Yurieth watched from above as the Ball proceeded. He watched Sangriel telling Demona he would not murder Fleur, and that the Blood Brotherhood of Assassins would be loyal to the new queen. Demona had flown into a rage, animatedly telling him she would be queen and then she would have them all bled for treason. Fleur’s entrance had stopped Demona’s tirade but when Fleur nodded her head at Sangriel, Demona looked like she was going to explode. The Assassin slipped away in the crowd and a few minutes later joined Yurieth at the sky-lite.

“You did not tell me she would acknowledge me, Huntsman.” Sangriel’s voice growled in monotone.

“I did not know she would. She probably felt Demona’s displeasure at you and decided to bait her. She hates the princess more than both of us.” Yurieth tracked Fleur’s movements on the floor below. Every smile and caress she favored Lucif with was like the slice of a blade across his soul. He had to look away when they kissed.

Sangriel did not miss Yurieth’s distress. “You truly love the Dark Oracle.”

“She is my sealed one.”

“I guess we are not going to kill her then.”

“I already have so she would be taken by them. Tonight, we have to get her back in a way that convinces them she is forever dead.”

“Who are we killing in her place?” Sangriel shifted soundlessly.

“The Oracle of Yophriel and the Pale Lady Of Baalru.” Yurieth revealed with regret.

Sangriel gasped, it was the first time in centuries he had been truly surprised by anything.

“My mother and her cousin volunteered so the light and the dark will be found at the site of the dark oracle's death,” Yurieth added.

The assassin shook his head. “Never have we played such a dangerous game, Huntsman.”

Yurieth’s mouth pressed into a thin line. In the glow from the ball below, his scars transformed him into something fearsome despite his normally handsome countenance. “Fluer believes we are playing a different game. She believes that I would actually let her kill herself to set the kings of our worlds against each other. She means her death to be the spark igniting a final, futile war.” The words came out of their own volition, and they tasted like loathing.

Sangriel shook his head, “Then we shall have to make sure that doesn’t happen. I will find the Prince and wait your signal to tell him. Does Regis know not to let her kill herself?” The assassin nodded to the other huntsman wearing the uniform of a Baalru protector.

“He has a sleeping potion to dose her with if she leaves the ball early.”

“Good luck, brother, it sounds like we will all need it tonight. If things go awry, I will protect her myself.” Sangriel squeezed Yurieth’s shoulder and vanished into the shadows. A few moments later, he appeared next to Regis. The two did not acknowledge each other.

Looking around below, Yurieth realized he had lost track of Fleur. ‘Brother?’ He pushed the thought at Regis. ‘Where is Fleur?’

Regis looked like he was stretching his neck as he nodded toward a secluded alcove. ‘I believe she is convincing the King he needs to rescue her before the Prince can take her off-world tomorrow morning.’

Yurieth scowled but trusted Fleur knew what she was doing. ‘Sangriel has said he will also keep her safe.’

‘He will. You saved his children, he may be a Blood Assassin, but he has honor as Metariel did.’ Regis reminded unnecessarily.

Shaking his head, Yurieth waited for Fleur to reappear. He saw Lady Naphtala ascend the stairs and start toward the lifts. His mother waited upstairs in Fleur’s room, and Yurieth tried not to think about what would come in the next hour.

Regis shifted, watching Demona storming toward where Fleur had taken the King. He sent a thought to his brother huntsman ‘I think it is almost time.’

Fleur rushed to get King Xerxes out of the line of sight of prying eyes, leading him past the refreshment table, she snagged two drinks then walked into a semi-private alcove.

“Please excuse us, the King needs to sit down,” she asked sweetly but there was a coldness to her tone that had the four Xelusians scrambling to get away.

She handed him a drink as he reclined and curled up next to him with her bare feet tucked under her skirt, her shoes discarded on the floor. “Please help me, my king, the Prince only desires my blood to steal my power and my son to destroy our kingdom. My light belongs to our people. He is a thief and unworthy of any daughter of Aetheria .”

Her magic enthralled him, and Xerxes noticed she smelled of flowers, battle, and power.

“Yes,” he murmured, “Your blood, your power, and your beauty make you desired by many who are unworthy of you. If this prophecy is true, then your son cannot be given away to our enemies. But if I save you, what assurances do I have that you are as powerful as you say you are?”

“Well, my King,” she leaned on him, “I know many secrets of the oracles and the sirens.” She sliced her left index finger open on one of her hair jewels. “Blood magic is only as strong as the one who bleeds, taste for yourself and tell me if I am powerful enough to stand at your side and give you a true heir of power.”

He sucked her finger and had the same reaction as Lucif, she used it to expand his mind instantly to all those who dwelled in the City around them.

“Now, know that there are magics more powerful than blood magic.” She giggled as she slid her right fingertips under his dress coat and between the buttons of his shirt until the rested over his heart. She pulses her power into his heart like an electric shock. She withdrew her power and her hand as she leaned back from the power-mad king. His mind was bordering on senile, but he was cunning, his body and his magic were still very strong. There were a few people who were ‘wandering by’ to peek at them and to them it looked as if their future queen was simply talking to the ancient king of the Aetherians.

