Chapter 954 An Attempt at an Ambush 

They thought Wynter would not be able to sense anything and would fall for their trap. That way, they would be able to save themselves a lot of trouble. 

But before they could apprehend Wynter, they heard a loud sound. 

The second the whip touched the ground, an invisible force suddenly came straight at them. 

The dark figures flew at least a mile away before crashing onto the ground. The sounds of them falling echoed throughout the place. 

Every one of them suffered a blow from the whip and was thrown to the ground. They were in a lot of pain. 

It was evident that Wynter was not an average woman! She was not a passerby, either! They came to the 

realization too late. 

On the other hand, Wynter was quick while her actions were cool and handsome. 

She dodged a black figure and flicked the whip toward the middle area. 

The mediums were unable to react in time. By the time they realized they had to dodge, the whip had already flown through the air, landing straight on their faces. 

Under normal circumstances, they would not be required to show themselves. The Savior was right 

behind them. 

The Savior was exhausted after being chased across three streets. The mediums had also made the necessary preparations for a formation. 

But the woman before them, whom they had never met, had destroyed their formation with just the flick 

of a whip. 

Fred took a few steps back and used his hands to block the energy from the whip. He was trembling slightly despite managing to stay upright. 

Although he didn’t know who Wynter was, he had gone to Mt. Dragon numerous times. He had a fair understanding of the people there. 

As for the woman before him…. 

Fred collected his contemptuous gaze and smiled. “I wonder which faction you’re from. I’m from Mt. Dragon. We came here to catch the ancient beast. 

“If our goals align, why don’t we stop fighting and work together?” 

Normally, people would be willing to work together after hearing such words. After all, an ancient beast would likely cause extreme weather within the city. 

So, for the sake of maintaining the peace, mediums would always have to prioritize capturing beasts and malevolent spirits. 

hapter 954 An Attempt at sa Ambu 

That was what he had managed to conclude after staying in Cascadia for so many years. Not to mention, there was no obvious external mark on them to prove that they weren’t Cascadians. 

Furthermore, they were wearing the robes of Mt. Dragon’s people. He believed Wynter would not suspect. the authenticity of his words. 

However, he was unlucky to have Wynter as his opponent. 

Things would have been salvageable if he had not mentioned that they were here to capture the ancient beast. But the second he said that, Wynter’s gaze turned cold. 

“Are you all trying to capture an Ancient Beast?” 

Fred thought that Wynter had believed him, so he said, “That’s right. We had put in a lot of effort to lure him here. Finally- 

Before he could finish his sentence, Wynter raised her whip and aimed it at Fred. 

He was caught off guard, and a streak of blood began to pour from his mouth. He took a few steps back and placed his hands on his stomach. 

It was the first time he had encountered someone daring enough to attack a medium from “Mt. Dragon” Did she not understand the hierarchy among mediums in Cascadia

“How dare you? Don’t blame me for not holding back now!” Fred dropped the act with his gaze filled with 


He was about to show her the power of his mystic arts. Suddenly, numerous talismans began to fly up in 

the air. 

Fred was trying to summon the godly powers, including the underworld guards and the Grim Reaper 


But while those from the underworld indeed came out, they immediately retreated once they saw Wynter. 

They couldn’t win against her in a fight. They tried before and failed! 

Not to mention, Wynter was already suspecting them of betraying Cascadia. They didn’t even dare to think about what might happen to them if they were to lend Fred their strength! 

The talismans hovered in the air for some time, yet Fred could not summon anyone. He immediately 


Why was this happening? 

He couldn’t believe he had failed and planned to try one more time. This time, he would try to summon the spirits‘ power. 

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