Oren, Orion and Fleur worked diligently to finish installing and syncing the last two hundred of the healing beds. The monumental task was almost complete.

“That’s it, Lady Fleur, these are ready for Odini to cast the obscuring spell on them.” From his voice, she knew he was grinning.

“I wish we had known about that type of magic in my time, it would have saved us from our tech getting thieved by the enemy.” She smiled as she said it, then innocently she added, “And I wish it worked on people, we could have used it.”

“But it can be used on people, my lady, our ranked commanders often carried the enchantment to keep their minds and blood memories from being read by the enemy if they were captured. I am surprised that Oshay didn’t tell you, he was most curious about it,” Oren answered in a congenial voice.

Fleur made her lips curl up in a smile, and answer him in a voice that did not reveal her angst over the discovery, “Well, we will probably talk about it when I get home. You are going to love my time, Oren.” She reached out and squeezed his arm, “Now, let’s get some food, I’m starving.”

Orion chuckled, “Lady Fleur, for someone so small, you certainly like to eat.”

Fleur shrugged in a nonchalant way. “I need the energy, so I have a choice; eat or sleep. Eating tastes much better than sleeping.”

They laughed together as they walked through the Tear with Fleur telling them about all the different kinds of food Oren could expect. Orion admitted that he envied his brother, but he was looking forward to his own adventures with the remnant. As they stepped outside, Fleur placed her hand on Orion’s arm as she had in her past and his future. “You will not lack for fun, good food, or dangerous adventure, Orion. Your favorite food, if I recall correctly, is braised fowl with a savory chocolate and chili sauce.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting. What does it taste like?” Oren asked.

Giggling, Fleur shook her head, “You don’t have chocolate or cocoa plants on Aetheria, it isn’t like anything else. The raw flavor is bitter, but mixed with sugar and milk, it is wonderful. We make all kinds of confections and pastries with it.”

“That explains why Orion likes it, anything sugary...” Oren teased his nephew. “Just like Odinus.”

“It’s how I keep my sweet disposition, perhaps Odini should try it,” Orion grinned. “He has been in a foul mood since...”

“Orion, don’t burden Lady Fleur with my brother’s moods,” Oren warned.

“It’s okay, Oren. Oshay gets the same way when we are working on a project.” She didn’t tell them she could sense that they were hiding something from her and that she knew what or rather who that something was. “He is always grumpy until after the mission succeeds.”

As they entered the kitchen commons, Fleur heard Xeus call out the them and grinned at them. “Oh, looks like we get to sit at the kids’ table.”

“Well, you are the size of a child,” Orion chided her, and she punched him in the arm, sitting across from Prince Xeus. “My prince, I need to beg a favor, please banish Lord Orion from this world.”

Orion gasped in mock offense as Oren and the others close by laughed loudly.

“My Lady Oracle, your petition shall be grant very soon,” Xeus announced graciously.

“My Prince is too kind.” Fleur stuck her tongue out at Orion. “Mmnnn, I win.” They continued to talk, eat, and laugh, then she felt Yurieth come into the room. She stood slowly, “Excuse, friends, I think I shall go take a nap. I didn’t sleep last night and being full is making me sleepy.”

“Do you need a guide?” Orion asked.

“No, stay and eat, I can find my way. We have finished everything on the list, all we have left is the final pre-flight checks of all systems.” Fleur smiled at them, but all could see the tensing of her demeanor as the Huntsman Yurieth watched her go.

Yurieth entered the dining commons and saw Fleur sitting with Prince Xeus, the sons of Odini and several of the older children to be sent on the Tear. They were all carrying on in amusement. Fleur stopped laughing as soon as she sensed him watching her. She made an excuse and slipped out the sidedoor. By the time, he made it around the building, she was nowhere to be seen and he could not sense her. He clenched his fists, she had successfully evaded him again and they needed to talk, not because his father had ordered it but because he wanted to make things right between them. Going back inside, Yurieth sat down at a table with Regis. Behind them, Prince Xeus was talking to the other youths of how wonderful the Blind Oracle was and all she had taught him.

