The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 11

We came back to the manner; he placed his hand on my lower back to help me up the stairs. My heart started beating rapidly when his hand on my back started getting lower if he goes any lower his going to feel the frame of the gun. He travelled his hands a little lower I coughed and quickly shuffled to the side. He looked at me confused and offended, ‘You don’t care remember? I’ll help myself up.’ I bit trying to keep him at arm’s length.

He walked past me mumbling something to himself, as I catch up to him and walk inside the living room, I see Roxy. My stomach turned in pure disgust. She had that red wig on from the club, she attaches herself to Vincenzo like a leach. She purrs something into his ear, I had to suppress my laughter as he completely shrugged her off keeping his eyes on me before dismissing her completely walking upstairs.

She huffs annoyed and goes to follow him, ‘Boss doesn’t want anyone disturbing him.’ Two of his men stood in front of Roxy blocking her, oh this should be interesting. I plop on the couch next to Lorenzo who is also enjoying the show watching Roxy get the third degree.

‘I’ll put $100 that Marco snatches that wig off’ Lorenzo whispered his eyes fixated on Marco and Roxy waiting for something to happen, I sniffled a laugh and shrugged my shoulders looking back at Lorenzo ‘I have no money on me but ill double your bet that ill pull it off first’ I bet him smirking he give me a side eye I wiggle my eyebrows.

Lorenzo knowingly laughed shaking his head before all his attention was once again back on Marco and Roxy. ‘He wants me up there. So, id move out of my way before I get you both killed’ she threatens them but it fell on death ears. I was so proud of them and their ability to hold in their laughter.

‘Boss said no one goes up’ he repeated himself and she ignored him trying to push past them, but the guys were built like bulldozers, not budging Marco grows frustrated and grabbed her by her shoulders and moved her away. ‘IF I DON’T HAVE VINCENZO KILL YOU BOTH MY NAME IS NOT ROXY!” sheesh talk about dramatic.

After them standing in a face-off Lorenzo threw a pillow at Roxy, “BOO! Come on what the fuck happened to you. It used to be so interesting watching you trying to desperately cling to my brother. You, Roxy, have lost your touch Chica.’ He gets up to leave being bored at the lack of action. Roxy goes to scold him before she notices me.

‘You!’ she shouts out pointing her finger at me, Lorenzo does a complete 360 and charges back for the couch jumping back down crossing his legs and leaning his chin in the palm of his hands, smiling like an idiot ‘this is what I’m talking about’ he calls out approvingly.

“What are you doing here?’ she spits eyeing me up and down choosing to not answer her I simply shrug my shoulders. ‘I’m not doing this with you today’ I told her getting up to walk past her she grabs a hold of my wrist preventing me from walking away. Stopping in my tracks I turn my head slightly my eyes trailing my arm until it lands on her hand gripping my wrist.

‘Unless you’re not very fond of your hand, I suggest you let go’ I threaten her, she looks at her hand shocked and slightly regretful of what she did. ‘DON’T LET GO!” Lorenzo shouts from the couch. Clapping his hands, ‘Who the fuck let him in here.’ I yelled out looking at Marco who already had amused look on his face watching, rolling my eyes I twist my hand out of her grip and now it was me who was gripping her wrist I pulled her towards me.


Holding her by her throat, ‘Next time you lay a finger on me I’ll break it off’ I threatened her and watched amused as she started squirming trying to get out of my grip. She kicks my leg and I hiss pushing her to the floor, I bend down and snatch her wig straight off her head.

I look at her and laugh ‘No wonder he doesn’t want you up there’ I laugh louder looking at her state “Yikes” Lorenzo laughs out clapping his hands enjoying this way too much. My legs begin to throb at the added pressure, I slightly wince at the sensation. Her eyes dart from my pained expression to my legs. She lunged herself towards me causes me to fall flat on my back.

She starts digging her finger in the cuts through my pants. Screaming in pain, I yell out for her to get the fuck off me, but she kept going, I used up whatever energy I had left in me grabbing her hand and twisted it to the flipping us over so now I was on top. I quickly punch her in her nose and repeatedly pound my fist in her face.

‘ENOUGH’ Vincenzo roars from upstairs, ‘GO ISABELLA KNOCK THE BITCH OUT!’ Lorenzo shouts applauding me from the couch, Vincenzo rushes towards me and prying me off her he looked at me and then at Roxy impressed.

I hissed the pain in my thighs sending what felt like electricity throughout my entire body. Vincenzo quickly looked at me, seeing the blood leaking through my ruined pants, ‘shit Isabella’ he curses looking at me, where the fuck did, he even come from.

