The Italian
: Chapter 18

I stare at him, lost for words, while his face is filled with hope.

“This is why you wanted to see me?” I ask.

“Yes.” He reaches over and takes my hands in his and lifts one and softly kisses my fingertips.

My stomach clenches. “What makes you think we will work now, when two weeks ago, you were so sure that we had no chance?”

“You could at least act a little excited,” he whispers half annoyed.

“Talk to me, please.” I sit back in my chair and pull my hands from his. “Last week, it was a completely different story. Help me understand this. I don’t understand your thinking.”

He rearranges the napkin on his lap. “I was thinking about what you said about our magnets and why we like each other. Our conversation last week had a deep impact on me. Our wants are what makes us special.”

“Enrico, me reminding you of your old life is not enough to build a future on,” I huff.

“Don’t call me Enrico, and it’s more than that. I can’t leave you alone. I think about you all the time. I can’t drop this, Olivia, I tried. God knows how hard I tried.” He pauses. “I’m not leaving someone I want for something I should. What good is all the money in the world if I can’t have who I truly care for? What we have is sacred…and you know it is.”

I stare at his hopeful face. Unable to help it, I smile softly. “Olivia, I know I’m asking a lot but we can make it work; I know we can.”

“I’m not Italian, Rici.”

“You are if you’re with me.” He smiles. “Don’t you see?”

“It will take me time to learn your language.”

“That’s fine.”

“And besides, I don’t know if I want to even live with you.” I frown.

“That’s non-negotiable. I need you with me.” He squeezes my hand in his.

I like that he needs me with him. My mind begins to race. There’s so much to consider.

“So, we’d never live In Australia?” I ask.

He purses his lips. “No.”

My face falls.

“But we can have a house there and holiday whenever you want. Your family are always welcome here, too. Olivia, I am under no illusion that this is going to be easy for you. I will be patient and try my best to help you, you have my word on that. I’ve thought long and hard about this and I know it’s what I need to do. There is no other way around it.”

“Rici…” I sit back to distance myself from him. “You’re asking a lot of me.”

“I know, bella.”

I sip my wine. I really want to pick up the whole bottle and start pouring it down my throat.

“What I’m asking is if you care enough to build a future with me.”

I stare at him, and emotion begins to pump through my system.

“Do you?” he asks.

“What about your family?”

“I’ll deal with them.”

“What if I make a bad Italian?”

He grins then breaks a deep belly laugh, and I smile as I watch him.

“I’m serious, Rici. This is petrifying. What if I do all this for you and you leave me anyway?”

He falls serious. “I won’t be leaving you. Nobody will be leaving anyone. We have to make it work, and we both know we have a very strong base to work from. Yes, it will be tough sometimes, but I adore you and you adore me. What we have is precious. You never forgot me. I know you didn’t. I never forgot you.”

I smile over at the beautiful man opposite me. He has so much hope in his eyes and pride and love and, oh God, I can feel myself caving in.

“Do you want a life with me or not, Olivia? It’s a yes or no answer.”

I stare at him, the word yes on the tip of my tongue.

“I can teach you my world, Olivia. I will show you Italy through my eyes. All you have to do is love me.”

My eyes fill with tears, because I do. I love this man, and the fact that he is so determined to talk me into this only adds another layer to that love.

I can feel myself falling off the cliff and into the Italian abyss. “Okay,” I whisper.

His eyes widen as if surprised by my agreement. “Okay?”

I nod with a smile, and he taps his lap for me to go around and sit on him. I look around us at the people in the restaurant.

“Get over here, woman,” he whispers darkly.

I giggle as excitement runs through me. He doesn’t even care who can see. I climb onto his lap, and he wraps his arms around me tightly. He kisses me, his tongue sweeping through my open lips.

“I’ve missed you, Rici Ferrara,” I whisper down at him as I brush the hair back from his forehead.

He smiles against my lips. “I’ve missed you more, my love. Don’t leave me again.”

He gifts me with the perfect kiss, full of emotion and promise. I giggle. “Everyone is looking at us.”

“Fuck them.” He smirks. “Fuck them all.”

It’s after 9:00 p.m. when we leave the restaurant. We’ve been acting like lovesick teenagers all night. I can’t wait to get him alone. All this pent-up heartbreak and back and forth love means I’m about to lose my damn mind.

Enrico looks over to a car parked, and I see a man give him a thumbs up.

“Who’s that?” I ask.

