The Italian
: Chapter 33

The drone of the airplane is the only background noise.

I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep. Not after what we have been through for the last four days.

We blew up a car and faked our own deaths.

Enrico’s cousin from New York, Gabriel, has organized a string of strategic plane hopping all across the world as a way for us to escape being found. We are apparently now off the grid and on the last flight before we arrive at our final destination.

This is the ninth plane we have flown on.

I can’t even call Mum because we had to leave our phones in the car. Lorenzo assured me he would let her know that I’m okay. I just hope he didn’t forget. He wouldn’t. I’m sure he wouldn’t.

“Olivia,” Enrico says softly. “You must be exhausted.”

“I’m okay.” I smile softly. I’m really not, though. I just can’t get my head around the fact that we are now officially criminals.

I’m pregnant and on the run, while my fiancé is wanted for cocaine dealing. He’s also in the mafia and, oh my God, this can’t be happening.

What is this life?

I mean, I know I wanted adventure, but this is totally out of control now.

Enrico puts his strong arm around me. “Shh,” he whispers against my temple. “Ol-i-vi-a. It’s going to be okay.”

I smile as I close my eyes. His voice is like a Xanax. It’s calming, deep, and exactly what I need to hear.

“Go to sleep, bella, our baby needs you to rest.”

I snuggle into his shoulder and close my eyes. With Enrico’s lips resting against my forehead, I will myself to sleep.

I wake with a start as the engine stops, and I look around.

Enrico is standing and gathering my things.

I rub my eyes. “Are we there?”

He smiles down at me. “Yes, my love. We are here.”

“Oh.” I peer out the window and see unfamiliar landscape. “Where exactly is… here?”

“The Caribbean.”

I frown in surprise. Jeez.

The stewardess opens the door, and we make our way out onto the stairs. A black car sits on the tarmac waiting for us. The driver is standing beside it.

He’s wearing a dark suit, and he’s tall, handsome, with dark skin.

He smiles and waves us over. “Hello, there,” he calls.

Enrico bows his head.

I look between them and try to hide my smile. Enrico is used to his staff being super formal around him.

The man rushes to greet us. “My name is Bobby.” He shakes Enrico’s hand and then mine.


“This is Bella, and I’m Rici.”

“Yes, yes, I know who you are.” He laughs as he opens the car door.

No, actually, you don’t.

Once we’re all in the car, Bobby chats away happily as he drives. Enrico’s eyes float over to me and I smile. This is such a weird experience for us—having a chatty driver.

After half an hour, Bobby pulls up at a dock by the ocean. “This way.” He smiles as he grabs my things. “The boat is waiting.”

“Boat?” I frown over to Rici.

“Last one.” He taps me on the ass. “I promise.” We board the flashy looking speedboat, and Enrico puts a life jacket on me before he carefully sits me down.

I’m sure he thinks I’m three years old. Either that or that I’m just too exhausted to function. He could be onto something there.

I’m damn right delirious.

Bobby takes off fast. He crosses the waves at record speed, and I hold on for dear life. The boat bounces around, and my hair is flying loose everywhere.

Enrico smirks, and I look around in wonder with a goofy grin plastered on my face.

This is actually pretty cool.

The sun is low over the water now, casting a beautiful shade of pink in the sky. I know there’s not long left of daylight.

Eventually, Bobby begins to slow down, and I look up ahead to see white beaches, palm trees, and a huge white mansion that sits along on a small island. It has its own jetty and everything. Bobby slowly pulls up to it, settles the engine, and ties the boat in place.

“Here we are. Your new home.” He looks up at the island in awe. “Perfect, isn’t she?”

Hope blooms in my chest. This is our new home?

Enrico stands and takes my hand. “Come, bella.”

He leads me off the boat and down the ramp. The closer we get to the house, the more in awe I become.

It’s like a plantation mansion, straight out of a movie set. It’s made of white weatherboards with a big balcony around the perimeter, and there is wicker furniture scattered everywhere.

The pool is huge, and the gardens are manicured to perfection.

Enrico leads me into the grand house, and I look around in awe again. The tiles on the floor are black and white. The trimmings are all timber, with huge potted palm trees all around. “Wow.”

Enrico turns to Bobby. “Thank you.”

Bobby nods with a huge smile. “The kitchen is stocked. The supplies you asked for are in the safe. I will be about two hundred meters away if you need me.” He passes over a card. “Here’s my number. Do you need anything else, sir?”

