The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 26

Isabella’s POV


I felt my heart trying to escape through my throat, my head was in chaos as my entire body tensed. ‘Isabella?’ he called my name his tone laced with concern and confusion. I go to open my mouth but couldn’t form words as I felt like it was impossible to appropriately function. Dante King, my eyes laced over in tears recalling his last moments in my lap.

I shut my eyes closed as the guilt I buried away resurfaced; my stomach was in a knot my heartbeat was racing like it was going to break free at any given moment. ‘Isabella’ he grabbed my arms trying to register what was wrong with me I kept my head down and eyes shut feeling too ashamed to look him in the eye.

Your brother died because he cared about me, he died because he wanted to help me, he died because he was concerned about a 16-year-old with a dangerous criminal background, he died because he was worried about a girl who was being abused by a middle-aged man. I killed your brother.

A lump formed in my throat as I suddenly found it hard to breathe, I stand to keep myself steady placing my hand on the floor as I felt my chest beginning to tighten. ‘No, no, no’ I was panting, and my breathing became harsher and harsher. YOU KILLED HIS BROTHER. HIS BROTHER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU. HE DIED BECAUSE EVERYONE THAT ENTERS YOUR LIFE GET’S SWALLOWED IN A PIT OF DARKNESS. YOU. KILLED. HIS. BROTHER.

‘Isabella’ he called my name trying to get me on my feet. Feeling overwhelmed I cried, he immediately embraced me in his arms as he stroked my hair to calm me down whispering in my ear. I pushed him off me ‘no I don’t deserve your warmth.’ I harshly spat feeling disgusted with myself.

I looked up at him as the shock finally kicked in, I looked him in the eye and my heart ached even further seeing his genuine concern and worry for me. I swallowed any lingering emotion of guilt and chose to be selfish and stay quiet. ‘I- I just re-envisioned my parent’s death, sorry’ I whispered softly. He seemed to calm down slightly as he embraced me in a hug, I sunk into him feeling safe in his arms.

But my heart broke knowing if he knew the truth he would spit in my face. I would spit in my face. I wiped the tears away and stood up as I finished dressing him, I smiled and got up to leave. ‘Isabella … I’m here’ he whispered, ‘you can talk to me or not talk to me, but I’m here.’

I looked at the floor chewing my bottom lip before I looked back up again ‘I know’ I smiled and closed the door softly. I felt a stone sitting on my chest as I shut my eyes closed, I rested my head on the door before sinking down and hugging my knees.

How can I look any of them in the eye? I can’t stay here. I quickly rushed to Maria’s room as I sat on her bed. ‘Maria’ I whispered shaking her awake. She slowly opened her eyes as the look of confusion was immediately replaced with worry.

‘What’s wrong?’ I shook my head and offered her a pity smile to keep her calm. ‘I … need to get out of here’ She shook her head ‘Isabella, Xavier is hot on your tail. If he finds out, you are no longer under the King’s protection the first thing he is going to do is track you down and make you pay for what you did to him.’

Letting out a sigh as I tried to desperately avoid her stare, I didn’t mind. ‘He won’t find me; I’ve gotten pretty good at avoiding him. Maria, I can’t stay in this house any longer. I need to go’ She shook her head as she held my hands. ‘Then I’m coming with you’ I shook my head ‘NO. You need to stay, Maria for the first time in years I’ve seen you smile, laugh, and genuinely enjoy your life. You found someone you want to spend forever with, you created a strong bond and made your first best friend with Ariana. You’re beaming with light I can’t and won’t allow it to go away.’

