Chapter 131 

After a while, Natalia was too scared to step on the gas pedal. Magnus raised his voice, instructing her. 

“Natalia, step on the gas. The gas.” 

Natalia’s heart was about to leap out of her chest with anxiety. How could she dare

Magnus looked at her with disdain, and Natalia pouted. She shot him a glare, thinking to herself, “You’re underestimating me. Wwait until I learn to drive, and I’ll show off to you and wipe that smug look from your face.” 

As the day passed, their relationship eased a lot. 

“Nat, let’s go grab something to eat 


At the restaurant, Magnus ordered two medium–rare steaks, Natalia’s favorite He didn’t order any wine because she couldn’t drink 

Natalia, touched by his thoughtful gestures, felt her heartstrings being tugged at again. 

“Magnus I’m not mad at you anymore I forgive you” He dropped everything to teach her to drive, and it really moved Natalia 

Magnus looked at her in utter surprise, his action of cutting the steak paused Honey, are you serious Magnus couldn’t believe his ears and asked again. “Mmm I’m not lying 

Magnus felt like a kid in a candy store, he wanted to pick Natalia up and twirl her around, but the restaurant was too crowded, and he was afraid people would think he was crazy, so he resisted the urge. 

“Honey, I promise I won’t lie to you anymore” 


Then, can you move back in?” After being discharged from the hospital, Natalia had been staying with her friend, Lexi 

“Mmm I’ll move back in‘ She was his wife, where else could she go if not home? 

That might 

Magnus picked Natalia up and brought her home. As soon as she reached the doorstep, she felt a surge of familiarity wash over her, instantly lifting her mood She touched each of her belongings one by one, as if she was in a different world. She hadn’t been home in such a long time. This, this was her home 

After Natalia had finished unpacking, she went into the bathroom. After freshening up, Natalia came out with her hair still wet Magnus, waiting outside the room, was clearly losing his patience. He quickly walked over to her, but he didn’t make a move. He just gently took her hand and led her to dry her 


He sat her down on his lap, just like before, and dried her hair for her, then carried her to bed 

Now that he didn’t need the wheelchair anymore, he climbed onto the bed as well, holding onto the girl he had missed so much. 

He buried his face in her neck, taking in her unique scent. Unable to hold back anymore, he found her lips and kissed her fiercely, greedily taking her in. 

“Honey, I miss you so much” 

He pressed Natalia onto the bed and launched a vigorous attack 

Just as she was getting used to him, he pushed in completely, his movements deep and fierce. Natalia winced in pain. 

“Baby I’m sorry I was too rough But he couldnt hold back anymore They made love all night 

Natalia lost count of how many times he brought her to climax, until finally satisfied, he held her as they cleaned up and then they fell asleep 

He looked down at the woman in his arms, kissing her flushed face, and closed his eyes contentedly 

The next morning, Natalia felt like her body was falling apart, there wasn’t a single spot that didn’t hurt. And the man responsible for her condition waka sleeping so soundly 

“Why did I come back to torture myself Natalia thought to herself, feeling sorry for herself. But looking at the man sleeping soundly in front of her, she felt at peace 

She couldn’t resist giving his eyelashes a gentle peck, but little did she know, her action would spark another round of passionate sex 

The man suddenly opened his eyes and rolled on top of her, “Honey, were you satisfied with my service last night? 

“Not satisfied Natalia replied without thinking, and the man’s gazes darkened, Not satisfied? Alright. (il make you satisfied right now.” 

Ah, no, Magnus I didn’t mean it, okay?” 

Too late The man caught hold of her small body and covered her with his large one, filling the room with romance. 

it wasn’t until Natalia’s intermittent pleas for mercy and the mans satisfied moans filled the room that everything finally came to a stop

They didn’t part until noon 

Mrs Andersen, let’s go practice driving Come, get in the car Magnus opened the car door for Nataka, who got in with a grin on her face 

Magnus looked adoringly at the woman beside him, gently tucking a stray hair behind her ear His movements were incredibly tender. All of this, however, was being observed by someone with malicious intent 

‘Damn, why can’t I break them up Kendra, hiding in the corner, furiously clenched the purse in her hands and tucked a trash can next to her 

Her head was still bandaged from the injury. Even though Magnus hadn’t hit her hard, the injury was enough to keep this spoiled brat bedridden for half month

She hadn’t dared to show her face for half a month since it was her fault to begin with. And Magnus had made a fool of her, adding insult to injury. Now that her injury was almost healed, she couldn’t bear her jealousy of Natalia any longer and ventured out on her own. 

T’ll make you pay for what you’ve done to me, tenfold, a hundred fold.” Kendra glared at the distant couple, swearing revenge 

Lucius must have been released by now. The last time Lucius kidnapped Natalia, he was arrested by the police, but later Lillian bailed him out. 

Lillian told Magnus, “You would even send your own brother to jail. Are you even an Andersen? How can your heart be so cold?” 

“If my heart was cold, he would’ve been dead a thousand times over Magnus replied coldly. He knew he didn’t have any real family 

“Beep—Kendra dialed Lucius number There was no answer 

That bastard Lucius, he dared not answer her call. She thought to herself “Fine, I don’t need any of you I can ruin them all by myself “Buzz Kendra’s phone rang 

“Lucius, you finally returned my call Kendra thought to herself, quickly answering the phone, but it was an unknown number. 

Who could it be? Kendra hesitated for a moment before finally picking up the call. 

“Hello? Is this Ms. Clarkson? A pleasant female voice came from the other end. 

“Hmm, yes May I ask who is this?” Kendra was perplexed Did she know this woman? 

“I’m Isabella. You might’ve heard of me. I’m Magnus first love. The woman’s melodic voice flowed through the call. 

Magnus first love? Isabella? 

Kendra suddegly felt like she found a silver lining. She quickly tried to ingratiate herself. “Oh, THE Isabella. I’ve heard so much about you, it’s a surprise that you’ve reached out to me What can I do for you?” She also wanted to gauge the woman’s intentions. 

“How about we meet up? You can choose the place and time?” Isabella’s response brought Kendra immense joy 

She immediately responded, “Sure, I am sure to attend.” 

“Alright then. Let’s meet at July Cafe at eight tonight. I’ll be wearing a black dress. See you there.” With that, she quickly hung up the call 


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