Chapter 935 Living Up to Expectations 

Outside, the thunder ceased. Wynter released Dalton’s hand right on time. 

Dalton’s eyes were inscrutable as he glanced at her. Seeming to recall something, he smiled as he gently 

rubbed his fingertip. 

The scarlet rosary bracelet on his wrist gleamed with an indescribable luster. Dalton exuded an air of nobility and restraint. His dark, thick eyelashes fluttered slightly, adding a touch of coldness to his 


Just like before, Wynter used people when needed and discarded them just as quickly when she didn’t. 

Dalton raised his hand and pulled her back. Wynter didn’t understand his actions, but she felt much better. 

With the trial over, the Wilson family would now have smooth sailing ahead. The things at the bottom of 

the river wouldn’t resurface, either. 

The water dragon was just the beginning. Nurtured by the resentment of the sacrifice, the suppressed malevolent spirits would grow stronger. 

Although she hadn’t seen the seal Atwater had mentioned, she knew its origins. 

Every country had its own fortune, and Cascadia valued Celestial Force the most. Their ancestors had 

been guarding it since their time, 

Many had tried to destroy Cascadia’s fortune through mystic arts. 

Since the land had always been fertile and full of vitality, the mastermind behind this sought to use the 

land’s fortune to destroy the Celestial Force. 

Wynter thought the reason he chose the river bottom was because that seal was least likely to be 


After a flood, there would be many animal corpses and bacteria that could cause diseases. That was why it was often said that epidemics followed natural disasters. 

Such a scenario would lead to widespread illness, with many unable to survive. 

Given the prevalence of various viruses today, the elderly and children would struggle the most. 

The mastermind’s intentions were far from simple. And this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. 

Atwater had experienced it himself, which was why he had warned her. 

But their ancestors were wise. Long ago, they integrated formations into their daily lives. Even architectural aesthetics naturally developed to include protective elements. 

People living in the northwest region would never imagine that the bridge spanning the river itself had a sealing effect. 

Chapter 935 Living Up to Expectations 

Plus, the dragon lock chain beneath it wasn’t just decorative. It was a seal established by several mediums back in the day. It wasn’t something Just anyone could break. 

The mastermind’s abilities were likely on par with Atwater’s. 

Wynter’s eyes darkened as she glanced toward a corner. She needed to find out why they had chosen the Wilson family. 

The mastermind surely had a way, 

Wynter didn’t believe that the Wilson family being chosen was a recent event. Instead, she felt that everything had been set in motion a long time ago. 

As Wynter pondered this, two imposing off–road vehicles pulled up in the neighborhood. 


residents watched, as the license plates were very rare. 

“What’s going on?” 

“It looks like they’re heading to the Wilson residence.” 

“Mom, look! There are so many soldiers! They’re marching so neatly!” 

Almost every child was watching. 

Around seven men in army green uniforms, each tall and upright, got out of the vehicles. Though moving in formation, they still made way for the children they encountered. 

The children loved watching this and ran over one after another. Seeing the soldiers heading upstairs, they eagerly followed. 

The leader seemed to be carrying something. 

Seeing them, the people standing at the Wilson residence’s door instinctively made way for them. 

“Recruit Training Camp Unit 071 welcomes Dulcle Wilson to the camp.” 

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