‘Isabella, there is no happiness in my life if you’re not in it’ I cupped her cheeks as I smiled at her, ‘Maria, the only thing I want in this world is for you to be happy, If I go on the run again, I’m going to open a target on my back for anyone and everyone. I would never forgive myself if I put a target on your back. When I’m gone, I know you’ll be safe here, Maria por favour. If I decide to run don’t follow me’

‘Is this because of Vincenzo breaking up with you?’ she asked desperately trying to figure out what was wrong with me, I shook my head ‘no’ I drifted off. ‘Isabella, I know the situation between the two of you is strained but don’t let it be the reason you run.’ I winced at the mention of our current relationship, it is strained and bipolar but if he finds out I’m the reason his brother died. I don’t want to imagine the type of anger that will come from him.

‘Maria-‘ She cut me off desperately trying to keep me here, ‘At least give it time … Vincenzo was shot and is too stubborn to allow anyone else to help him.’ I looked at her for a moment listening to her words. I sighed knowing she was right he was too stubborn. ‘Fine, I’ll stay until he is back on his feet’ She embraced me in a tight hug.

‘Come on’ she moved her blanket making room for me to sleep next to her, smiling at her innocence I jump in and snuggle next to her. ‘goodnight hermana” (sister) she whispered slowly drifting off. ‘Goodnight hermana’ I whispered back. She gripped the side of my shirt scared I was going to leave her. I smiled letting out a low laugh, when we were younger Maria feared the dark and she would do this to make sure I never left her in the middle of the night.


I slowly opened my eyes, ‘what are you doing in my girlfriend’s bed’ I jumped noticing how close Lorenzo was to me, ‘Get-‘ I pushed him away as I sat up huffing, ‘How you deal with him willingly is beyond me’ I held my hand to my chest trying to calm my heart rate down. ‘Says the girl that is willingly dealing with Vincenzo Pain in the ass King’ He sarcastically responds, “I hate you’ I mumbled ‘Why? I’m lovely’ he smiled putting his finger in his dimple as he looked to the side. I muffled a laugh.

he plopped himself on the bed in between me and Maria, getting under the blanket. ‘How big is this bed’ I whisper yelled. ‘Oh Isabella, Vincenzo is trying to walk on his own and I can almost guarantee his stubborn ass fell.’ I looked at him like he lost his mind ‘Did you think to help him?’ he widened his eyes shaking me ‘HE WAS NAKED’ I burst out laughing shaking my head ‘I helped him get dressed last night he wasn’t’ He stared at me shocked ‘That fucker … I’ll be back’ and like a true drama queen, he stormed out of the room.

I quickly got up and rushed after him, ‘Where you are going?’ Maria quickly spoke out following me. ‘He really is naked; this is the time he showers’ I explained. We stop around the corner, putting my hand out to stop Maria as well. We peaked our heads around the corner. ‘VINCENZO, LEMME HELP YOU BITCH. I JUST WANNA LOVE YOU’ Lorenzo bangs on the door then forces his way in trying to move the bodyguards out of his way.

Finally breaking through he walks in, and I waited for the scream. Edging our heads further out with our ears pointed up. ‘MY EYES’ bursting out laughing I held Maria’s hand. ‘MY INNOCENT EYES’ Lorenzo runs back out of the room covering his eyes screaming about his purity being taken away.

My stomach started aching from laughing, ‘Oh I really needed that’ I laughed out as tears started forming in my eyes. Lorenzo came up from behind me ‘I hate you’ he mumbled, ‘No you don’t’ I smiled and winked at him. He stayed quiet as I stared at him ‘SAY IT’ I yelled he bit his lip and looked up. ‘Lorenzo King says the line’ He shook his head. ‘Lorenzo’ I warned, he looked at me and let out a sigh caving ‘I hate that I love you’ I nodded my head smiling ‘Good boy’ I patted his back and walked past him and towards Vincenzo’s room.

I tilted my head seeing him sitting on the floor laughing, ‘how your mum dealt with you two is beyond me’ he shrugged his shoulders as he tried lifting himself up, I quickly ran up towards him and helped him up. ‘I know this is hard for you to do but stay put’ He let out a puff of air looking at me ‘you’re one to talk’ I shot him a glare before going to get him his clothes.