After Fleur had managed to avoid Yurieth at midday meal, she kept her awareness spread thin, feeling for him or his brother and father. Her excuse for leaving the Winter Castle to work seemed to be believed and the two times Adamos had tried to read her, she had filled her mind with numbers, schematics, and work lists, letting her obsessive nature be her shield. Being constantly hyper-aware was tiring and she wondered how Oshay/Shadz had managed for so long. She felt Yurieth, Abrieth, and Regis coming toward her, so she ducked down into a conduit access then climbed above them. Hearing her name had her pausing in her avoidance and escape.

“... The manner in which she has gotten him to choose to learn the skill first without the magic makes teaching him so much easier,” Regis was saying.

“Magic will not make up for poor skill,” Yurieth reminded.

Abrieth laughed, “You sound just like Regulus.”

“My father would be proud that even one of his warriors remembers a single one of his teachings,” Regis admitted with a chuckle. “He only said it every other day.”

“Father and Mother say I will have a school after the war, I intend on using everything he taught us, in the manner he taught us. They claim that the obscuring will not truly affect our memories, only give the appearance that we do not remember, but I still don’t like it,” Yurieth sounded unhappy.

“Put your soul at ease, brother,” Abrieth chided, “This is the way it must be until...”

They continued on out of earshot and Fleur quickly climbed to the next level and shut herself in a passenger cabin containing eight sarcophagi. She was grateful the children in them were sleeping and could not hear her heartbroken sobs. She had tried to convince herself that it wasn’t as bad as she overheard and feared, but she now had confirmation from three different sources on two different days. She had spent the last five centuries of her life being deceived by the family she believed loved her.

Her soul cleaved as she realized she had no choice, she had to love Yuri and do the soul magic enchantments because she had done them. And against her nature, she couldn’t confront anyone now or admit her knowledge because their past selves would warn their future ones. She had to lie to everyone, so they would do what they had done before. Adamos must leave believing her innocent of his plans to manipulate her existence. Yurieth and Abrieth must go to Xelusia, and the one complication she hadn’t counted on, Karstien... Karstien must go back to the future with Kalyssa. She would stay here and die, like Yuri claimed to remember she had, even if it meant letting Demona kill her. She remembered that Demona had repeatedly denied the crime and it made Fleur wonder, she thought carefully about everything Demona had ever said.

Fleur knew in order to be as Yuri remembered his Fleur, she would have to let herself be captured by the Xelusians. She told Mina that Yuri had come to her, then she sent him away. She had an epiphany. It didn’t matter if he loved her or not, as the dark oracle, she would have the power to do the enchantments without Yllumina, so the high oracle could go to the future with Karstien. Fleur gently fingered her scars contemplating, if she went to Xelusia, did the enchantments there, she could draw any extra power she needed directly from the Gate of the Devourer. She could supercharge her light by manipulating the Darkness, all she needed to do was the math. She could even charge her Oracle stone and send it back to Asha to use to make the Healing Water of Light until Kalyssa grew into her power.

As Fleur sat on a bunk, she wiped her tears and schemed, thinking of every scenario and how to work it to her tactical advantage. She understood how the Cataclysm war would start and her mind began to form a plan. Demona would not be the one to betray Serapha to be captured, Fleur would, and Fleur would be the one to seduce the rulers of both worlds. Both kingdoms wanted her power, let them fight for it. It didn’t matter who killed her as long as Demona took the blame and blew up the Gate or perhaps Fleur would detonate it herself with the Against Hope. She had already decided that if the House of Adamos had made her to be a weapon, then a weapon she would be.

Satisfied, she carefully hid the thoughts away under layers of project lists and math and went to sleep hidden by the bulky sleep chambers. She was so tired.

Fleur had managed to completely avoid being alone with Yurieth for almost two months. The time of the launch was getting close and he was getting frustrated. Everyday more and more children arrived, and she always seemed busy with them. The Navigation System had only needed minor tweaking and after Yurieth had found all but two of the names on the list, he had nothing to do. The Tear of Heaven’s Hope was waiting for Aetheria’s orbit to reach the desired location for the gravitational assist maneuver that would propel the ship safely away from its home. He ran his fingers over the display once more, then decided to go find Abrieth or Regis for evening meal.

As he descended on of the ladders, he heard her singing The Sleepsong she always sang for Kalyssa. Through a doorway, she was swaying, holding a child from the House of Valkio, while Oren is checking the vitals of the other. They laid them in a sleeping chamber together as their parents watch tearfully. As Lord and Lady Valkio, passed to leave, Yurieth bowed the them respectfully.

