Chapter 284 

He applied ointment to Natalia’s wounds, cradling her tenderly as he closed his eyes 

By the time Natalia woke up, it was the middle of the night. She was sore all over, and barely had the strength to lift her hand 

As she slowly opened her eyes and turned her head slightly, Natalia met Magnus gaze, filled with concern and tenderness 

“Darling I’m sorry, did I hurt you? His guilt welled up like a wave 

Natalia’s sleepy blue eyes blinked slowly What do you think?” 

Magnus held Natalia closer Darling, I’m sorry 

“Forget it, what actually happened Natalia slowly sat up She hadn’t forgotten that Magnus was drugged 

Magnus fell silent. He felt a sting of embarrassment Being drugged by a woman was mortifying! The thought of what could’ve happened if Natalia wasn’t there yesterday was too terrifying to contemplate 

Noticing his expression and rage. Natalia gently said. “How did you get drugged? Was it that girl, Belle?” 

Magnus was slightly taken aback “How did you know it was her darling?” 

Nataha shook her head she wasn’t sure why, but when she found out Magnus was drugged, her first suspicion fell on Belle Perhaps it was because of Belle’s cold gas was so calm it seemed almost masked 

People with desires werent scary What was scary were those who hid their desires perfectly, as their greed was often too much to bear 

“Magnus why do I feel like I’ve seen Belle somewhere before? Natalia quietly voiced her doubts 

Indeed, although she knew it was her first time meeting Belle, for some reason, when she first saw Belle, she felt as if she had seen her somewhere before Her seemingi calm eyes seemed to hide many secrets 

Magnus shook his head. “Belle is a newbie in Melfort, she’s been studying for her PhD in the US. I think you might have mistaken her for someone else‘ 

Belle was a hard worker, her sales performance was outstanding in her first month, and it only increased from there. She climbed the corporate ladder to the position of assistant due to her own abilities Magnus never thought such an ambitious woman would have other ill intentions, like getting into his bed 

“Is that so?” Natalia didn’t seem entirely convinced shaking her head “Regardless of whether I’ve met her before or not, I just don’t trust her How do you 

to deal with 

Magnus nodded fully agreeing with Natalia’s assessment. “I will have her leave the company. We don’t need manipulative people like her” 

Magnus camed Natalia back to their mansion, where the household staff had prepared dinner. After she finished eating Magnus carried her up the stairs. The two fell asleep in each other’s arms 

The following day Magnus went straight to the office, where Paul handed him all the information he had gathered on Belle. Magnus read through it. Everything seemed normal her resume her education, her circle of friends. Belle was as ordinary as could be 

Holding the thin file, Magnus looked displeased at Paul “Is this all?” 

Paul looked down, slightly embarrassed “Yes, this is all I could find Everything about her is normal. Belle is just an ordinary person. She had a tough childhood and has worked harder than most” 

A hard worker indeed, especially when it came to seducing Magnus. 

Magnus didn’t feel like delving deeper, as he was going to have her leave soon anyway He just wanted to know if this girl had any other motives for getting close to him. 

“Inform the HR department to let her go, Magnus commanded coldly 

“Yes” Paul responded and left the office to inform the HR department 

Shortly after Paul returned to Magnus office “Sir. Belle wants to see you” 

Magnus frowned, recalling Belle’s talent, and he nodded Let her in” 

Belle walked in slowly standing by Magnus desk Paul quietly closed the door behind him and left the room. The large office was suddenly filled with an awkward silence as only Magnus and Belle were left 

Magnus raised his icy gaze Do you have something to say?” 

Belies face paled she never expected to be fired She glanced around nervously, quickly regaining her calm, and started to cry. “Mr Andersen, please dont admired you so much, yesterday I couldn’t control myself Please forgive me. I promise it will never happen again. 

“This isn’t a charity and I’m no saint I thought you were talented but your intentions were vile Belle, take your severance and leave immediately. Let Magnus was determined to let Belle go, unaffected by her tears 

Belie hadn’t expected Magnus to be so ruthless She quickly knelt on the ground sobbing and pleading “Please, I swear I wont do it again. Please don’t kick an elderly grandmother to take care of without this job, we ll be fomeless Please, transfer me to another department. i promise you’ll never see me again. Hearing Belles solemn wow Magnus felt a pang of sympathy He wasn’t usually this forgiving but ever since he got together with Natalia, he realized that i 

have a chance to correct ones mistakes 

He had heard about Belle’s difficult childhood and how he worked harder than most. If he were to fire her, it might be dif still had an elderly grandmother to take care of 

jok) marechately Sha 

Therefore considering her talent and the fact that she may have made a mistake during that feelings for him but as long as she didn’t appear in front of him again, there was no need to be so harsh 

pve Belle another chance. She did hav 

“Well, I’ll give you a chance since you put it that way You can return to your previous role in the sales department. Just bring shame upon yourself Magnus said tersely Waving his hand damissively as though swatting away a fly he directed 

Thank you, Mr Andersen Belle replied, dabbing at her fear streake 

do anything that’ī 

you go 

as she rose from her seat I assure you, I wont make such fookah mistakes again 

Her heart began to flutter with excitement, but with Magnus still in the room, she managed to keep her emotions in di 

Belle hurried out, a dark glint in her eyes as she reached the elevator Her face revealed a fierce determination 

as she left his office 

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