I helped him put his boxers on and my heart stopped as my eyes met his tattoo. I looked away trying to slow down my heart and breath. ‘Men, can we get the parallel bars I had you order yesterday’ They nodded their heads and quickly went to get what I needed. ‘What?’ I looked up at Vincenzo ‘You need to start physical therapy’ I stated the obvious looking at him, ‘When-‘ I cut him off ‘in the hospital I couldn’t sit still’ I explained looking down.

The men came in and placed it in the middle of the room. I smiled and thanked them, ‘Come on’ I helped him up on his feet as he gripped the bars, I held onto his waist and guided him forwards keeping a stronghold to make sure he doesn’t fall.


For the next couple of weeks, this was the routine I would wake up and make sure I would help Vincenzo with his physical therapy. There was obvious tension between the two of us, we were the definition of toxic and confused. Whenever Vincenzo felt like he was getting too close he would become cold as ice, and I had a secret I was hiding from him and was constantly tense around him. My heart would melt at his progress and the smile he would get when I’d get excited then we would both immediately catch ourselves caring and go back to a blank expression.

I walked to his office and opened the doors, still feeling on edge every time I was near him, but it was time to change his bandage and do his treatment. I was responsible for so much of his troubles and I never noticed it until recently.

Xavier me. Dante me. His gunshot wound me. I step through the doors and stop Immediately seeing Vincenzo walking on his own, ‘Oh my god’ I squealed out and quickly rushed to him. ‘You’re doing it’ I smiled looking at him, he smiled and nodded his head ‘Feels like a baby learning to walk.’ He joked. He looked at me smiling and I admired his strength before we both quickly looked away.

I coughed awkwardly ‘I need to clean your wound and change the bandages’ He nods his head and goes and lays flat on the couch ‘I’m so thankful you stopped fighting me on this’ I muttered remembering the battle we went through for him to sit and let me just help him. ‘Stubborn’ was all he muttered. I shook my head trying to hide my smile as I helped him take his shirt off out of habit. I started cleaning his wound, every time my finger would brush his skin, he’s breathing would become rigid and he would tense slightly.

I helped put his shirt back on as I finished, and my eyes grazed over his tattoo. ‘You weren’t born to be soft and quiet. You were born to make the world shatter and shake at your fingertips. D.K’

I’m so sorry Dante. I mentally cried and looked back at Vincenzo who was now sitting up and looking at me intensely. I quickly got up to leave but he grabbed my wrist. ‘Isabella-‘ I cut him off shaking my head ‘don’t’ I begged.

‘Isabella I-‘

‘No, Isabella nothing. Vincenzo you can’t do this’ I begged him not wanting to fall into the same fight. ‘You sit there to explain how you don’t like the distance when you created it. Then you give me hope that we could go back to what we were then you kill it within a second’ I looked at him while his facial expression remained blank.

‘I thought I had you.’ I cried out ‘For a slight moment, I thought I had you. I thought you and I would be different. That we would take over the world, we went from hate to whatever it was. You went from the person who held me here against my will to the person protecting me. The man who saved me. I for a second thought you cared. I thought we could be something. I was wrong. Because the second I started threatening your image you dropped me like it was the easiest thing in the world. Days going onto weeks going onto months with little to no contact. But I know one thing. We made an impact on one another and we will always be in each other what if. The memories will live with you and me forever but unlike you, I won’t look back with regret because I was ready to give us whatever it takes. You chose to give up. You were scared while I was ready for every hell, we were about to face … if we faced them together. Now you can sit and deal with the distance YOU created.’ I finally spoke what I wanted to say the second he left me; I felt every emotion rising to the surface with every word I spoke.

‘Look at me and tell me you don’t regret it. Tell me you didn’t care’ I yelled out, not believing he left me because of his image. ‘TELL ME’ I yelled in his face as he stood up and towered over me. ‘I DONT CARE’ he yelled. I looked him dead in the eye as I smiled ‘liar.’ I harshly whispered.