“Lord Oren, may I have a moment with the Oracle?” Yurieth asked, Oren glanced between them and at Fleur’s slight nod, he left.

“What do you want, Lord Yurieth?” Blind eyes regard him without emotion, and he sensed that she was doing that weird thing again where she felt nothing.

He stepped through the door, softly he begged, “Please don’t do that.”

“Then what do you wish me to do? I do not need you to love me to do the enchantments, I have studied them, and I will have enough power to do what your father and mother want if you will let me do what I must,” the void of her voice was like a blade on his heart. He had never heard her speak of his parents in such a dead tone.

He had not realized it would hurt this much or how much he had hurt her. “Fleur...”

She blinked once, very slowly, then repeated, “What do you want, Lord Yurieth?”

“Just this.” His lips were gentle on her as his hands cupped her cheeks.

At first, she stood perfectly still, then slowly she kissed him back. Her tears wet his hands, as his soul pushed at the barrier he had forced her to build between them.

“Please, Fleur. I’m so sorry, I was a fool.” He left gentle kisses along her brow, “Help me to find love and hope again.” Her sob breathed warmth on his neck.

“I... I c-can’t,” she stammered, “You have to find them for yourself. I can only give you the love I have for you, but you must promise to let me do what I must. You can choose to accept it or not, but never forget, it is your choice to live and love as you will. To seek your own hope.”

He tipped her face toward his, she felt so pained, so anguished, not at all like he expected, “Fleur, do you forgive me?”

Chin trembling, she closed her eyes before she answered, “I do, and I will. You only do what you must to maintain your honor and duty, I understand that now. I love you and what will be, will be. Just... just take care of my children. Promise me you will love them.”

“I will, and you... for all time.” He tightened his arms around her. Again, she had reacted in a way he did not expect. “Fleur, what is wrong, I thought you’d be happy?”

Before she could answer, Abrieth came to the door, “I am sorry, but Mother needs Fleur and Regis. There is a problem at the Winter Castle.”

As they left the ship, Adamos and Odini met them at the portal. “It’s time, daughter.”

Adamos held out a pack to Fluer, she shifted it slightly and nodded. It held Kaleth’s ancient lightning sword. “So, they are heading to the castle?”

“And being led by the last of the shadows,” Adamos answered. “But there is a complication, one of the sons of our enemy and his mother are there, along with his sealed one. He is sick as Kaleth once was.”

Fleur sighed, without looking up, “The last two names on the list?”

“Yes,” Lord Odini answered.

Her mouth made a thin line. “Tell Oren to get everyone who isn’t needed for the launch into their sarcophagi. I’ll heal him and send them to you. Odini, if you adjust the launch date, the computer will recalculate the Gravitational Assist Maneuver. If you launch tomorrow instead of next week, it will only mean a delay of...” she hesitated, doing the calculations, “22.6 years for your arrival but the longer you wait, the shorter the trip."

"It is a risk to wait.”

They stood for a moment then Fleur hugged Odini around the neck, whispering to him, “Don’t wait and don't worry about me. Take care of Shadz and Orion.”

Lord Odini looked down at the small oracle, he understood his great-grandson’s affection for her, and knowing what he did now grieved his soul. “Never lose hope, little flower, when you go home, I know you will be a wonderful grandmother.” Fleur nodded rapidly.

“What’s going on?” Abrieth asked concerned.

“I won’t be coming back here after I heal the son of Baalru,” Fleur answered calmly.

“We are not putting one of them on the Tear,” Yurieth viciously snarled.

“We will because we did, Yurieth,” Adamos snapped at him.

Fleur put a calming hand on his arm and lied, “Yuri, you don’t remember anything about the dark magic until years after you are rescued. The Baalru is our High Mage of Odini’s other grandfather, it is through him that we have the knowledge to stop the Dark Prince. He must go, because he did go.” She turned to look at Adamos, her emotions were tumultuous and grieved. She stated honestly, “There is so much to say that I don’t know where to begin, or if I could stop once I started. Just...”

Admos pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head, “I love you, little flower, you are as much a daughter to me as Kalyssa. I am proud of all you have accomplished.”

