Chapter 906 NowheRun 

It felt like Hailey’shad slipped out of her body. For the first time in her life, she truly felt scared.

She crawled forward and reached out to tug at Wynter. “Ms. Quinnell, I was wrong. I truly know that I was


“Can you give me another chance? I will definitely not be like this again in the future. I beg you, please don’t challenge the Reeds and let my grandpa go.

“If you want to avenge Dulcie, come and slap me. I’ll let you slap me.”

Wynter did not look at her but turned her attention back to her phone and sent several videos as well as a message to Wolf.

“Along with the things you found, post everything online. You should also hack into their hard drives and send them each an email, especially those in the group that Hailey was chatting with earlier.

“When posting the videos, remember to abide by the lacensor their faces.”

Wolf replied quickly, “Roger that. Man, the truth is coming out so fast that it’s not exciting anymore.”

“If you want excitement, go to their parents more often. Don’t post all the videos at once, but post one

after several minutes.”

Wynter’s command was very precise. Wolf understood that it was meant to scare people.

Just like when he

was hunting, he would not rush to eat. First, he would round up the prey and then scare it until it was stunned. It would be delicious when roasted with a sprinkle of salt and pepper.

He started drooling when he remembered the water dragon that got away. It was a real pity. Why did he

make a contract with Wynter?

Such bad dragons were no longer common. None of the other dragons would taste as good.

After a while, Wolf snapped back to reality, remembering his task to cause some trouble.

In a bustling coffee shop, no one noticed a boy holding up his tablet and starting to type.

His notebook was specially customized and could be restored after use. He chose this place because the regional network was very close to them.

Moreover, he wanted to circumvent detection by certain departments. Wynter said that he must abide by

the law.

The school was being investigated again, and the Lowe family knew about it. However, they did not

receive any news about what had happened with the Reed family.

The chihad a group chát, and the chatter there was normal. Not long ago, Halley had said

something, so the others would not doumuch.

Especially the girl called Tessa, who stayed at home and never went to school after the incident.

Chapter 906 Nowhere to Run

she said, there were many hired tutors at home. Whether she wanted to study or not depended on her mood.

But she was still very upset, all because Dulcie made it difficult for the close friends to meet.could. not go to school and select a new donkey to play with, either.

The first two days were fine, but it got boring after too long.

“Why don’t we go shopping?” suggested Tessa, not forgetting to tag Hailey. “Blueberry has some new products for afternoon tea. Should I ask the driver to pick you up?”

There was no reply.

Tessa was wondering what happened when Beatrice Cole spoke, “I asked you to read up on the Information. Why are you chatting ” 

“Mom, I don’t want to go abroad. Why do you have to send me away?” Tessa could not understand.

With darkening eyes, Beatrice looked at her. “Why don’t you understand? Things aren’t so simple this time. You have to go abroad anyway, so why don’t you take advantage of this to go earlier?”

“I won’t go, and I’m very comfortable here. Everything is unfamiliar to me overseas. What if I get bullied again?” said Tessa petulantly.

She continued, “Mom, this isn’t such a big deal. Things like this have happened before. I believe you and Dad can protect me. Since I’m still young, won’t you worry if you send me abroad?”

Beatrice seemed hesitant.

At that very moment…

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