Demona was coming, Fleur could feel her, so Fleur begged quickly “The oracles of my family kept many things from you, my king. I promise to teach you... please... Lucif intends to take me to Xelusia at sunrise. I do not want to give our enemies my power or my son when I can give them to you and save our kingdom from his treachery.”

“I can do nothing tonight, my beautiful oracle, but I will come for you at dawn.”

“Thank you, my king,” Fleur kissed his cheek quickly and leaned back with a pleasant smile as Demona screeched, “I knew you would betray my father!”

Fleur jumped to her bare feet as Demona launched herself at them. It was a swift movement by Fleur had Demona on the floor with her arm twisted painfully behind her. “I will do whatever I wish with whomever I wish, pathetic princess,” Fleur hissed in her ear, louder she snapped, “How dare you attack the King or me?” Light and dark magic exploded around them and Fleur twisted quickly, using her whole weight to sling Demona across the polished floor.

Over her shoulder, she said hastily, “Flee, my king, it’s treachery!”

Demona jumped to her feet and flung her blade at Fleur who was suddenly dwarfed behind the bulk of the King, the cursed blade sunk into his shoulder and he staggered. Two Xelusians rushed forward and Fluer killed them with magic and the King’s long dagger. Fleur pulled the cursed blade out and flung it in Demona’s direction.

“I won’t let you kill us, Princess!” Fleur shouted for Xerxes’ benefit.

As Fleur danced with the King of Aetheria , Demona raged as she yelled at her father. “She will never be my queen, she’s an oracle!”

“She is the Dark Oracle that my grandmother and the Pale Lady foresaw. I mean it, Demona, leave off.” Lucif warned.

Demona craned her neck to look past him, her fiery eyes narrowed to slits. “She’s gone off with the King of Aetheria . She’ll betray us all! I’ll prove it to you, father.” Demona stormed off across the dance floor.

Lucif pinched between his eyes and started after her, but someone he recognized was approaching so he held his place. A woman from Demona’s entourage, touched the Prince’s arm, “My Prince, I... I need to speak with you. The Princess wishes to harm the Dark Oracle.”

“A moment, please, Lady Crudora,” Lucif said to her. He turned to face the other, “Brother Sangriel, why are you here? I did not send for you.”

The Brotherhood Assassin bowed slightly to the Prince, “We need to speak in private, sire.”

Lucif started to walk away with Sangriel, but the lady grabbed his arm, “My Prince, this assassin refused to do the Princess’s bidding, I heard him refuse her.”

Startled, the Prince demanded, “Is this true?”

Sangriel nodded. “The Princess ordered the Brotherhood to kill the Aetherian oracle and their King. I rescinded the command.”

“Why did you not obey, Assassin?” Lucif’s eyes were turning black as rage filled him.

Sangriel stared at him like he was mad for a moment before his stoic mask slipped back in place. “I almost did, my Prince, then I met her and knew instantly who she is, who she will be,” Sangriel bowed he head, “If I erred, forgive me, my blood and my soul serve the shadows.”

“Thank you for your decision, Assassin, you are correct. The Dark Oracle will be our queen, She...”

He was interrupted by and explosion of magic. Lucif and Sangriel rushed toward the source while everyone else was running away.

Fleur had the King’s jeweled dagger, “I won’t let you kill us, Princess!” She lunged at Demona, who shrieked and attacked. Blades flashed and blood dripped from cuts as the women continued in their deadly dance.

Lucif and Sangriel were shocked to see the Huntsman of Adamos standing over the wounded King pouring healing potion on his shoulder. Yurieth stood and bellowed for the King’s guard and a battle broke out between the Aetherian and Xelusian warriors. Yurieth launched himself at Prince Lucif who managed to dodge, then Sangriel attack Yurieth in defense of his prince. Fleur finally had Demona in a choke hold. Once she was sure the Princess was unconscious, she dropped her on the floor and kicked her viciously away.

Regis grabbed Fleur’s arm. “We must flee, the plan is ruined. My father is here with the King’s Guardsman.”

“No,” Fleur hissed. “We will continue on Xelusia, the war must start. We need to help Lucif escape. It doesn’t matter where I die as long as they both think I belong to them. I’m going to the King, tell Yuri to let Lucif and Sangriel go. Splash me then drag me away from the king.” She pressed a potion in his hand before she weaved between the warriors to where Xerxes leaned against a corner. “My king.” She clung to him as he looked up at her.

“It takes more than a cursed blade to kill this old warhound.” He patted her hand. Suddenly, they were splashed with a weak sleep potion, and she was snatched away from him. The King’s last conscious sight was of a man wearing the colors of the House of Baalru carrying Lady Fleur away, following Prince Lucif and another carrying Princess Demona.

Lucif and Sangriel together managed to force the Huntsman of Adamos back out into the hall.

“You’ll never get her back!” Lucif snarled. “She will never be your betrothed.”

“She belongs to me, Xelusian.” Yurieth growled and lunged only to be forced to the side by the Brotherhood Assassin. In his mind, he heard Regis telling him Fleur wanted him to let Lucif and Sangriel escape. A wall of black and purple fire erupted in front of him and he was forced to retreat. He saw his mother with Naphtala, and heard her in his mind, ‘Pretend to chase us to the port. Regulus is here to rescue the king.’

