The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 16


(Sexual scene)

His intense stare only intensifies as those words left my lips, he tried to ready me almost making sure I wanted this. I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol but that answer was clearer than ever, I wanted him, I wanted him more than I care to admit. I was drawn to him in ways I didn’t understand. “You’re drunk Isabella” he whispers shaking his head. “No believe me I’m aware … I want this. I want you”

He smashes his lips to mine, my hands immediately find their way to the back of his neck, slowly making my way to his jet-black hair. I tug at it gently tilting his head. ‘Cazzo’ he groans at my gesture, our tongues fighting for dominance. This was pure lust, hunger, and aggression. There was nothing gentle about it.

He drags his hand from my waist down to my thigh squeezing it, he travels towards my already throbbing pussy. Slipping his hand under my underwear cupping me. A soft moan left my lips, he chuckled as he tilted his head to the side, face still inches from mine ‘You’re throbbing for me already leonessa’

My legs turn to jelly as he takes full control, he started to run gentle circles, teasingly, a frustrated sigh left my lips. The smirk never leaving his.

His eyes never leaving mine, he wanted me to know who was in control and who was pleasuring me. He reconnected our lips as he inserted a finger, gasping into the kiss I lean my head back in pure bliss, with his free hand he pulled me by my neck bringing my mouth back to his ‘I’m going to kiss you until the only name you taste is mine.”

Goosebumps begin to appear all over my skin as his words sent chills and sparks of electricity throughout my body. “I’m going to fuck you until the only name you’ll ever want to scream is mine” my breathing hitched hungry for him to take me.

He traced the tip of his tongue along my lower lip, causing me to moan his name out softly. Enjoying the reaction, he got he deepened the kiss, sucking my lips as he kissed me harder and began pumping his finger faster. ‘Fuck’ I moaned breaking the kiss. Arching my back, the action was just as intense as the bulge in his pants, threatening to rip out as he took his finger out and aggressively dry humps me.

He pulled me over to the couch, he gestured for me to sit on his lap to which I happily obliged. I teasingly grind myself into him arching my back letting out a soft moan feeling his cock on my wet pussy. 

He left out a harsh groan, frustration visible on his features now it was my turn to smirk. Tearing his button up shirt, I admire his toned chest covered in tattoos. biting my lip, I bring his face towards mine by his chain necklace. ‘Already so hard for me’ I purr in his ear as I nibble on his ear lobe.

I kiss just the corner of his lips teasing him, placing my hands on his chest I push him down until he was lying flat on his back. I slowly bring myself down on him as I left a trail of sloppy kisses on his jawline, going down lower to his neck, I made sure to leave a hickey ‘Mine’ I whisper as I continue tracing his rock-hard chest with my fingers I kiss each peck then one kiss in the middle of his chest.

I lower myself further as I reached his abs, making sure to kiss each one

‘Joderme’ (screw me) I seductively whisper as I plant a sloppy kiss on one of his abs, moving across ‘Solo … Mis … Labios … pueden  … tocrate’ (My lips are the only ones allowed to touch you) I continue to whisper in between kisses. Stopping at his V line, I look up from where I was, he stares at me his eyes hard and full of lust.

Smirking I stare up at him with innocent big eyes as I bit my lip. ‘You want me to play with you Italy?’ He lets out a harsh groan and I take that as my cue. Unbuckling and unzipping his pants, stopping to caress his length through the fabric, teasingly.

I kiss the tip of his hard-on through his boxers causing his dick to twitch ‘leonessa, don’t be a fucking tease’ he harshly breathes out. I trace his head with the tip of my tongue. Giggling as I can sense his pure frustration, I take his cock out from his boxers and with the tip of my tounge tracing his head, licking up and down his length before I take him whole in my mouth a hot moan leaves his lips as he grabs a fistful of my hair and bobs my head.

Wiping my lips, he picks me up and slams me on the couch now I’m laying flat on my back, while he towers above me. He slowly traces my body with his tongue. Grabbing my boobs with his hands he squeezes my breasts, messaging them as his face was in now nearing between my legs. He licked my throbbing pussy through my panties with the tip of his tongue before his fingers found their way to my back and ripped my bra off. Arching my back at his movements I moan slightly, his mouth quickly found its way back up to my nipple, sucking on it I arched my back letting out a loud moan ‘oh fuck, Fuck me’.

Circling his tongue around my nipple, while his fingers played with my Pussy. ‘You’re fucking perfect,’ he said huskily, his accent much more arousing than ever. ‘Please,’ I begged softly, seeking release. My pussy was dripping wet and throbbing like a madwoman I can feel myself dripping.

Vincenzo hummed loudly against my chest, as his tongue trailed my body and over my pussy. He teasingly licked my clit through my underwear. ‘FUCKING HELL ITALY’ I moan both frustrated and pleased, he starts to suck on my clit while fingering me. ‘OH … FUCK DON’T STOP.’ ‘Say my name Isabella’ biting my lip as he continued his pace. ‘Tsk, tsk. Remember what happens to bad girls leonessa.’ he whispered darkly.