‘Uscire’ (get out) he spits in her face telling her to leave, I smirk at her watching her face fall and jealousy overtake her entire body. Vincenzo quickly walks back towards me, picking me up bridal style ‘you don’t need to carry me I can walk on my own’ I object trying to get him to put me back down, ‘Isabella, just shut up’ he looked at me exhausted.

I sigh and mimic zipping my lips and throwing the key to the side. Lorenzo storms towards us and shouts in Vincenzo’s face ‘WHY’D YOU DO THAT FOR ISABELLA WAS GONNA RID US OF THAT EVIL WITCH BITCH” He points towards Roxy; I was in so much pain and instead of him pulling her off me he watched amused.  ‘I swear to god if I get my hands on you-‘ I threaten him lunging for him, he looks alarmed and quickly jumps over the couch and runs off somewhere.

‘You’re kicking me out for her, really?’ Roxy spits giving me a dirty look, ‘why are you even holding her! She isn’t even- UGH! WHY IS SHE HERE’ She screeched, ‘Just doing my job’ I winked at her, placing the tip of my tongue on my top lip.

Vincenzo looked at me confused for a second before he and Roxy both realised what I meant. She looks at me with her eyes wide and her hands balls in a fist ‘I’ll kill you’ she yells ‘ROXY!’ Vincenzo roars, stopping her dead in her tracks.

He looks at her dead in the eye tightening his grip around me. In a firm voice ‘Now’ he warns her. ‘Baby it’s me come on … leave this slut to someone else and let’s go have some fun.’ She tugs at his wrist, the sight of her touching him only made me grow more agitated. I rolled my eyes and went to lunge for her again, Vincenzo pulls me closer to his chest alarmed.

I look at him and roll my eyes ‘If you don’t get her out, I’ll kill her’ I warned him of the outcome if I had to see her face for another second. I start struggling to get out of his hold but the more I struggle to leave his hold the tighter his hold on me becomes. Then suddenly I feel him tense. Shit, shit, shit. The gun he can feel the gun tucked away. ‘Stop holding her like that!”

I felt something warm moving its way down to my knee, did I pee myself? I looked down seeing the blood oozing out more than before, fucking bitch reopened the stitches. “Fuck” I winced at the pain of the reopen stitches grip onto, Vincenzo’s shirt. I hide my face in his chest. “Fucking hell, leonessa’ he curses to himself before carrying me upstairs.

‘Call Elia now!’ He yells to one of his men as he carries me upstairs to what I assume is his office. ‘GET HER OUT OF MY FUCKING SIGHT’ He shouts at his men to get Roxy out of the estate. Marco satisfied rushes to finally get rid of her.

‘It’s nothing I’m fine,’ I mumble softly, trying to convince him to let me go, shaking his head he lays me flat on the couch. He stares at me for a moment before softly and slowly flipping me on my side. His cool hands trace my back leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.

Holding my breath, he slowly lifts my shirt up revealing the gun, pulling it out he flips me back. Hanging it over my head. I shut my eyes not wanting to devour the fact that I intended to shoot my way out of this hell hole.

‘Isabella’ his voice came out low and stern he knew exactly why I had it and what I planned to do with it. I opened my eyes and stared at him for a moment, letting out a sigh ‘I was going to shoot my way out.” I confirmed his inner thoughts.

‘How do you expect to escape an estate full of armed men with just one gun?’ I shook my head laughing to myself, the fact that he asked me that question shows he really has no idea who he is talking to.

I slowly turn my head to my right and watch as his face begins to slowly examine mine, ‘never underestimate me mafia. I suggest you do your homework on me before allowing me into your home.” I turned back.

The doors burst open as Elia rushes in with her necessary equipment to re-stitch my wounds. As she cleans the blood I reach out and grab the first thing my hands were able to get in contact with, it only was stinging a lot more because that bitch stuck her finger making the wounds a lot deeper.

I saw her contemplating on using anaesthetic as she had to sew me back up again. I shook my head ‘The wounds open and it is oozing blood, by the time it takes effect on me. I would have lost a lot of blood and be exposed to infection because the wounds … exposed. Just do it I’ll be fine’ I dealt with worse, she hesitantly nods her head and proceeds.

Biting down on my top to keep me from screaming and breaking my teeth. I look to my right to see I’m gripping Vincenzo’s shirt. Closing my eyes to distract myself from the needle going into my skin. I felt a pair of strong hands holding mine, not questioning it I take his hand in mine squeezing it with every prick.


