The birds chirping merrily and the slight breeze of a late morning woke him up from a deep contented sleep. Rie left the door from the veranda, they both preferred the fresh garden air in the morning than the air conditioning.

Lucas inwardly frowned and his entire body stilled --realizing something was not right, hoping he was wrong-- without opening his eyes, he gingerly patted the cold space beside him, realizing it was empty, he bolted out of the bed in a heartbeat.

Anna Marie

Where was she? He tilted his head to his left. No running water in the shower and her walk-in closet was empty. He was about to search for her then he realized he wouldn't get much further in his silk boxers. Impatient, he entered the bathroom for a quick shower, and in 10 minutes, he was dressed for the day and navigating the wide hallways of her private wing.

Lucas has been sharing her bed for days and this was the first time he woke up without her in his arms. Damn! His heart thumped loudly and fear crept over him. Did something happen?

Thankfully, by the time he reached the grand foyer, he could scent his mate's natural perfume or he would have gone berserk with worry. She was somewhere in the kitchen and he also remembered the cozy breakfast nook.

He paused outside the open doors when he heard his Argetlam and her younger sister's faint voice.

-" had a dream last night and I saw him again. I swear, Rie. I'm not making this up."- Mish sounded upset. Had the Vampire King reawakened? Could be. They were expecting him yesterday.

-"I believe you, Mish. Is it the same guy that you have been dreaming since you were a child?"-

-"Yes. Blond curly hair and ice-blue eyes. It's him. Have I met him before?"- His face twisted in pain. Damn! His little chef was in a tight spot.

-"l...ah...Mish...,"-he needed to rescue his mate. Xavier will know how to pace himself from his Vampire Queen. He would surely have a solid plan.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Hi, Mish." He kissed Ries temple and bowed to Mish. They were holding each other's hands like a lifeline. "Something wrong?" He asked innocently and smoothly occupied the empty chair next to his Rie.

The Vampire Queen blushed, shook her head no then excused herself. He sighed heavily at the troubled expression on Anna Marie's face. Trying to calm her, he pulled her on his lap and gave her a proper good morning kiss. She responded but...

"Is he here?" Rie asked, separating their lips and cupping his face to search his eyes. As if he'd lie to her. He scowled.

"He was supposed to be here yesterday evening. He must have detoured and...well -- like us, his first instinct was to be with his beloved.” Cruising his lips on her neck, inhaling her scent, he licked her flushed skin. She tried to suppress her shiver -- based on her goosebumps-- he knew she liked it. His lips twitched. This was even better than breakfast.

"Lucas...'m thinking. Stop distracting me.” That's the idea. She tried to stand, he held her hips firmly. Knowing she's not going anywhere until he allowed it, she growled at him and sat more comfortably on his hard thighs.

His brows lifted when she started to fill his plate with food and fill his cup with hot coffee --all while on his lap. The huge issue right now -- and it was really an issue-- he was sporting a hard-on from her squirming and from her firm, cute ass. "Your breakfast, my king."

His little chef's sass was really a turn on. Only she could get away with it. Anyone else would be roasted by now.

She looked over her shoulder and smirked at his expression. The lust in his eyes must have shown because her cheeks reddened. It was his turn to look smug.

Later. He promised himself.

"Why did you leave our bed?" Feeding her a slice of honey and butter coated pancake before taking a bigger bite. His eyes on her lips when she licked the errant syrup. Nice.

Everything on his plate, he served it to her first. A telling sign.

She shrugged. "You needed your sleep and then there's Mish. She'll get sick with worry." He held the glass of orange juice to her lips. She sipped daintily.

"Don't worry, my friend will know how to handle it. Open.” She took a bite of the sweet strawberry. Juice trickled down her lips --he leaned in and cleaned her cherry lips with his tongue. She gasped. Her eyes were wide.

“Luc!” She squirmed. He held her down. Damnation!

"Sit still, sweetheart. Or I'll ravish you right here.” And he was actually really considering it. It was just the two of them. The servants were busy and for some reason the Lycan royalties were absent. Thoughts of his rider's innocence made him stop his lascivious considerations. He pecked her lips to compensate. "I will teach you everything after our mating ceremony. Incidentally, you should start planning soon. I'm sure the females in our family will be excited.”

Anna Marie crossed her arms below her breasts. This gesture should have alerted him but he got distracted. His eyes followed her movement. Hmmm, he could remember the taste of her. Ripe and succulent. "Hey, eyes here! You will not teach me anything because we will not have a mating ceremony until you ask me formally. Am I clear? Good."