‘Isabella it’s not easy-‘

‘Vincenzo, I never needed it to be easy’ I cried out, ‘I just needed it to be worth it’ I hit him on his chest making sure to avoid his wound. ‘I DON’T DESERVE YOU OKAY’ he yelled. ‘THAT’S YOUR PROBLEM YOU THINK YOU DON’T DESERVE SOMETHING SO YOU CHASE IT AWAY’

‘You’re not what you think you are-‘ He cuts me off walking away pulling at his hair before looking at me ‘Do you hear yourself? I never had the chance to be anything but a killer, a leader. I was always bloody knuckles and shards of glass. I wanted people to be afraid of me.’ He hit his chest as he looked at me with widening eyes and a smile that sent shivers down my spine.

I shook my head ‘Look me in the eyes tell me you regret everything that you never felt anything towards me. That it was all a lie’ He winced at my request then quickly recovered.

A sadistic smile laced with venom took form on his face sending my body to shock as fear began rising in my throat. ‘It was all a lie’ He muttered. Liar I mentally whispered. ‘Okay.’ I answered back ‘Okay? okay what’ He angrily spat ‘You wanted me to hate you? You wanted me to not be able to stay in the same room as you? Congratulations Vincenzo King, I hate you.’ I spat harshly.

‘The feeling is mutual Isabella Knight’

I slapped him across his face, and I pushed him away ‘LET ME GO THEN. LET ME LEAVE. LET ME GO’ I yelled feeling my world collapsing underneath me. ‘I can’t do that’ he whispered. I looked at him and shook my head. ‘I understand you more than you understand yourself.’ I wiped the tears from my face as I continued ‘Okay I’ll stay not that I have a choice. We will be the death of each other’

A sinister smile took over his lips as he looked up at me ‘To insanity’ mimicking him I frustratedly agreed ‘To insanity’ Hacker rushed in the room looking out of breath, ‘Boss I have the surveillance you wanted’ He spoke out breathless. I looked at him confused ‘bring it over’ Vincenzo walked to his desk and Hacker followed behind him showing him the footage. I walked behind him as my heart completely stopped as I watched the horror of that night unfold once again in front of me.

‘NO, NO, NO, NO, NO’ a girl cried out holding a dying body in her lap. As she looked down for a split second before screaming out watching the life leave his body. As an old man approached them with the knife in his hand ‘You’re mine and only mine Dragon’ 

My body went completely still as I felt my body being lit a flame. No, no, no, no. I cried in my head this isn’t how he was supposed to find out. I jumped back as I hit the wall, I cried out a cry of pain. ‘Isabella?’ he called out desperately trying not to believe the footage he just saw. ‘I did it’ I yelled he looked at me with hatred and fear. ‘He was stabbed by a man in Spain for getting too close to a girl’ he yelled ‘I WAS THE GIRL’ I shouted feeling the world crumble at my feet as the tears escaped my eyes like a waterfall and the anger rise.

‘He died. Because of me Vincenzo’ I cried out feeling the guilt swallow me whole. ‘SHUT UP’ he roared not wanting to hear anything as the veins in his neck began becoming visible as he shut his eyes. He grabbed the glass of water on his desk and threw it against the wall, Hacker quickly giving me a pity smile before leaving. ‘Xavier killed my brother in cold blood because he was talking to you?’ he spat.

‘I tried to not let him see u-‘ He cuts me off ‘You’re telling me you knew the risk of my brother talking to you … and you didn’t stop it?’ Vincenzo’s anger rising. I closed my eyes shut not wanting to look at him right now ‘LOOK AT ME’ He shouted.

My lips formed a straight line as tears ran down my face, I looked at him, and for the first time, all I saw was rage, anger … hatred. My heart twisted as I saw the disgust in his eyes. ‘Vincenzo I-‘

‘You what? The big bad Dragon. The person who practically had Spain cowering at her feet, let my brother be stabbed and bleed to death. YOU PUT HIS LIFE IN DANGER KNOWING HOW YOUR BOSS WOULD REACT.’ He roared anger radiating off his body.