‘Ok, Isabella you’re done. Seriously stay off your feet.’ she packs her things but stop as she notices our interlocked hands, Vincenzo clears his throat as she quickly regains composure and rushes out of the office.

Vincenzo stands up hovering above me. “Do it’ he speaks up, I look at him confused as to what he is talking about. ‘Do what?’  I asked looking at him cautiously. He threw the gun in my lap and gestured me to shoot. ‘I know exactly who you are Isabella, I know all about the famous Dragon. I’d like to see how far you get.” He says genuinely interested.

He paces around the office as though he was somehow insulted, I wanted to leave ‘your legs are pretty much fucked, you have multiple stab wounds giving you little ability to run. You want out so bad? Leave.’ He walked back towards his desk as he sat down finishing off whatever it was, he was doing before Roxy, and I’d fight interrupted him.

‘You act as though I should feel honoured to be here’ I grab a hold of the gun as I slowly sit upright. ‘I didn’t ask for this, I didn’t ask to meet you. I didn’t ask to be kidnapped then tortured again. I never asked for your help, and I never should have been put in that situation for a man who couldn’t care less. So, sue me if I wanted to get out and away from you.’

He didn’t look up rather he kept ignoring me, feeling frustrated I shot the gun at the wall inches from his face. He didn’t even flinch rather he slowly looked up at me with the most irritated expression. ‘You owe me your attention, and you’re gonna give it to me’ I warned him.

‘Leonessa, do you even want to fucking leave?” He laughed looking at me.  I looked at him completely dumbfounded, why would I want to stay here. As I opened my mouth to respond he cuts me off by putting his hand up at me while shaking his head.

‘I don’t think you do; I believe you feel as though you have too. But a part of you is grateful to be here, yes at first it was against your will. But you’re getting free treatment, professionally cooked meals and both you and your sister are protected from anyone who dares touch you.” He paused letting what he said sink in before he continued.

“You know better than anyone that if you succeed in your mission to leave you will just be putting both you and your sister in danger. So again, if you are so miserable here then leave’ he gestured towards his doors.

“I don’t want any of my men to be shot in the process of your ingratitude” He spits sitting back down at his desk. I stared at him with a blank expression processing what he said, everything he said was true. It may have only been a day, but I never felt safer than this very moment.

I throw the gun on his desk ‘maybe what you said is true, maybe a small part of me knows id be safer here than anywhere else but have you ever considered the fact that behind your hard exterior you actually want me here?”

‘I do want you here, for leverage.’ He pointed out never looked up from his desk but the way his fingers grew white from the pressure of holding the pen tight answered my question.

‘Okay, if that’s what you choose to believe’ I walked towards the doors wanting to just leave and get some rest, ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ I stood at the doors with my back turned to Vincenzo and took a second to breathe. I looked over my shoulder and smiled ‘whatever you want it to mean.’


Turning over to my right side to get more comfortable and try and get some sleep, I felt like someone was watching me. Opening my eyes, I flick the lights on and no one was in my room, I could’ve swear I heard shuffling. Shaking my head, I turn the light in my room off as I lay back down trying to get some sleep.

My body jolted up when I heard someone heavily breathing, I felt a strong pair of hands grab my shoulder, screaming I slapped whoever it was they dropped something on the bed, I quickly grabbed it, and it was a gun. I aim it at the noise and shot the gun.

I heard what sounded like a man groaning, as I reach to turn my lights on my door swung open out of fear and the fact that I can’t see who it is. I shot the gun again and quickly turned on the lights.

Two of Vincenzo’s men were now on the floor bleeding from a gunshot wound. ‘Oh, fuck me’ I place my hand over my chest as I try to slow down my racing heart.


“oh you have got to be fucking kidding me”

‘IT WAS EXPENSIVE’ sighing and rubbing my temples ‘It was a cheap knock off’ I breath out. Vincenzo comes running in and has his gun drawn out after hearing the gun shots, I aim the gun in his direction and shoot scrapping his shoulder. ‘ISABELLA’ He shouts, shrugging my shoulders innocently I mutter an ‘oops’ that one was for letting Roxy in the house.

He holds the side of his arm as he stares at me in complete disbelief. “You will pay for that?’ he warns me. Still completely unable to understand why I shot him even though I knew it was him at the door.

“Let the games begin” I winked smiling at him. “Now get your men out I want to sleep.’ I shooed them out getting comfortable in the bed.

Smiling as I lay back down hugging my pillow. ‘lei è pazza’ (she’s crazy)he calls out shrugging my shoulders with my eyes still closed I yelled back ‘and you invited ‘crazy’ into your home’

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