“No,” Enrico replies.

Bobby gives a polite nod before he leaves us alone.

“This will do,” Enrico says.

“You haven’t been here before?” I ask.

“No. I bought it sight unseen when I took over two years ago. Just in case…”

“Just in case you needed to hide.”

He smirks as his eyes roam over the interior, and he turns his attention back to me. “You. Dinner. Shower. Bed. You’re exhausted.”

I smile as the hot water streams over my face.

I’m relaxed—so relaxed that I’m bordering on falling asleep. We’ve been here for three heavenly days, and I am officially in love with island life.

I turn off the shower, get out, and wrap myself in a towel when I feel lips kiss my shoulder from behind.


Enrico pulls my hair around my neck and kisses me with an open mouth, and then he trails his tongue up to my jawline.

My eyes close at the contact.

We haven’t had sex for a week. It’s the longest we’ve gone without in our time together. With the worry and the travelling, I was so exhausted that I slept for two days straight when we got here. Time has gotten away from us.

Enrico licks up my neck, and then he bites me sharply.

His breathe quivers on the inhale, and I know what he wants.


His hands float up to my bare breasts, and he cups them in his hands. His open mouth rests on my neck, sending goosebumps scattering down my spine. He puts his lips to my ear. “I need to taste you.”

My eyes close when he bites me again, this time with a little suction. My legs weaken beneath me.

Oh, this man and the way commands my body to obey him. His touch is like nothing I’ve ever felt.

No matter how many times we fuck, no matter how many ways he has me, it’s never enough. It’s never deep enough. He’s like a thirst I just can’t quench.

He leads me out of the bathroom and lies me on the bed. He spreads my legs.

He loves to look at me like this—laid out and wide open for him.


He takes his cock in his hand as his gaze drops to my sex. He slowly begins to stroke himself as I smile up at him.

“Hmm,” he moans. He reaches down to spread my lips open, revealing the soft pink flesh there. His strokes get harder; more urgent.

One of the things Enrico loves about my body is my coloring. With pale skin and fair blonde hair, I’m so very different to him. His jerks take on an almost violent motion.

I smile as I watch him in wonder. I know what he’s doing.

He’s going to make himself come before we have sex so that he isn’t too rough with me.

He leans down and holds my legs wide, and his thick tongue sweeps through my flesh. His eyes close and, unable to help it, he begins to stroke himself again. He really lets me have it. His tongue is lapping and sucking, and the more into it he gets, the harder he strokes himself.

He’s eating me with all of his face as he loses control, and his whiskers are burning me.

Oh God, this is Heaven.

This man is Heaven.

He bites my clitoris, and I jump.

He rises over me with dark eyes and jerks himself over my face.

“Ol-i-vi-a… open your mouth,” he commands.

My back arches off the bed, and I open my mouth and cup his balls.

He slides in deep, and with one deep suck, I feel his hot seed roll down my throat.

He tips his head back and moans. He’s so fucking hot, I can’t stand it.

His lip curls, his eyes darken, and I know for certain that only the very tip of his arousal has been tamed.

I’m going to get it tonight, and I’m going to get it good.

He continues to slowly pump me, and I smile around him. “What now?” I whisper.

He bends and takes my face in his hands, dragging me closer to his.

“You’ve been a very bad girl and you need to be punished.” He bites my bottom lip and stretches it out.

“Yes,” I whimper.

He picks me up and throws me onto my hands and knees. He slaps me hard on the ass. “Prepare to be fucked… hard.”

I laugh out loud.

I love this man.


Olivia slowly climbs out of bed.

“Where are you going?” I ask, my eyes flickering to the clock. It’s 2:44 a.m.

“I’m just getting a drink. Be back soon.”

“Do you want me to get it?”

“No, I’m already up. Go back to sleep.” She walks away, and I lie for a moment before I get up and go to the bathroom.

The moon is shining through the side of the curtain. I go over to readjust it, and I look out over the ocean. It’s a full moon tonight, and the blazing white light dances off the water.

It’s breathtaking.

I stare at it for a while, and then I see something moving in the back corner of the yard.

I look down and see Maverick the property dog. He’s lying in a funny position on the grass. I stare at him and as my eyes adjust to the moonlight. I can see that he’s covered in blood. I think he’s been shot.


They’ve found us.

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