The innocent reject
Chapter 29

Ch 29 Regret

My mistake,my regrets

Her sorrow,her requests

Her pleading,her desperation

My ego,my ignorance

She was my angel when I was her devil

She was my saviour when I was her murderer

Her eyes held love when mine held hatred

Her hands acted as my protector when mine stabbed her with a knife

Her goodness was brought to light when the dark veil of misconceptions got lifted from me eyes

And now when I can see her goodness in light

Her eyes are closed in darkness

If only I could revert back time

If only I could set things right

This regret is killing me from inside

Her innocent face is making me cry

And with each teardrop that is falling on her face

I am repeating one thing again and again

"I love you Aleka

I love you....."

-by Aaron Alistaire king

Aaron's pov

I never thought such a day would come in my life when I will be filled with this overflowing emotion called regret

I always thought that the decisions taken by me always serve justice

Being the chief justice of werewolf community I always thought that not once was my decision wrong

But how wrong I was

I couldn't even serve justice to my mate let alone the entire community

And now when I have realised this I just wanted to punish myself for every wrong I did to her

So here I am going all berserk

Knocking down all the trees around me, growling at every person who tries to touch her,drawing blood by scratching myself with my own claws, and growling so loudly that even the ground on which I am standing is shaking.

While I am going all insane her body is lying motionless on the ground in peace.

Her wolf has changed back into her human body

Both her arms have burn marks on them and her once velvety skin is covered in bruises and cuts

I just want her to open her eyes and look at me

I promise I will end this madness if she opens them

If not,

this madness will continue

This all will continue until I reach where she is now

Until I destroy myself to achieve the peace in which she is now

Until I die to meet her in heaven above.

"Alpha please... stop....'

"Aaron !control yourself!!"

"Please don't harm yourself..!"

"We need you Alpha King!!"

"You will kill yourself Aaron!!"

These are the voices around me but I am oblivious to them

The only voice I can hear is that of her

"No alpha please don't even say that word,I... I'll be a good mate I promise just give me a chance, please just one chance"

"I love you Aaron,always had and

always will

beca till my last breath

because you are not only my mate but my soul and untill my soul leaves me this love will never die"

"Please believe me ...I didn't kill was ..a eyed wolf he did Please ..Aaron"

"With time you will forget that I even existed, don't worry time heals everything"

All her words were repeating in my mind again and again

I continued to scratch myself trying to stop her voice but it kept on repeating

By now everyone was scared

Scared that the Alpha king will kill himself if they didn't do something

But what could they do when they couldn't even step near me let alone touch me

I could feel blood oozing out of my fresh wounds

But this blood further aggravated my anger

It urged me to draw more and more

I knew I was going insane

But I couldn't control it

Aleka said that her soul was linked to me today I realised that indeed it was true

Our souls were interconnected and we were not just mates but also soulmates

voices in my head kept repeating the past

"Aaron I love you"

"Aaron please save me"

"I reject you Aleka Gray"

"I will break you Aleka"

"I hate you"

"Aaron please trust me"

"You will forget me Aaron"

"No,no,no!!! was shouting banging

to hoainst the tree bark t to stop these voices Contenteying

belongs to W

Then amongst these I heard something which was not related to the past but present

"Aaron p..le..ase st..op, I am here with you .. I am alright"

I turned around frantically looking at her body

Her eyes were still closed but I saw her chest was slightly moving up and down

I rushed towards her and held her face in my bloody hands

"Aleka me?"

Her face showed nothing

But then I heard her mindlink

"Yes Aaron,I can hear ..y.ou"

All my madness and insanity stopped,she was alive

She was alive!!

Everyone gathered around us

They were looking at us but they couldn't understand the reasons to my actions

Her body was not responding but her mind was

She was there with me

My Aleka was with me!!

She didn't leave me!!

But there was something wrong with


like she was in a lot


couldn't tell me

Her body was still cold as ice

No one believed me when I said she was alive

They thought it was my hallucination

They thought I had gone insane

But how could I doubt when I heard her voice in my mind

There was just one thing that could prove me right

The pack doctors☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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