“Marley. He’s my bodyguard who, unbeknown to you, has been guarding you since we broke up.”

“What?” I look over to the car and the two men inside it who are staring at us.

Rico opens my door, and I get into the car while still looking at the two men. I’ve never seen them before in my life. He closes the door and gets into the driver’s seat. “I’ve been guarded?” I frown over at him.

“Yes.” He starts the car and pulls out onto the road. I turn in my seat and see the car pull out behind us. “I needed you safe.”

“Why wouldn’t I be safe?”

He puts his hand on my thigh. “I’m a very wealthy man, Olivia. With that comes security issues. If somebody wanted to hurt me, they would hurt you. You will have a bodyguard twenty-four-seven now. Marley will be with you. I trust him with my life.”

No words are in my head—only shock. “They’ve been following me?”

“Guarding you, not following you. How was Germany, by the way?”

“Rici.” My mouth falls open to say something nasty about my lack of privacy, but I decide to stay silent instead.

“We’ll go back to your hotel now and pack up your things. You will move into Lake Como tonight.”

“What? That’s crazy. Why tonight? What’s the rush? I want some time to sit with this.”

“I want you to move there tonight.”

“Why can’t we just go tomorrow?” I ask. Damn it, I want a whole heap of bone-shattering make-up sex first. Not to be moving frigging house.

“Olivia, I want to start our new life together in Como… tonight. Our first night together will be in our bed, not your cheap hotel room, and not in my apartment, but in our new home.”

I smile over at him.

“What?” He smirks.

“I was just horny, that’s all.”

He throws his head back and laughs out loud as if shocked by my statement. “Don’t worry, you will be well and truly fucked tonight… but in my bed, and on my terms.”

I smile as I look through the windscreen in front of us.

“What are you thinking?” he asks.

“I’m thinking that you’re very bossy, Rici Ferrara.”

“I just know what I want.”

I look over at him. “And what is it that you want?”

“You, bella.” He puts one of my fingers into his mouth and sucks it slowly as his dark eyes hold mine. My sex clenches. “Only you.”

The cavalcade of cars pulls into a driveway. Huge wrought iron gates greet us, and Enrico stops at the little security house. They open the gates and wave him through. We are at his house in Lake Como—the one he was desperate to get me to right away. At his insistence, we packed up my hotel room life into my suitcase and made our way here.

It’s late—just past 11:00 p.m.

We drive through the gates, up the long driveway, and I peer out the window like a scared child.

“This is your house?” I ask as I feel the confidence drain from me and run down into the car seats. The property is incredible, with manicured gardens and spotlights lighting up the beautiful trees.

“Yes, this is where we will live.”

“Why don’t we just live in Milan?” I frown. It took us an hour to get here.

He smiles over at me. “You’ll see.”

We turn the corner, and I see a stone pillar covered in vines with a large copper sign hanging from it.

Villa Oliviana

I turn to him. “Your house is called Oliviana?”

His eyes dance with delight. “Our house, and yes. This house was the first thing I bought when I took over the family business.”

“After we met?”

His smirk is slow to rise. “The name of the property was why I bought it. It reminded me of a beautiful woman I once met.”

I smile dreamily. Oh, man, could this guy get any swoonier if he tried? “Only a bit fancier than me,” I add. From the back of my mind a little voice whispers

Slow down.

He smiles to himself as we continue up the driveway. At the top of the hill is a gigantic cream-colored house. It’s classically Italian. Out the front is a large, circular driveway with an undercover awning. It’s so grand, it looks like a hotel.

He parks the car undercover, and two men come out. Rico gets out of the car.

“Ciao, per favore, porta i bagagli di Olivia al piano di sopra.”

“Si, signore.”

Rico opens my door and grabs my hand to help me out. I smile nervously at the men.

“Ciao, Miss Olivia.” They nod in greeting.


I look around at the opulent luxury. It’s like a movie. Sandstone pillars and marble floors and gorgeous hanging lanterns line the space. Large, impressive potted plants are positioned all around. I don’t know where to look first.

This place is out of this world. Next level, fucking insane.

“Come, my love.” Rici leads me up the stairs, where two lion statues sit proudly, guarding either side of the house. Gosh, this place is like ancient Rome. We go up onto the sandstone terrace, and in through the large double doors. I look up in awe as we pass through them. They would have to stand thirty-feet tall, and they’re black with a big gold knocker on each one.

Enrico watches me, and I tighten my cardigan around my shoulders.