His jaw dropped at her words. Totally stunned was an understatement. More like stupefied. What happened? What did she mean? Before he could gather his wits she left his lap and left him alone at the table. What did he do wrong?


"Anna Marie!" He shouted. Following hot fast on her heels.


It was mid-afternoon when he and his queen emerged from their suite. Thankfully she was thoroughly covered in his scent so his wolf was calmer. And feeling magnanimous. So long as there were no unmated males near her, everything's perfect.

There's a subtle change in her scent. It's too early to tell though. Esmeralda will be here any moment and all of them will have to be present to welcome her.

His Queen tightened her hold on his arm, hearing raised voices from the garden.

-"Why are you avoiding me?"- He sighed recognizing Lucas's deep rumble.

-"Because I am avoiding you?"- Ah, his headstrong sister-in-law. His mate shook her head beside him and mumbled something.

-"But why?"- Came a clueless response.

"Because you are obtuse, overbearing, arrogant, autocratic, irritating, and a damned presumptuous alpha male. And...and...that's it!" The royal lycan couple halted before the opened doors, out of sight. Ready to intervene and help. But not yet. He was willing to give his friend a chance to dig himself out of the deep hole he inadvertently dug for himself.

-"But I thought we had an understanding and we will be mated soon." Gentle and coaxing voice. Good.

-"Yes. I want to be your mate but did you asked me for my hand? Did you speak to my sister? You assumed and never asked my opinion about our mating ceremony. And do you see a ring on my finger? None. Because tell you what. You didn't even propose!"- Anna Marie's voice got shriller by the second and she was on the verge of tears. -"Sweetheart...please don't cry. You know I will do anything for you. I didn't realize. I was an idiot. Give me a day to make everything right, ok?"-

Proud of you man. Pussy whipped. Welcome to the club.

"Come on, baby girl. They don't need our help. Let's prepare for Esmeralda’s arrival.”

"At least he didn't dwell on his idiocy and acted right away and he knows how to redeem himself.” She led him to the study instead. He mentally cringed at the memory her words brought. He was an idiot at one time during their courting days.

Thank Goddess he had known how to make everything perfect for his mia anima.


Esmeralda, the White Witch, and High Priestess had never failed to enthrall them with her glowing ethereal presence. Her beauty notwithstanding, she was a force to be reckoned with.

Not in any sexual context. More like an ingrained fascination reserved for a Goddess that has a pure soul. She has walked the Earth long before their realms were created --older than all of their ages combined. And as powerful as the four of kings.

"Cuirim féilte romhat chuig ar saol, Dragon Queen." The White Witch bowed in respect to his mate, leaving Anna Marie round-eyed stunned, and speechless. Not by her words since it's Gaelic but by her actions. (I welcome you to our world, Dragon Queen)

He wrapped his hand on his Argetlam's waist and whispered the translation to her. She tried to suppress her shiver from his warm breath.

"Thank you, High Priestess." Rie inclined her head and tried to ignore the fact she was affected by his not so innocent touch.

He knew he was still treading on thin ice after their argument earlier. God! He had a lot to make up for. And a lot to do before going to sleep.

"Congratulations, King Alexander, Queen Anna May. This is a blessing." He was brought back to reality from Esmeralda's light voice. Congratulations on what? He studied the Lycan Queen's deep blush and his friend's proud and smug features. Again? Damn! He worked fast.

"Yes. Thank you, Esmeralda. It's a blessing indeed.” He inclined his head as well then gestured to the nearest chaise. "Shall we start?"

Good idea. They have a lot to talk about and it's already late in the afternoon. He guided his own queen back to their loveseat and joined her. His commanders and their riders behind them.

Michael and Alexandria were present. A solid wall of support to their leaders.

Oliver and Sofia fresh from Russia had created a joyous reunion earlier. His gaze found the empty seat before them and he frowned.

"Where is Lucifer?" Esmeralda beat him to it.

"Here, Esme." Came a loud voice from a huge monitor mounted at the wall. He knew they had a long-standing friendship. Something about saving the white witch's sire in the past.

"And Xavier, the Vampire King?"

"I am here, Esmeralda.” A deep quiet voice answered from the doorway. They all swiveled to face him --a familiar man with aristocratic features, serious and expressionless, reserved and in all black was silhouetted by the afternoon's faint Autumn light.

Anna and Rie gasped. Uh oh. Tension filled the air.

Let the games begin.

I am literally rubbing my hands in anticipation.

Thank you for staying with me, babies. And no, I haven't forgotten The Accountant. I also miss the mafia couple. Please bear with me, my dear readers.

Soon, I promise.

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