Holy jiwokEL 

Chapter 287 

Callum was hit with a sudden revelation, but his body seemed to react on its own, sweeping Lexi off her feet and carrying her towards the large, luxurious king–size bed

He craved her, his desire refusing to be ignored for even a moment longer 

Lexi resisted struggling against him. She wasn’t some object for his pleasure, she wouldn’t bel 

But her efforts were nothing more than child’s play to Callum, like a playful tickle that barely registered. 

As they fell onto the expansive bed Lexi glared at Callum “You better let me go right now, you dishonorable brute 

Callum deftly removed their clothing and whispered in Lex’s ear, No, I’m not a brute Didn’t you tell me to start a new life? So save me, because god, I don’t know why, but Im hellishly obsessed with you 

Lex was taken aback. She never expected Callum to develop such feelings for her Exposed and vulnerable, Lex shook her head in embarrassment No, no, no, you’re just using me as a replacement for Natalia You can’t do this 

Callum forcefully parted Lex’s legs and leaned over her, murmuring to her. That’s not it These days, I keep thinking about you involuntarily. Whether I’m happy or upset, always want to share it with you. Since you said I’m beyond redemption, why don’t you save me, give me a chance to start over to break free from my infatuation with Buttercup 

Lex wanted to push Callum away, but his words acted like a spell, making her feel dizzy Callum had already had his way by the time she regained her senses. 

“Sweetheart please give me the chance to start anew and break free from my obsession with Natalia, Callum pleaded, almost like a prayer, as he pressed into her 

Lex pulled the thin blanket over her face, hating herself for somewhat enjoying the sensation. She was the one beyond redemption 

Their tryst continued under Callum’s relentless pursuit. Lexi resented him in her heart, but her body yearned for him. Closing her eyes, she soon succumbed to Callum’s 


The orgasm passed, leaving Lex completely exhausted. She lay limp on the bed, not wanting to meet Callum’s gaze Suddenly, Callum, who was about to get up, scooped Lexi into his arms Startled. Lexi quickly wrapped her arms around his neck afraid of being dropped, “What are you doing?” 

it’s not very comfortable here. Let’s change the venue Callum gave her a suggestive smile, carrying Lexi towards the bathroom 

Entering the bathroom, Callum gently placed Lexi in the filled bathtub before joining her 

Feeling weak, Lexi could barely lift her fingers. She was unsure whether it was due to the warm water, but her stomach started to churn. She leaned against the side of the 

tub and retched 

“Are you okay? Do you feel unwell somewhere? Callum asked with concern 

Lex shook her head “No, I’m just feeling a bit queasy 

Although Lexi claimed she was fine, Callum couldn’t help but worry. He stepped out of the tub, draped a bathrobe around himself, and rang for Rita ‘Get the doctor Ms Lexi isnt feeling well 

Rita rushed off and soon returned with the private doctor of the castle 

By this time Callum had helped Lex get dressed He didn’t want any other man to see his woman. The doctor carefully inquired about Lex’s diet lately, and, after a thorough examination, handed her a pregnancy test stick “Ms Lexi, if I’m not mistaken, there’s a good chance you might be pregnant. I need you to take this test in the bathroom 

Lexi was stunned impossible How could she be pregnant? Impossible! 

“No no, no, doctor. I’m just feeling a bit queasy I can’t be pregnant,” Lexi immediately denied the possibility. 

Meanwhile, Callum’s eyes lit up. “Are you doubting my ability or your own? If you’re too tired, I don’t mind assisting you with the test.” 

Imagine if she really carried Callum’s child That would be wonderful. He was 35 and single. His family had been dissatisfied with him for a while. 

Compared to Lexi’s denial, Callum was full of confidence His family had always had excellent genes. He was almost certain he was right 

Reluctantly, Lexi went to the bathroom, followed the doctor’s instructions, and used the test stick. Her heart was pounding as she watched the test strip slowly turn red: She was praying silently, hoping that the doctor was wrong. 

However, before she could see the result, Callum couldn’t wait any longer and barged in “What does it say?” 

Lexi jumped “Why did you just barge in without knocking?” 

Callum just shrugged “What’s there to be afraid of? Have I not seen every part of you?” 

Knowing Lex’s stubborn personality, he figured that if she didn’t want to be pregnant but found out she was, she would definitely try to hide it. 

“Let’s let the doctor see it Callum reached out his large hand towards Lex 

Hesitant. Lexi didn’t want to hand over the test “What if the doctor made a mistake? What if this test isn’t accurate? 

“Why worry about what ifs? Let’s just go see the doctor, then we’ll know for sure Callum said, wrapping his arm around Lexi’s shoulder and leading her out of the bathroom 

The doctor took the pregnancy test and declared, “Congratulations. Ms Lexi You’re pregnant 

His words hit Lexi like a ton of bricks it couldn’t be true. She couldn’t be pregnant! 

“No, you must be mistaken. This test is faulty” Lexi instinctively denied the doctor’s diagnosis 

“Ms. Lex, you may question my medical expertise, but you cannot doubt the reliability of this advanced technology This pregnancy test is absolutely foolproof, it’s so precise it can detect conception the moment it happens,” the doctor arrogantly declared, striding out of the room with sure–footed steps

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