  ‘Bad girls don’t get to release’ He took a hold of his dick and entered me in one swift motion without warning. I screamed his name as he filled my pussy with his cock, he was bigger than any man I’d ever been with. He held me down by my hips as he pumped in and out at a reasonable speed.

‘Fuck, fuck fuck’ I moan out as he increases the speed, He was fucking me relentlessly, my breasts were bouncing with each deep thrust. He bent down never losing the rhythm, his lips were on my chest once again. Biting and sucking on my skin, leaving his mark. My walls started to clench around his dick as I was nearing my climax.

The only sounds that filled his office are the sound of my own moaning, Vincenzo’s grunting, and the way our bodies slapped against one another, stretching me, feeling him with every thrust.

He quickly removed himself from me not allowing me to reach my climax, I groaned and gasped out of frustration and lack of contact. My pussy was burning for release, it was sensitive to touch as I touched myself to bring myself to the release. Vincenzo slapped my hand away as he knelt in front of me, opening my pussy wide to devour it like a hungry animal. He licked and sucked on my clit mercilessly. ‘Don’t stop … please … fuck just like that … Oh Dios’ my chest heaved as my hands gripped Vincenzo’s hair to stop him from pulling away.

Vincenzo’s voice vibrated against my core, ‘Come for me leonessa … be a good girl and come for me.’ My pussy instantly obeyed his commands and released moaning in pleasure I arch my back as my whole-body shudders in pure satisfaction. My legs felt like jelly I stood up pushing Vincenzo on the couch, kneeling in front of him with the tip of my tongue, I teased the head, licking my own wetness mixed with his pre-cum. Causing Vincenzo to realise. He pulls my face to his by my neck.

(End of sexual scene)

As he was about to reconnect our lips someone started knocking violently ‘VINCENZO KING UNLOCK THIS DOOR NOW’ He rested his head to mine ‘my mother and her timing never fail to amaze me’ letting out a giggle. We rush to get dressed, he turns around making sure I’m all clean and clothed before opening the door.

‘VIN- why’s the door locked’ she walked inside before stopping dead in her tracks at the sight of me smirking ‘I see my timing hasn’t lost its touch’ oh dear mother of Jesus take me now. My cheeks flush red as I begin fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.

‘Anyway, let us get to business, I have news on Xavier. He is stupidly still in town and is planning on attacking one of our hideouts in hopes to send some sort of message.’ she waves her hands in the air as she speaks. Vincenzo crosses his arms over his chest before a puzzled expression takes over his features ‘We have over ten hideouts for our men, how are we supposed to know which one?’

I looked up ‘well Xavier isn’t one for originality, he’ll go to the most basic hideout he can find.’ Vincenzo raises an eyebrow ‘His going to the abandoned warehouse’ I nod along.

‘Xavier was never a person who liked doing things outside the box, attacking a more secluded hideout, on the off chance he will get caught and or abused. The abandoned warehouse sounds perfect, not big enough for too many surprises and not hidden meaning it won’t require much work to figure out who it belongs to and where it is.’

‘We need to warn the men about this, so they’re prepared. Vincenzo, kill the little dwarf.’ A much deeper voice fills the room, his father. ‘For everything he did to our family … and to Isabella.’ he adds. I looked at him shocked he included my pain in his reasons. ‘Don’t worry … I will” Vincenzo snarled.

leaving the office I enter my room; I feel so sticky and gross. Turning the shower on I adjust the temperature to my liking, stripping the steam of the hot water that fills the room.

‘I’ll never understand you, females, you shower is hell fires water.’ Jumping I quickly cover myself ‘Vincenzo how did you get in? Get out’ he tilts his head ranking his eyes over my body that smug smirk never leaving his lips. ‘Leonessa, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.’

It suddenly got way hotter in here, ‘Vincenzo’ I warn in a low whisper. Shutting my eyes, it wasn’t my body I was insecure about it was the scars that covered my body. The scars that I forgot where there.

He stepped closer, now inches apart. ‘Get in’ he instructed ‘O-okay’ I stuttered as his grey eyes bored into mine. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he chuckled ‘that’s all it takes to shut you up huh? Close quarters’ the lack of alcohol in my system began leaving me more and more aware. He grabbed my arms moving them away from my body as he took a minute to admire every inch of me.

He traced his fingertips from my neck kneeling he continued to softly touch me, on one knee he kissed the scar of my hip, then the scar on my inner thigh. Closing my eyes at the level of intimacy I bite my lip to suppress any moaning. He stood back up and moved my hair from my face using his finger he tilts my chin allowing access to my neck as he leans in planting a soft kiss on my biggest scar.

‘Bellissima’ he gently whispered, before looking at me. ‘Don’t ever try and hide from me again”

“I’ll worship each and every scar of you leonessa … Isabella” He traced the long scar across my stomach before standing up right slowly. 

With that said he let me go and walked out. Leaving me with a million feelings and my hyperventilating self, did he just … woah. My skin on fire where his lips lingered, and it felt like the air just got knocked out of me. My scars for some reason looked a lot better on me now.

“What just happened.” I breathed out still looking at the door he just existed from.

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