Well. I didn't think about it either, did I?

I set my jaw, offended and guilty all at once.

"I'm sorry," Bruce says, shaking his head as he sees my expression. "It's just...I think it would be good for Luca, and helpful, if you really understood his situation, and his world. You need to help him make the right choices. He's a good boy - and I can see he loves you. But he's someone who lets his emotions run away with him. He needs a bit of guidance to make the right choices - and you can help with that." "I will help him," I say, steady, meaning it. "In whatever way I can."

"I hope we can count on you for that," Bruce says, holding my gaze, giving me a steady nod.

Luca comes out of the house before I can respond, a plate of coffee cake wrapped in tinfoil in his hands, a big smile on his face. At the same moment, a car pulls around the corner, headlights flashing.

Luca smiles at his uncle, who nods and walks back to his corner of the porch, before coming to slip an arm around me, frowning at the car. "I was hoping for a moment for a quiet goodbye," he says, sighing. "That's okay," I say, smiling up at my mate and standing on my toes as I take the plate from his hand, begging silently for a kiss. Luca grins and then obliges me, kissing me softly and pulling me close for a moment as Conner's car pulls to the front of the house.

"Thank you for coming," he says. "This was amazing. Everything I wanted it to be."

"It really was," I say, honestly meaning it and unable to help my smile. "But you will get some sleep, yes? And tomorrow I'll see you at the fight."

"You'll be there?" he asks, a little desperate, almost as if he's worried that I won't.

"I promise say, laughing and

grinning up at him. "I can't wait. It's going to be amazing. I'll be right in the Royal box - right up front. You won't be able to miss me." Content

"Good," he says, tugging me close one more time and planting a kiss on my forehead before starting to walk me to the car.

Bruce calls a goodnight after me, and I give him a little wave, but as Luca gives me a final kiss goodnight and tucks me away in the car, I can't stop my mind from wandering over everything Bruce said about Luca, and his life, and his responsibilities, and my role in it all.

Because it really does make me wonder...am I the best thing for Luca right now? Can I really support his career? Or...is dating a Princess going to be a huge distraction for him?

I sigh, sinking back into the seat,


disturbed by tall. I want, more than anything, for Luca to have the best life he can to have a wonderful career, to support his family, to continue doing this work he never even told me about to help boys that must be so like he was when he was an angry teenager.

But how do I do that?

"Did you have fun?" Conner asks, glancing over at me.

"I did," I return, tucking my thoughts away and giving him a friendly smile. “It was an amazing night.”

"Did you bring me some cake?" he asks, raising an eyebrow and nodding to the plate in my lap.

"Oh no," I say quite seriously, "this cake is for Prince Rafe. Exclusively."

Conner bursts into laughter, and I begin to tell the story of Luca's Gran and her Royal favorite, who is clearly not me.

And as we drive...I can't help but worry that the same might be true of Luca's uncle as well.

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