"What are you talking about?” I growl.

“Is that why you're nice to me?” he asks, and I can hear the wound in his voice now. “Because you realize that...that that's the only way you're getting through this? You found the loneliest guy in the Academy and gave him the scraps of your attention, and for that I do what — carry you through the Examination? Is that —" he pauses now, his voice catching, “is that seriously what's happening? Have you...have you been leading me on, telling me that you'll tell me about my mate someday to... because you know that it would wrap me around your finger?”

I stare up into his face in the darkness, completely shocked, appalled at the idea.

And my heart absolutely breaks for him, that he could consider this a possibility. Again, my mind turns to what his world must have been like — who raised him, that he could imagine me so manipulative?

“Jackson,” I breathe, shaking my head, “I would never do that to you. You're — you're my friend -* His MATE! My wolf howls, grieving within me, realizing alongside me that we're wounding him further.

Because whatever world he did grow up in, we're doing the same thing. We are lying to him, every day, because it easier for us. Tears spring to my eyes and my mouth goes dry as I stare up at him, not knowing what to do.

Jackson — I have been betraying him. And he's been so tough, so sturdy, that he — he just took it, uncomplaining.

“I'm going after her,” Jackson growls down into my face, ignoring my emotions. “I have to see, Clark. I have to make sure that there's no trace of her in the forest — I need to know that she’s okay.” “Jackson,” I murmur, stepping forward once again, wrapping my hands in his shirt, desperate. “Jackson, she’s not out there. I swear on everything that she’s not — please, please just stay here.” “Ari,” he whispers, have livid and half desperate, “how can you ask me not to? How can you try to keep me away from her!?”

“I'm not!” I gasp, the tears starting to roll down my cheeks. “I swear, Jackson, she's safe! She's not in any danger! You can't leave — you can't spend the rest of the night prowling around the forest looking for her! It's pointless!”

“How do you know that!?” he shouts, losing his temper now and shoving me away from him, his voice ringing out against the rocks as he forgets our situation completely, as he loses himself to his desperate anger, his need to know.

“Because!” I shout in response, stumbling backwards before finding my balance, my hands fisted at my sides. “Because she’s right here, Jacks!"

"What!?” he breathes, staring at me and then looking frantically around our little plateau like she’s going to suddenly appear or something. “What are you talking about, Ari —*

“It's me!” I shout, the words stumbling from my mouth.

My wolf howls in relief, her noise long and slow and agonized, like letting out a long-held breath that has been aching in her lungs.

"What?" Jackson says, staring at me like I'm crazy, like I'm an idiot.

“It's me, Jacks!” I repeat, stepping forward and glaring at him, tossing out a hand between us like it's obvious. “When you're smelling your mate? You're smelling me. You smelled my fear — that's why you came running to me!”

"What?" he repeats, his face screwing up in concern and confusion, his head tilting as he tries to put it all together. “Are you two like...tied? Does her magic...does she feel your fear? Are you like... twins?"

Oh my god, my wolf says, standing rigid in my soul. He really...he really just doesn't get it.

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