“You’re very quiet,” he says. He smiles softly. “Thoughts?”

I have no words in my head—none that will make sense, anyway.

This doesn’t look like a house. It looks like a national museum.

“It’s… big.”

He smiles and continues to lead me through the foyer. It has a gorgeous fawn-colored marble floor, and a huge staircase that splits in two on the first floor, dividing into two wings of the house.

“Say something.”

“This is… I… you… I mean…” I sigh.

A door opens to the left and, a man and woman come out in a rush. They’re in their early fifties, at a guess.

“Rico.” The man smiles happily.

Enrico’s face lights up. He grabs the man in an embrace. It’s obvious he is close to him.

“Ciao, Manuel.” He presents me to the two of them. “Olivia, please meet Manuel and his lovely wife Antonia. They look after this house while I’m not here. They have a home on the property.”

“Hi.” I smile nervously.

“Questa è olivia, viene a vivere qui, d’ora in poi riferirai a lei” Rico says as he gestures to me.

Their faces fall.

“Please meet my Olivia,” Rico translates for me.

The woman claps her hands together before she takes me into her arms. “Hello, hello,” she cries.

The man kisses both of my cheeks. “Hello, bella Olivia.”

“Hello.” I smile. My eyes dart to Rico nervously. I don’t know what he just said to them, but they seem awfully happy about it. Manuel holds me at arm’s length as he looks me up and down. “You look like a beautiful…” He hesitates as he searches for the right word. “Asshole.”

“Angel,” Rico corrects him.

I laugh and put my hands over my mouth.

Rico laughs out loud, as if that’s the funniest thing he has ever heard. Well, it kind of is. I can be a real asshole.

“Hai appena detto che era uno stronzo,” Rico says to them.

Their faces fall as they realize what Manual has just said to me.

“Oh, no, no, no. Sorry, so sorry.” Manuel slaps himself across the face, and his wife and I laugh.

“Andremo subito a letto. Ci vediamo domani,” Rico says.

“Si, si, buonanotte, piacere di conoscerti, Miss Olivia.” Antonia smiles before they disappear.

“They said goodnight,” Rico tells me.

“Buonanotte,” I say, feeling proud of the two words I do know.

Rico’s eyes glow with affection, and he leans in to kiss me softly.

“Are you hungry, my love? Do you want a drink or anything?”

“No.” I look at our opulent surroundings. I feel everything but hungry.

Out of place? Hell yeah. I feel that and then some. But hungry? No.

“I’m fine, thanks.”

“Let’s go upstairs.”

He takes my suitcase and I follow him up the grand staircase, where we veer off to the right. The balustrade is a chunky dark timber, and the carpet is a deep crimson tapestry; the kind you see in exotic movies. We walk down a long, wide corridor, and then through a double set of timber doors.

Holy shit.

It’s a huge bedroom, with an already lit fireplace in it. It has two big armchairs and a couch in front of it. At the back is a large four-poster, king size bed.

“This is your wardrobe in here,” Rico says as he pulls my suitcase in through the door. I follow him, and it leads to another room. The walls are all mirrored with black floor-to-ceiling wardrobes. There is also a pink, velvet ottoman couch. A beautiful chandelier hangs low in the middle over a large mirrored chest of drawers.

My mouth does drop open this time.

“This is my wardrobe?”

“Yes.” He puts the suitcase down.

“I only have one suitcase, Rico.”

“That will be changing.” He kisses me and pulls me out of the wardrobe and into the bedroom. “I haven’t spent much time at this house yet. Decorate it as you wish. Get an interior decorator or whatever you want, bella.”

I stare at him. I have no words. None.

Slow down.

He leads me through another set of doors just off the bedroom—a mirrored version of my wardrobe—only this one is already filled with his things.

“Your things are already here?” I ask him.

“I come here on weekends.”

“You don’t live here full-time?”

“I haven’t yet.” He puts his hands into the pockets of his expensive suit pants. “I didn’t want to move in permanently until I started a family.”

I stare at him. Okay, how many times can a man steal my words in one night?

“You want a family?” I gasp.

“No, just you.” He kisses me softly as he squeezes my behind. “For now.”

He pulls me out of his wardrobe and into the bathroom. The floors and walls are white marble. There is a huge round stone bath sitting in the middle of the room, and behind it is a large walk-in triple shower with a bench seat. The taps and fixtures are gold, and the entire back wall is mirrored.

“Holy fuck.” I put my hands over my mouth.

