Chapter 920 What He Feared Most 

“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Wynter interrupted as she entered the room. “Just because some evidence hasn’t been made public doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. You’re being too impatient, Mr. Donovan.” 

“Ms. Quinnell,” Hector said, surprised to see her. Alfie had warned him that the investigators this time were formidable. Now that Alfie had been taken away, he had to handle matters alone. 

Hector hadn’t expected to encounter the Quinnell family’s daughter in a situation like this. He knew about Wynter’s brother, Sebastian. 


As a lawyer, he had no desire to cross paths with Sebastian, so he didn’t want to offend his sister, either. 

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Quinnell,” Hector greeted, standing up and extending his hand. “I recently saw your photo on Sebastian’s social media. I didn’t expect to meet you in person so soon.” 

He was trying to build rapport. 

Wynter, smiling slightly, didn’t refuse the handshake. In fact, she tightened her grip. 

“I’ve reviewed your resume, Mr. Donovan. Over the years, you’ve been a great help to the Lowe family. 

“Many cases have been settled out of court, and others were dropped before they could proceed. You’ve been a great support to Wyatt’s brazen acts.” 

Hector smiled and tried to defend himself. “When you take a client’s money, you solve their problems Besides, my client is just a kid. Parents understand that kids sometimes fight.” 

“Kids sometimes fight?” Wynter repeated, her voice low. “You’re known for twisting facts, Mr. Donovan. 

“Let me give you some advice–before taking on a case, know your opponent. Not every outcome will go as you expect.” 

Hector dismissed Wynter’s warning. She might be formidable in business, but he was an expert in juvenile defense and confident in his ability to win. 

“Impressive, Ms. Quinnell. It’s getting late. My client needs medical attention,” Hector said, checking his 


Just as he was about to flash a smile, his assistant rushed in and whispered something in his ear. 

Hector’s expression changed instantly. “New evidence? What new evidence?” he whispered. 

The assistant shook his head. “I don’t know. They didn’t disclose any details.” 

Wynter picked up Hector’s application form and calmly crossed out a line with her pen. “We’re not just prosecuting for bullying. You might want to gather all the facts before defending your client.” 

Next, Wynter placed the pen down and walked toward the interrogation room. 

Hector began to panic. As a lawyer, nothing was worse than sudden new evidence. He had no idea what the opposition had found or if his client had lied to him, and that uncertainty was the crux of the problem. 

Chapter 920 What He Fenced Most 

When Hector had agreed to defend the Lowe family, Alfie warned him about Wyatt’s violent tendencies. He had a history of severely hurting people, and Hector had managed to smooth over previous incidents. 

had never ack 

But Wyatt his wrongdoing, and Hector feared his behavior might escalate. 

no as far 

Wyatt wouldn’t as to physically harm a girl, would he? So, what else could it be

As these thoughts raced through his mind, Hector suddenly looked up. A dreadful realization dawned on 

him. It couldn’t be what he feared most, could it?

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