‘He was the closest person to me at the time the only person I looked forward to seeing every couple of months at these stupid meetings, HE WANTED TO HELP ME” I yelled feeling the heat rising to my face with every word, ‘In the short time I knew your brother I loved him, I was calm for the first time. For the first time Vincenzo, I introduced myself as Isabella, not Dragon.’

‘My brother is dead. Because you were too selfish to tell him to leave’

‘He died in my lap, and that day a piece of me died with him,’ I whispered, trying to desperately allow him to see the pain I experienced as well. That it was not just another death to me that I cared for him as well and that his death would haunt me forever. ‘The day he died was the day I died. Imagine looking in the mirror every day and be reminded of your identical twin brother. Who was killed … and not being able to do anything.’ He whispered back, I winced at his calm voice. His eyes began to fill with tears as he looked at me ‘Leave.’

‘Vincenzo pl-‘ He punched the mirror in his office causing it to shatter as he stared at himself through the broken glass and looked at me standing behind me. ‘Go’ he whispered lowering his head.

Feeling defeated I slowly left his office.

I was selfish, I finally found someone who saw the other side of me. Someone that made me feel human again and knowing he might die because of that I chose to talk to him and not let him go. I killed him. I buried my head in my pillow as the guilt continued to eat me alive.


My head throbbing as I slowly wake up, I get up and walk to the bathroom staring myself in the mirror as the memories of last night flood back in my head. Closing my eyes, biting my lower lip the tears begin flowing down my cheek again. ‘I’m sorry Dante’ I whispered to myself as I washed my face and jumped in the shower hoping the hot water can burn away my pain.

I got dressed and walked to Vincenzo’s bedroom, I stood in front of his doors hesitating ongoing in. Taking in a deep breath I open the door slightly. Seeing him laying down on his bed I opened the door fully and walked in. ‘My brother is dead. Because you were too selfish to tell him to leave’ Slowly blinking the tears away I cringed at his words, although painful it was the truth.

I knelt next to him on the bed I stared at him in awe, my heart tugging in my chest. I placed my note on the nightstand as I moved a loose strand away from his hair, ‘I can’t be selfish with you … to insanity Vincenzo King’ I softly whispered to not wake him. I planted a soft kiss on his forehead and left his room.

Sneaking into Maria’s room I quietly place another letter on her nightstand and kiss her on the forehead. I close the door softly behind me. I stand at the door for a second feeling a familiar wave of sadness creeping back up. Letting a final breath, I sneak out to the garage and hop on the motorcycle and leave.

Feeling my tears rushing down my face as the cold air hits my skin, I felt trapped. No matter where I go, I leave the ones I love in a pool of darkness and misery. I was the reason Vincenzo’s brother died, I was the reason Xavier was after him. I was the reason Vincenzo got shot everything that’s happened in the past few months is because of me.

When I debated on Maria, I knew if I told her what I was doing she would try and talk me out of it. I knew she would come with me and she’s finally happy. She’s finally in a time of her life where she’s genuinely smiling, I can’t take her down with me. I can’t let her pay for my mistakes.

So, I’m finally doing what was supposed to be done a long time ago. Grabbing the file Hacker gave me last time. I take in a deep breath and leave.


Vincenzo’s POV

I woke up feeling a strong pain in my shoulder, I winced as I adjusted to the light in the room. I slowly lifted myself up, groaning at the pain I rested my head on the headrest as the events of last night are still fresh in my head.

I remembered the time we finished the meeting; it was our first time with dad. I and Dante were only seventeen at the time, Dante left the meeting to go use the bathroom. Hours passed and he never came back, after we ended the meeting, I remember a sick wrenching feeling settling in my gut. I’ll never in my life forget that feeling, the sickening feeling that something bad happened and there was nothing you could do.