“I like this bathroom. This bathroom can stay,” he says casually.

I look over to him. “Can you hear yourself, right now?”

“What?” He takes me into his arms and bends to kiss me.

“You sound like a rich snob,” I mumble against his lips.

He chuckles. “Maybe I am.” He pulls me again back into the room. “I hope you’ll be happy here.”

My eyes fall to him. “You are the only thing I care about in here, Rici. The rest is just…” I stop myself from saying something derogatory. “If you lived in a shack, I would love it just as much.”

He stands tall, his hands in the pockets of his expensive navy suit, he seems so in control and powerful. An enigma, all of his own.

I can’t believe this night, I can’t believe he wants me.

Is this real?

As if he’s been waiting all night to get me alone, he steps forward and kisses me, his tongue sweeping through my open lips, and he grabs the back of my head to guide me where he wants me.

I know this kiss.

I crave this kiss.

He closes the door, flicks the lock, and then turns toward me.

“Voglio la mia donna, nel mio letto intorno al mio cazzo,” he purrs.

Hearing his whispered Italian voice does things to my insides. “Translate for me?” I whisper.

“I want my woman in my bed… around my cock.” He kisses me hard. “Right fucking now.” Our teeth clash as he pulls me toward him with urgency. “Get it off. Get your fucking clothes off.” In one swift movement, he lifts my dress over my head.

I stand before him in a black, lacy G-string and matching bra. His eyes darken as they drop down my body. He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me down to my knees in front of him. Desperate to please him, I wait for his instruction as I try to control my erratic heartbeat.

There are two men in my life. One is carefree and gentle. Rici, the man who makes beautiful love to me. The other one is the man who fucks me like he hates me. My body is his. He takes what he wants, how he wants, and it’s so fucking hot, I can’t stand it.

Enrico Ferrara is here in all his glory tonight, and anticipation is thumping hard through my body.

He takes his suit jacket off and throws it to the side. He loosens his tie with a sharp snap, and he tears it off. With his eyes locked on mine, he unzips his suit pants and takes his cock out. He gives it a slow stroke, and my insides clench hard.

“Apri la bocca,” he says.

My legs open wider, knees scratching on the carpet.

“Sto per scoparti la bocca.”

He kicks off his shoes and drops his pants. I’m blessed with this sight of his huge cock at eye level. Thick veins course down its engorged length as it hangs heavily between his legs. Pre-ejaculate drips from its end as it searches for swollen wet flesh.

My eyes close, and I hold my breath. He walks around me, sizing me up. Working out how he wants to fuck me.

“Succhia il mio cazzo.”

“Translate,” I whisper. “I don’t understand you.”

He grabs a handful of my hair and tugs my head back sharply so our eyes meet. “Then learn, because I only fuck in Italian.”

“Yes,” I pant up at him as the grip on my hair becomes painful.

His dark eyes hold mine, and he aggressively jerks my head again. “I said… suck my fucking cock.”

My insides melt and my body screams to be dominated.

God, I love him like this.

I lean forward and take him deep down my throat. He hisses in approval and tenderly pushes the hair back from my forehead as he watches me. I gag, struggling to take him.

“All of it,” he commands. “Take me whole.”

He pushes himself deeper, and I instantly gag again. He smiles darkly. The bastard is loving watching me struggle with his size.

I close my eyes to calm myself, and we get into a rhythm. He grabs my hair in his hands and begins to ride my mouth, and I watch him begin to come undone. With every pump, there’s something a little more animal in his eyes.

He’s turning me inside out.

“Up,” he commands as he pulls me from the floor. “In ginocchio.”

I stare at him, desperately wishing I knew what he wanted.

“On your hands and knees on the bed.”

I motion to undo my bra, and he holds his hand up for me to stop. “Leave them on.”

I hesitate for a beat, and then get onto the bed on my knees.

“Drop to your elbows.”

I drop to my elbows.

“Legs wider apart.”

I shuffle my legs wider apart, and I drop my head to try and regulate my breathing.

He circles me on the bed, stopping directly behind me. He rubs his hand over my bare ass and down my thigh, and then over to the other side. I hold my breath. Goosebumps scatter over my skin, and then he gives me a sharp slap.

“Ahh!” I cry. I’m pushed forward into the mattress. He rubs the sting affectionately, and then slaps me hard again. He inhales sharply, and I know he’s nearing the edge of his sanity. What the hell is going on here? His dominance over me has risen another notch. I’ve not seen him like this before.

