I’m in my room with Suzy the pack slut, she will do anything I tell her because she wants to be the Luna of our pack when I become Alpha but she will never be. She will only be a good lay and nothing else but once I meet my mate all this is going to be over with, I heard a knock on the door and my mother said that dad and her needed to see me and my sister in dad’s office right away.

I got Suzy off of me and pulled up my pants before walking out and passing by a room where I could smell a werewolf and a leech, I hate vampires with all my might I couldn’t tell you why I just do. Once in my father’s office we waited for my sister Daisy to come in to the office with her mate Drake who will be my beta once I become alpha, when they came in they sat down next to me holding hands.

“Mom dad why did we smell a werewolf and a vampire in the room next to Marks” Daisy asked

“Well because Luz will be staying there from now on and her friend Alexander is with her keeping her company until he and his father leave to their territory” dad said

“And why is my cousin staying here” Drake asked

“She has been mistreated by your uncle and cousin” my mom said

“Why” I asked

“They blame her for her mother’s death” dad said

“She was five years old, how could she have done that” Drake said

“That’s what we said but because we want to protect her she will be staying here with us we hope you all make her feel at home and Drake we cannot say anything about knowing how your uncle and cousin were treating Luz” mom said

“What was the reason that was told to them of why Luz has moved here” Drake asked

“We told them that I have been needing her a lot lately and we thought it would be better to have her living here with us that way if I needed her she would already be here” mom said

“Now let’s go and eat dinner and remember to make Luz feel at home here and Mark tell Suzy to go home now” dad said

“Fine” I said

I mind linked Suzy and told her to go home, she didn’t want to until I said that it was alpha’s orders. When we got to the dining room Luz and that Alex guy were there already, when Drake and Daisy saw them they went to them and gave them a hug. Luz hissed when Drake hugged her somewhat tight and when he looked at her back his eyes said it all it wasn’t a pretty sight, he turned to Daisy who walked to him and looked at Luz’s back and before a tear fell from her eyes.

Luz looked down and was about to walk away when Drake stopped her before telling her to stay and eat, then after they would take her to the pack doctor to get her back looked at, Luz started to shake and mom ran to her and said that she would ask the pack doctor to come here and not say anything that way nobody else would know what is going on with her.

After dinner mom mind linked the pack doctor who is also a vampire so he could come and check on Luz’s wounds, once he got here mom and him went into her room where Daisy, Drake and that Alex guy were with her. Drake and Alex walked out and said that they were asked to wait outside while Dimitri looked over and fixed Luz’s back, not long after, all three of us looked at each other as we heard her scream which we guess it was because of the pain she was feeling.

My wolf started to want to take control of me but I didn’t know why. I did everything I could and used all my strength to keep him from taking over, after hearing her scream a few more times she went silent and we knocked on the door as mom answered the door we could tell she had been crying. She let us in and we saw Luz face down on her bed with her back exposed for all of us to see. Daisy was sitting next to Luz while passing her fingers through her hair while tears fell from her eyes as well.

Demitri finished fixing her back before he came over to us and said that she would sleep until tomorrow morning due to the pain killer he had injected her with to help her with the pain, my wolf started to whimper every time I would look at Luz. I could feel how sad he was about seeing Luz the way she was, he wanted to protect her but when I would ask why he wouldn’t tell me all he would do was just whimper.

Drake, Daisy, Alex and I decided we would stay in her room and look after her. Daisy would sleep on the bed with Luz while Drake, Alex and me would take the floor, the next morning the guys and I woke up first and went down stair to find Luz’s father and brother looking for Luz, I told them that she was still asleep since she had helped my mom until late last night and mom asked we not wake her up with that they left without saying another word but we could tell that they were not happy with what I had told them.

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