. ‘Lorenzo and her would fight like cats and dogs, but in a funny way. He would purposely annoy her when I was giving her more attention than she would start punching and chasing him around the house. For such a little girl she was actually scary’ He laughed causing me to giggle ‘I mean she was raised by you’ He laughed nodding his head ‘Then she grew up’ he tilted his head then looked back at me ‘I have to keep reminding myself she’s all grown up that she isn’t a baby, and is capable of handling herself and going places and -‘ he shudders ‘dating’ he says disgusted. I roll my eyes and laugh at his behaviour ‘Even though she may not be a baby anymore, she’ll always be that little girl I use to rock to sleep, that little girl who use to force me to play tea parties. I’ll always protect her no matter what.’

He pulls me back down resting my head on his chest as he whispers for me to get some sleep, and I happily obliged as I focused on his heartbeat as my eyelids began getting heavier and I drifted off to sleep.


I was shaken awake ‘five more minutes’ I turn around and cover my eyes with my arms, ‘Isabella we landed’ I slowly adjusted my eyes to the light and looked at Vincenzo extending his hand out. I took it standing up we entered the car parked Infront of the plane and took off to the Vila. ‘Are we staying with people?’ I questioned. ‘Yes, have you heard of Andres Lopez?’ he asked looking at me. I cocked my eyebrow at him nodding slowly ‘He and my dad use to be close; he owns the second biggest drug cartel in Spain. Mainly famous for the basics but he lacks the business savvy my dad had. When he passed away Andres was probably just as sad as me and Maria’ Vincenzo nodded his head and looked at me sympathetically.

‘Well, we are invited to stay at his Vila since he wants to start a partnership with the kings. We need legal ownerships of a few businesses in Spain, and he needs customers aboard. Thought we could help each other out, we are staying at his Vila for a few days iron out details, percentages and finalise everything’ He briefed me and the rest of us in the car. ‘He has humbly offered us his men if need be while we are here. I doubt we will need them however, Maria, Ariana and Bella if you leave the villa you will be having those men accompany you If Lorenzo or myself are not with you’ We all went to object before he swiftly cut us off ‘Don’t even bother, we are sorta at Xavier’s turf he has people here and I will not risk the safety of any of you. So, you can bitch all you want but we all know you won’t win’ He states ending the conversation sliding his glasses over his eyes going on his phone.

The driver informs us we are a few minutes from the Vila, Maria tugs on my arm and pulls me close to her ‘Can we visit-‘ I cut her off nodding my head already knowing what she’ll say. ‘Without a doubt then well go see abuela and abuelo’ She nods her head excited and sad all in one. We pull up to a gate as the man talks to the security, they open the gate letting us through.

The car comes to a steady halt as they open the doors for us, standing at the entrance are Andres and his Wife Sarah. I took Vincenzo’s extended hand as he helped me out, we approached the couple as they looked taken back and surprised to see me. ‘Isabella?’ they asked shocked as tears began to form in Sarah’s eyes. I smiled as they embraced me in a tight hug, ‘How have you been? No, what are you doing with the kings? No, I’m sorry about your parents passing. No, are you okay? No scars? Oh, I can’t believe what Xavier did to you. Are you-‘ Her husband swiftly cut her off ‘WOOW amor breath at least give her a chance to step foot inside.’ He laughed as he looked over at me ‘You look so much like your father’ I smiled as tears began forming in my eyes, I sighed smiling ‘He would be so proud of you’ he whispered as he gave me another tight hug.

He looked over at Vincenzo ‘So sorry’ he apologised as he extended his hand for a handshake ‘Please come in’ as we walked inside Maria looked at me confused, ‘Met them when I was training with Papa and grew a stronger bond when I was dragon.’ I briefly explained, all the contacts and allies Xavier had were because of me when I vanished so did they. Xavier wasn’t the best to talk business with and was always very shady when making deals you can’t afford to be sly you need to be honest and upfront otherwise the deal will fall to pieces and you can cause a war with the opposite side.

Sarah turned to Maria and let out a squeal ‘Oh you must be her twin?’ she asked as he embraced her in a hug. Sarah reminded me a lot of Mama I think that’s why I was so comfortable around her and why I loved her and Andres so much they both reminded me of my parents. Soft, comforting, kind, daring and not to be messed with.

