Chapter 281 

Callums blood boiled with fury. He abruptly stood from his chair and stormed out of the mom “I refuse to believe we can’t find her He declared 

Outside, the wind was howling, and the rain was lashing down hard. The sky had turned a deep, dark black. Even Callum couldn’t explain the fear that was creeping over him What was he afraid of exactly? 

Was he afraid that Lexi had escaped? Or was he afraid she was in danger? 

At this moment those questions were irrelevant. The only thing that mattered was finding out Lexi’s whereaboutN 

Callum led the search party instructing his men to spread out in a line and conduct a thorough carpet style omarch 

Dozens of flashlights lit up the forest startling small animals that were hiding in the underbrush and causing them in scamper away in fear, as if hunters had come to capture them. 

it wasnt long after Lexi had been knocked unconscious that she was rudely awakened. The cold and sharp rain slapped against her face, pulling her back to her senses became terrified when she realized something was dragging her along the ground 

She managed to lift her head and caught sight of a bear a grant grizzly! 

She was being dragged along by the scruff of her jeans by a hulking grey black bear Lexi froze with fear She’d fallen into the clutches of a gra 

She was ternfied but didn’t dare make a move All she could do was stay as still as possible while desperately trying to remember what to do if you encountered a 

She remembered that grizzly bears didn’t usually eat dead people Yes that was it! The bear must have thought she was dead so it wouldert eat her 

She was covered in mud and scratches and was completely terrified. Lexi wished she could just pass out. But if she did she knew that she may never wake up 

As she was wracking her brains, she heard the distant sounds of footsteps and the faint yelling of orders, “Be careful Watch your step! Don’t miss an inch of ground 

Was that Callum? 

Lex was overjoyed and wanted to cry out, but she feared agitating the bear What if it decided to devour her? 

The bear seemed to have heard the human noises, too. It stopped dragging Lexi and sniffed around her face, seemingly checking if she was indeed dead 

Lex held her breath but the bears foul breath made her want to retch She was so scared she was about to pass out! 

Finally the bear seemed to confirm that Lex was indeed “dead” and left her to hide. 

The bright lights seemed to scare the bear Even the fiercest wild animals feared humans, especially when they were outnumbered 

Lexi lay quietly on the wet ground, listening to the fading sounds of the beat, until she could no longer hear it, but Callum and his men’s footsteps were also getting further 

Lexi knew that this was her only chance to escape the bear. She had to seize the opportunity! 

instinctively, she stood up and ran in the direction of Callums voice. She stumbled and fell, and the heavy rain blurred her vision. Lex was fighting for her life 

She hadn’t run far when she heard a roaring sound behind her Lexi didn’t look back She knew the creature chasing her was the grizzly bear. It must have seen that she was alive. It had been hiding and watching her When it saw her suddenly run away, it was enraged and began to chase Lex 

“Help! Callum Help” Lex shouted as she ran 

in the vast darkness of the night. Callum became her only hope 

The sound of the bear was getting closer, accompanied by the sound of rustling leaves. Lex’s survival instincts kicked in, and she ran for her life. She didn’t dare as death was night on her heels. 

“There’s someone there!” 

“Yes, someones shouting for help!” 

Over there! 

Excited voices filled the air Lex was ecstatic. As long as she could reach the people, she would be saved. 

She was getting closer closer 

Even through the heavy curtain of rain, Lex could see Callum standing not far from her. Then she saw him raising his hand pointing his gun at her and pulling the in 

A bullet whistled towards her and Lex’s heart sank Of course, she had escaped from the castle, and Callum wanted to silence her, didn’t he‘ 

ack off 

Lex gave a bitter smile, and she stopped running It would have been better to be taken by the bear, at least she wouldn’t have experienced the pain of falling from hope to despair 

Tears streamed down her face Lex watched the bullet flying towards her, and closed her eyes, bracing for death. But the death she was expecting 

was knocked to the ground by something heavy 

Next, she heard people rushing over asking. ‘Ms. Leas, are you okay?” 

Ms. Lexi, are you hurt?” 

Mr Callum is amazing, he killed the beal with one shot. 

It was a close call if he didn’t act fast, that bear would have bitten your neck 

Lex pieced together what had happened from the disjointed voices. She felt like she had just walked a tightrope between life and death, and now she didn’t have the strength to even move 

She managed to open her eyes and saw Callum standing in front of her. He bent down and lifted her hom the muddy ground. “Let’s go home, he said 

And then, Lexi felt herself being cradled in Lalluts arms. She was so weak she didn’t even have the strength to lift a finger 

It’s funny how people thought death was easy until they came face to face with it. That was when they realized just how precious 

Held in Callum’s strong arms and feeling his powerful heartbeat. Lexi noticed that his face was eathly pale Could it be 

To confirm her suspicion Lee lifted her head trying to read his expression 

he was worried about 

Maybe her gaze was too direct because Callum caught her looking. He bowed his head, staring at the grubby Lexi in his arms, and said solemnly. but you’ve got to promise me, Lexi, you won’t pull stunts like this again if something like this happens again, I can’t predict what i might do

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