Chapter 937 The Return of Justice 

This was Wynter’s proposal. Prolonged distorted games would influence the students‘ values in life. Without proper education, these students would become tumors in society. 

Even without Wyatt, Hailey, or Tessa, there would always be others like them. Thus, the root cause had to 

be addressed. 

Lavend International School was forced to cease operations. As the police Investigated the higher–ups, it became evident that they bore responsibility. This sparked anxiety among educators, who feared for their 


This was something everyone had longed for. So, when the order came to investigate thoroughly, 

netizens cheered

The Lowe family didn’t receive lenient sentences. Most received death penalties. 

Just as Wynter said, those who weren’t sentenced to death wished they were dead rather than live in 


Budd also made appearances in interviews. This time, he carried himself with integrity and honor. Beside him, Leanne clutched Dulcie’s birthday photo, radiating with pride. 

Some netizens said, “Justice may be delayed, but not denied. I choose to be a brave resistor after seeing 

this scene.” 

Another said, “Dulcie’s case didn’t just save herself. Can anyone understand that? Our school is also under investigation. Those who were bullied in the past are 

now being protected.” 

“We won’t become the bullies. But when someone is bullied, I hope I can be the one to speak up. Because what if I’m the missing piece?” 

Never underestimate the power of faith. 

Wynter asked Leanne for her faith for two reasons–for the seal and Dalton. 

Even if Dalton was favored by the heavens, she couldn’t always deplete his purple aura. It was necessary to replenish it when needed. 

When there was no one around, Dalton watched as Wynter grabbed his collar and opened her palm to 

offer him the faith. 

Dalton raised an eyebrow and instinctively pushed her away. 

Wynter was taken aback. Was he rejecting her? What was going on with her handsome fiancé today? 

“It’s good for you. Don’t you want it?” Wynter didn’t like being rejected, except by people like Charlie. 

Dalton grabbed her hand and stood straight. He spoke with a light cough, “Since it’s good, keep it for yourself.” 

Wynter frowned. Did he know how rare faith was? Judging from his demeanor, he probably did. 

Chapter 937 The Return of Justice 

Dalton didn’t hide anything from her. He smiled gently. “Faith is useful for a medium, but for me, it’s like at tonic. I don’t need these with you around.” 

He then held her hand and lowered his gaze. “Anyway, feel free to use my fortune.” 

The more Wynter understood Dalton, the more she realized he was different from ordinary people. Normally, humans or spirits would want to accumulate as much fortune as possible. 

Yet, he didn’t seem to care at all. He was incredibly generous, making Wynter feel embarrassed for using him to make money. 

“After I’m done with my work, I’ll treat you to dinner,” she said as she withdrew her hand and redirected 

her gaze upstairs. 

Dalton agreed, “Alright.” 

The two stood side by side. After Sothoth finished the thunderstrike trial and witnessed this scene, he wasn’t sure if he should approach. 

What was Dalton thinking? Was it for revenge? 

Sothoth’s eyes lit up as if suddenly enlightened. This must be the reason. 

‘Chante: 915 Che Used to Keep Boy

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