We walked outside the meeting and asked around if anyone saw Dante, then in a matter of seconds, one of our men starts shouting they killed him.


Come on Dante dove sei? I pleaded to myself trying to find him. My head snapped in the direction of the screams. ‘NO’ I yelled refusing to believe it, getting angry I keep shouting ‘NO’ as I ran past the crowd and outside.

‘DANTE’ I desperately called out, ‘DANTE’ I cried out feeling the life beginning to drain out of me as I got closer to what looked like a body lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Tears escaping my eyes as I angry shook my head in denial. ‘No, No. NOOO,’ I ran towards the body as the air got knocked out of my lungs. I fell to my knees and held Dante on my lap as I cried out. ‘Dante Per favore, wake up. Don’t you dare leave me like this? Dante open your eyes. You can’t die. DANTE PER FAVOURITE WAKE UP’ my desperate cries went unheard as he laid lifeless in my arms.

‘Dante please wake up. You’re okay. Open your eyes. Come back to me. It’s okay. It’s over now. You’re ok. Damn it wake up. Per favore. Please wake up. Don’t do this to me. What am I going to say to mum and dad? What am I going to say to Ariana? What am I going to tell Lorenzo? Dante, what am I going to tell myself? Damn it wake up. Please don’t leave us like this’ I cried, for the first time I cried. I allowed myself to scream out, to cry out. My brother is gone… Dante, please.


A tear rolled down my cheek as I remembered the events of that night, I wiped the tear from my face remembering Isabella’s face when I read my tattoo out, as her face turned pale, and her body began to shake. ‘Isabella, please. Just go’ I winced remembering her face fall and her eyes red from how much she cried.

She wasn’t the one who killed him, but she was the reason behind it. I don’t blame her, but I needed time to process the information she gave me. I need time to look at her the way I did. She’ll always be my weakness and It seems I’m falling into the same fate as my brother.

I looked up at the ceiling as I whispered out, I miss you. I turn to my nightstand to grab some water and see a note that read Vincenzo.

That same feeling that I felt when something happened to Dante began to creep its way back as I held the note in my hand.


I’m so sorry for my part in your brother’s death, but I want you to know that not a day goes by where I don’t regret it. The guilt will be with me forever, your brother was a special human being he was the only person at that time of my life who was able to remind me of who I am. Who I was … before the hatred and the darkness, he touched my heart and made me feel less alone in the world and I selfishly kept him with me because I was scared if he left, that the feeling would creep its way back up my throat. He died out of the goodness of his heart and his genuine concern for me, and that’s something I can never make up for. I thought that you were the monster, but it turned out all along it was me who was the monster. I can never make up for what I did but I can try. I need to go because wherever I am I leave grief and death behind me. You were shot because of me; you lost your brother because of me. Your mafia is being threatened by a gang because of me … I can’t be selfish with you.

To insanity, Vincenzo King.


NO Isabella no, I got shot out of bed throwing some clothes on as my mind began creating a million and one scenarios in my head. ‘LORENZO’ I called out, my door flies open seeing a distraught Maria.

I look at her my heart in my hand as she whispers through tears ‘Isabella’s gone’

‘Maria, what do you mean gone?’ She shakes her head as she crumbles to the fall, whispering no repeatedly. I lower myself down and embrace her in a hug. ‘Maria, I need you to breathe. Copy me’ I instructed her as he copied the flow of my breathing.

After she calmed down, I pulled her off and looked her dead in the eye ‘What happened?’ She waved the note in my face ‘she said she left, and took the darkness with her. That she didn’t want to burden any of us with her demons. That she loves me more than anything in this world and did this for me and …’ she drifted off as she looked at the floor.

‘And?’ she swallowed the lump in her throat and whispered ‘to protect you’ the feeling of sadness, anger and frustration now were replaced with guilt. ‘No’ I spoke out and stood up, I stormed to my office as I waved one of the men over one of the men “Get me hacker’ they nodded their heads and immediately took off.