‘Andres if you don’t mind jumping straight into it, I’d like to discuss the basics today’ Vincenzo looks at Andres ‘Of course son, but I hope to also get to know you on a level beside business partners. Why don’t you all settle in, and I’ll get miles to grab you and bring you to my office in 10 minutes’ Vincenzo nodded smiling. They exchanged a few words as Andres laughed and patted him on the back Vincenzo looked very calm and relaxed in his presence. It was odd seeing as he was the complete opposite with his own parents. It was nice seeing them two getting along, even though Vincenzo and I are not a couple it was reassuring and meant a lot he was getting along with Andres.

We are all shown to our rooms, Maria and Lorenzo are across the hall, Ariana’s room is at the end of the hall while one room remained at the opposite corner of the hall. ‘I guess we are sharing?’ I asked scratching my arm nervously, he let out a mocking laugh ‘Afraid you won’t be able to resist me if we share a bed?’ smirking at me. Yes … I mentally answered.  I rolled my eyes ‘No.’ I answered walking inside. It was breath taking because our room was at the end of the hall, we got a beautiful balcony. I opened the door as the wind blew, I smiled taking in my home city getting slightly emotional. ‘It’s so beautiful’ I whispered when I sensed Vincenzo’s presence. He stand’s next to me ‘it really is’ he whispers staring at me.

I looked up at him and for a moment it felt like everything stood still, my body was yearning to feel his touch. It had been so long, and it was aching for his touch, for his lips my body was burning with desire and looking into his eyes I knew he was too. He leaned down, backing me up against the wall our lips inches apart. I bit my bottom lip looking at his lip then I look up locking my stare on his beautiful grey eyes. ‘if you don’t stop biting your lip, I’ll bite it for you’ he growled I instantly let go of my lip before smirking and taking it between my teeth again.

Without warning he pressed his lips to mine with such hunger, passion, and lust. I moaned into the kiss giving him access. He deepened the kiss as my hands found their way to his hair tugging at it. He bit down on my lip as my eyes rolled back with pleasure. Not being able to control myself anymore I ripped his shirt as my fingers run over his toned chest earning me a low moan. I smirked feeling victorious at the effect I had on him simply with just my touch.

‘I think we need to get rid of this now’ He spoke out breathless tugging at the T-shirt he helped me in on the plane. I smirked as he tore it off faster than I could comprehend, he let out a hum of pleasure as he started at my toned stomach his eyes ranking up. It felt like a light bulb went off in my head as I remembered the scars on my stomach from the torture and Xavier. I cringed and tried to cover them.

Vincenzo noticed as he grabbed my arms and pulled me closer to him, ‘Don’t’ he whispered as he manged to move my arms away, he picked me up so now I was straddling him as he moved us over to the bed. He put me down as he climbed on top of me, his necklace just touching my breasts as he hovers over me. He lowers himself down to my stomach kissing each and every scar he could see, whispering in Italian.

‘Your scars tell a story,’ He kissed the one under my right boob. ‘They are a reminder’ he places another kiss in the middle of my breast above my other scar. ‘A reminder of times when life tried to break you and failed’ He kissed the scar on my side before he pushed himself up and looked me in the eye. His gaze was soft and made me melt beneath him. ‘They are markings of where the structure of your character was welded. The story behind them may be sad and cruel but it’s because of them you are the way you are. Strong, resilient … and so damn beautiful.’ My eyes weld up with tears as I pulled his lips to mine.

I never for a second would have thought of my scars in that manner but hearing it from him made me feel special it made me feel like a warrior. We broke the kiss both evidently breathless ‘To insanity’ I whispered he smiled ‘to insanity’ he whispered back as he leaned back down to kiss me. But before he could a knock on the door was heard, ‘Mr King, Mr Lopez would like me to inform you that he is waiting for you in the office’ I smirked looking up at him, ‘Duty calls Italy’ he rolls his eyes as he hangs his head low fustrated. I laugh at his behaviour ‘This isn’t over’ he warned as he stood up. ‘I think you need a new shirt’ I pointed out. He shook his head smirking he took a clean shirt from the bag and walked out.

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