My body begins to throb, and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. My knees part farther apart. I just need to be fucked.


He pulls me back to the edge of the bed and pushes his cock between my cheeks. He leans forward and takes off my bra. He cups my breasts as his teeth nip at my shoulder. He lifts my hair to one side and latches onto my neck. He sucks as he squeezes one of my nipples hard, and I nearly come.

Holy fucking shit. What kind of sex is this?

I’m panting and dripping wet as he takes full control of my body.

He continues to suck the back of my neck as his hands roam up and over my breasts, his large cock writhing between the cheeks of my behind as the weight of his body forces me farther into the mattress.

I quiver. I’m going to come. I can’t hold it.

He bends and pulls my G-string to the side. I smile into the mattress, and I feel his breath on my cheeks. He blesses me with a tender kiss.

His tongue reaches out and brushes over my back entrance.

I flinch.

What the fuck?

I try to move but he holds me in place and licks me again.

My eyes close, and I moan against the mattress. Oh, my fucking God.

“Rici,” I whisper.

“Shh.” He breathes into me as his large hand holds me in place. “I want all of you.”

I can see his cock between my legs. It’s dripping and rock hard. He licks me again, and I can feel his whiskers on my behind. He begins to really eat me, and all I can do is screw up the blankets beneath me.

Holy fucking god……what the hell is going on here?

He slowly slides my panties down my legs and takes them off. My heart is racing so fast. What the hell is he going to do to me?

He spreads my legs wider, his tongue really tempting me, and then he slides his thumb deep into my ass at the same time he puts his thick cock into my sex.

My eyes roll back in my head, and I cry out…

In pleasure.

In pain.

In total fucking ecstasy.

My knees buckle, and he slaps me hard with his free hand.

“Stay up,” he barks.

His cock slowly slides out, and my mouth falls open. He slides it back in time with his thumb. He gets harder and faster with both cock and thumb. Then he takes his thumb out and slowly eases himself into its place.

Deep, where no man has gone before.

A claiming. . .my eyes roll back in my head to the sound of his hiss.

I can’t talk.

I can’t hear.

I can only feel him.

Enrico Ferrara, the god.

My god.

“Oh, mia bella ragazza, mi sei mancata.”

With the sound of his whispered words and the feeling of his cock, I begin to moan as his pumps get deeper and deeper and it feels so fucking good that I can’t stand it.

It sends me over the edge. I cry out as an earth-shattering orgasm rips through my body.

“Ah!” he cries as he loses control, he grabs my hipbones with force.

He begins to fuck me hard. The sounds of our skin slapping together echoes around the room.

“Fuck. Fuck, ohh,” he hisses as he holds himself deep.

I feel the jerk of his cock deep inside of me as he fills me with his thick semen.

He continues to slowly pump me as he completely empties himself deep inside of me, and then he leans over me and turns my face to his.

I have nothing left. I am completely spent—wet with perspiration, my morals smashed to pieces.

“I’m going to make you happy.” His lips take mine, and we kiss. I feel the last of my sanity fall away.

“Rici,” I whimper into his mouth.

“I’ve waited all my life for you, Olivia,” he whispers.

My eyes fill with tears. “Thank God you found me.”

He pulls out of my body as his lips hold mine. I wince at the loss of his body. It hurt coming out as much as it did going in.

He leads me into the shower and holds me tightly in his arms as he turns it on. I’m speechless.

I can only cling to him, my emotions raw.

I never expected that, I never expected to want it.

Everything about today is new.

We get in under the water, and he soaps up his hands and takes his time. He washes me as we kiss. It’s not sexual; it’s loving, caring, and everything I thought we would never be.

We don’t speak. Words are irrelevant right now.

He missed me. With all of his heart he missed me. I can feel it with every touch.

For a long time, we stand under the hot water in each other’s arms, and I feel so warm and safe that I’m falling asleep against him. It’s like the torture of the last few weeks without him have come to an exhausted head and I can hardly keep my eyes open.

“Come, my bella. Bedtime, baby.” He helps me out of the shower and dries me carefully with a towel before I get into bed.

He turns off the lights and climbs in behind me. Then he lovingly pulls the blankets up over me. “Sleep, my love.”

I close my eyes, completely exhausted.

“Non ti lascerò mai andare via,” he whispers into my ear. “I’m never going to let you go.” He puts his arms around me from behind and kisses my shoulder.

I smile into my pillow.

I’ve died and gone to Ferrara Heaven.

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