Fleur bit her lip to keep herself from screaming at him, instead she whispered, “It was my duty and my honor to serve the House of Adamos.”

She turned and rushed through the portal away from them before Adamos could see the truth she knew that he thought had been hidden from her.

Leaning on the wall of the castle, the blind oracle choked on her grief and rage.

Lady Yllumina rushed to her side, “Fleur?”

Fleur pulled her emotions in tighter, “It’s just hard to say goodbye.” She steadied her breathing, thinking absently that it will be interesting to see the event that created the Dark Nebulae if she survived Demona’s attempt to murder her.

Mina seemed to accept her explanation and silent walked with her toward the steps where a young woman stood. Regis, Yurieth, and Abrieth stepped through the portal. She couldn’t hide her surprise when Regis called out, “Rysa, what are you doing here?”

The girl rushed to his embrace, she looked at Fleur with desperate eyes, “My sealed one, Lupin, is sick. I heard from the Queen’s nephew that the Blind Oracle, who save the city, could help him.”

As they followed Mina into the castle, Fleur could feel the presence of blood magic and someone she wasn’t sure if she was ready to see, but the fates were not being kind to her this day and she sealed her angst away.

“So, you and Regis are cousins? On the side of your mothers?” Fleur asked quietly.

Rysa answered, “Yes, and Lupin...”

“Lupin of Baalru has blood magic poisoning, doesn’t he, Lord Karstien?” Fleur turned to look up at her king, and friend, but she wasn’t sure if they were still friends, if they had ever been. “You shouldn’t have tried to obscure yourself from me.”

“How did you know?” Mina asked in surprise.

“I have been feeling him for quite a while. Also, I can feel the dark insanity the use of blood magic brings.” Her hand went to the chain around her neck holding the scarred widow’s token ring that no longer read ′Beloved of Kaleth and My Beloved Through All Time’. She looked in Rysa’s direction as she felt Karstien coming down the stairs. “I will try to help you as I once helped another. First, I need a room with a large bath, large enough for them both to be submerged in, one with an eastern facing window.”

“Why both?” Regis asked.

“Because she will have to perform the ritual, she is his sealed one and her blood is part of the reason he is sick,” Fleur announced quietly and Rysa started crying. “I know you think you were helping him resist the cravings, but you only delayed them.”

“What else, Oracle?” Mina asked.

“A healer with power to help make the water of light, where is Serapha? We have to fill the pool and start the ritual; it must be finished by dawn or they both will be lost,” Fleur explained.

Mina looked away, and Abrieth demanded, “Mother, where is my wife?”

“We do not know, she went to the King’s City to find more children for the Tear and vanished. Cinna and I could not find her, then I had to bring Lupin to us. We fear her father may have caught her to try to lure Fleur out or take as ransom. I am Lord Karstien, a nephew of Queen Eonae,” Karstien introduced himself, maintaining the façade that he was from this time for their guests.

“I am a healer, I have healing magic,” Rysa announced, Fleur reached out to touch her and glowed.

“Okay then, all I need is a sacrificial bound blade,” Fleur said as she pivoted to face the darkness that entered from the room that held Lupin of Baalru.

“You may use mine.” Even mostly blind, Fleur could see how pale the woman in the black and red dress was, almost as though the color had been drained from her body. Her hair was so white it looks translucent, her skin and even her lips are the color of ivory, but her eyes hold the color of burning magenta-orange embers.

Regis, Abrieth, and Yurieth all pull their swords on the wife of Lord Baalru. Fleur can feel her darkness, but also her deepest desire, to save her youngest and last son, the only thing in the world she still loves.

As a mother, Fleur understood her pain and walked forward fearlessly. “My thanks, my lady. I am the Blind Oracle, Lady Fleur of Adamos.”

“High Lady Naphtala, wife of Lord Canus of Baalru, my lady oracle.” Naphtala bent down, “I beg you, save my son.”

The Blind Oracle took the cursed blade from her hand and pulled her to her feet, “I also have a son I would do anything for. But I will not be the one to save him. Love shall save your son; I am only its helper.”

Madge the housekeeper bowed before Fleur, “My lady, I have two rooms that meet what you require, please come.”

As Fleur walked past Karstien he opened his mouth, but she held up her hand, “Not now, I have to set everything up.”

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