Lady Naphtala shouting at the Prince to come quickly as the strange fire danced from her hands, then they fled. Looking around Yurieth, quickly scaled the wall and leapt over the flames as the King’s Guardsmen and the Guardian rushed in from the gardens beyond the ballroom. He did not want them to go to Xelusia, it was too risky.

“Regulus, here!” Yurieth shouted as he gave chase, but a wall sealed behind the Xelusians. He turned quickly and put arrows through those of the King’s inner circle who Regulus believed served Prince Lucif.

Regulus ordered, “Search the towers! Find where this comes out.”

A healer knelt over Xerxes and sprinkled him with revival powder. “Fleur!” Xerxes exclaimed as he jerked awake.

“They took her, my king,” Regulus answered but Xerxes had eyes only for Yurieth.

“What are you doing here, traitor?” Xerxes snarled at Yurieth, who bowed on one knee.

“Forgive my house, my king, but it was a necessary deception to find the traitors in your inner circle.” He pointed at the King’s dead seneschal and two other Aetherian Lords. “My father’s last command to me was protect you and retrieve Fleur.”

“Lady Fleur told me your family abandoned her to Prince Lucif for Lord Abrieth’s betrothed,” Xerxes rose slowly.

Yurieth remained kneeling, and answered honestly, “No, my king. The Xelusians and their allies attacked the winter castle and took Fleur. They have also taken Princess Serapha. Mother and father were trying to protect Fleur by not telling her the real reason they sent her into hiding. We believe the enemy intend to use her to revive the Siren Queen and birth the Murderer of Worlds.”

Xerxes eyed him cautiously, “Why did they attack me while Fleur was talking to me?”

“To overthrow Aetheria , sire,” Regulus answered.

“Get up, get up, Huntsman, and bring me your parents.” Xerxes demanded.

“I cannot, my king,” Yurieth said firmly.

“You dare defy your king?” He bellowed in outrage.

“My king, he cannot because they are no longer with us. All at the Winter Castle of Adamos were killed, including Xeus. The castle was razed.” Regulus revealed falsely. “I am sorry, my king.”

Xerxes stared at him, “My son? What of Eonae, do you know?”

“Missing, possibly taken.” Regulus gave a curt nod. “What do you wish us to do, my king?”

“Find them, catch them. Rescue Lady Fleur and bring me that traitorous Prince Lucif.” Xerxes snarled.

“And find the queen as well?” Regulus added.

Xerxes looked confused, then agreed, “Of course, find the queen. Now, go.”

Regulus and Yurieth both bowed and turned quickly.

“Regis is not answering me,” Regulus said concerned as they rushed outside.

“He might not be able to without the blood mage sensing it. Mother said they were going to the port,” Yurieth’s mouth made a thin line. “We can’t let them take off. Fleur might not be able to resist the Queen on her home world.”

Regis was carrying Fleur as they ran through the secret tunnel under the City of the Kings. He wondered if his father knew about this or the many side tunnels he saw. They rushed out into a warehouse, then through the streets to the space port. The Xelusian Royal ship waited for them. There were shouts as the warriors of Xelusia attacked the Royal Guardsmen trying to stop them from taking off. Yllumina sprinkled Fleur with healing powder as they hid behind a pile of cargo containers.

Fleur roused and began to squirm. “Put me down, I must protect us.” She wavered on her feet as the Siren’s magic rang out.

Lucif rushed up to them, “What are you doing, my queen?”

“Stopping them from stopping our escape.” She murmured as she walked out into the battle, glowing brightly. Her magic enthralled the warriors and they all stood still, eyes glowing peach with siren’s magic she made all kneel. Fleur trembled as she pushed out her power in a way that was physically painful to her soul. Looking around she realized the Xelusians were about to start slaying the helpless soldiers so she did the only thing she could to save them.

“Sleep, Aetherians!”

The guardsmen, all frozen mid-movement, simply collapsed.

“Let us go, the Huntsman is coming.” She announced to the Xelusians and they ran toward the transport. Swaying, she whispered, “I think... I’m going to faint.” And then she did.

Regis managed to catch her and lift her like a bride, but Lucif held out his arms, “Give me my betrothed and join your lady.” Regis had no choice but to obey.

Lucif carried Fleur onto the ship and as Regulus and Yurieth arrived at the port, they could only watch it take off.

“Regis, mother, and Abrieth are on that ship with Lord Karstien. They will make a portal once they arrive,” Yurieth stretched his mind as far as he could as the ship blasted out of the atmosphere. “They will be on Xelusia in seven and a half hours.”

“All we can do is wait, Huntsman,” The Guardian Regulus growled. “At least, the Dark Oracle spared our warriors.”

Yurieth stared after the ship, memories of his last encounter with the entities that ruled Xelusia filled his heart with dread. “Fleur is going to be standing at the Gate of Darkness by sunset. Pray to the Light she can resist the Siren Queen and Lord of Shadows, or all is lost.”

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