Lorenzo stormed into the office shutting the doors behind him. ‘What the fuck did you do?’ He yelled I stood in front of him keeping a blank expression. ‘What. Did. You. Do.’ I shook my head ‘Lorenzo not now’ I yelled agitated. I was experiencing a million emotions at once and having my brother interrogate me was not helping.

Lorenzo was the clown of the family, always cheerful and happy. When Lorenzo was serious it meant something big. Lorenzo is the only person in my family that could put me in my place and fear nothing. ‘What happened’ he looked at me concerned. ‘She was the reason Dante died’ I yelled ‘We argued, and I told her to get out’ I explained briefly.

Lorenzo looked taken back before he looked back up at me ‘Did she kill him?’ I shook my head no. ‘Dante from what she told me was concerned and wanted to help her. Xavier saw him close to Isabella and didn’t like it so he killed him.’

Lorenzo shook his head letting out a mocking laugh ‘Vincenzo the girl was what? Sixteen! She was scared and alone and Dante had a way of making anyone and everyone feel calm. SHE DIDN’T KILL HIM. DANTE CHOSE TO SIT. This isn’t her fault and you’re a piece of shit for making her feel like it was. You are no different than Xavier, making her believe that every death was in fact her fault. When it wasn’t’


Lorenzo grabbed me by my shoulders and forced me to look at him ‘it sounds like your mad at yourself, not just for chasing her away. You’re mad at yourself for letting her go in more ways than one. After everything that happened between you two, she never left your side. She was there at every step from the hospital to your personal nurse and caretaker.’ He explained I looked at him as my vision became blurry, I blinked the tears away.

‘You love her. You won’t admit it but we all see it, she loves you but like you she is too stubborn to admit it. After Dante died you went into a tunnel of darkness and chaos. You emerged yourself in your work to get to the rank you’re at now. You lost sight of who you are. When you look in that mirror all you see is a monster. But when she looked at you, she saw YOU.’

‘That sacred you and excited you all at once. Although her past is as dark as yours you saw her not as that monster, she also views herself as but as Isabella … just as Dante did.’ I shut my eyes in pain as his words sunk in.

I pulled him in and embraced him in a tight hug. ‘I know you left her to protect her, but if anyone is capable of protecting themselves it’s her’ I chuckled against his shoulder. ‘She’s intimidating huh?’ I laughed out he looked at me like I lost my mind ‘Intimidating? That girl is bat shit scary. She’s the female version of you’

We both laughed out ‘Thanks’ I breathed out looking at him, he smiled and patted me on the back ‘sempre.’  smiling I whisper back ‘sempre’

‘Let’s find Isabella’ Lorenzo smiles widely as he embraces me in a quick hug. Hacker quickly walks in waiting for me to give an order while looking at me with worry. ‘Lorenzo gather the inner circle. We need to get to her fast’ God knows what’s going on in her head.

‘Here hold my moral’s.’ He holds his hand out, I look at him than his hands. He widens his eyes as he looks at me than his hands. I roll my eyes knowing he won’t stop until I just go along with it. I acted like I took whatever he had in his hands and held it.

He rolled his sleeves up ‘I have some shifty shit to do’ He walks straight for the door, ‘Vincenzo just don’t taint them. I would like to remain innocent’ I grab the pillow from the couch and fling it at him.

His back I shake my head laughing. ‘Hacker pull up all footage from today’ Whereever you are Isabella I’ll find you. I’ll always find you. I rested my head against the headrest of the chair reminding myself that she is capable of everything. That she can take care of herself, but I still couldn’t shake off the feeling that no matter how strong she is I need to help her. I wanted to. Per favore stai bene … (please be okay)

To insanity Isabella Knight.


Isabella’s POV

I looked down as I felt the blood dripping down my hands. I smiled sadly as I whispered to myself to insanity, Vincenzo King.

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