Chapter 586

Chapter 586

It was necessary for her to have a chat with Winnie. That was Wynter's only thought.

As soon as she moved, everyone on that side raised their glasses.

"Let us congratulate the Quinnell Corporation's new leader, Wynter!"

The host applauded, and countless cameras were focused on Wynter.

At this moment, she was undoubtedly the most dazzling figure in the whole venue!

Even the news about the Quinnell Corporation's leader had surged to the top of the trending news.

Although no photos were released, news about the Quinnell Corporation dominated the business section

on this day!

Many people looked down on

Wynter initially upon hearing that she was brought back from the countryside. In their hearts, Wynter was just a bumpkin, definitely not stylish, and definitely not a spender. In front of pampered young ladies like them, she was nothing.

She would embarrass herself even at the family reunion banquet, and Dalton wouldn't even spare her a


They had also prepared some pranks privately to tease Wynter and teach her the rules of their circle.

But who would have thought that as soon as she arrived, not only did three of the Quinnell brothers come back for her, but even Dalton, who was high and mighty, would show such a gentle smile?

Most importantly, Fabian actually handed the Quinnell Corporation over to her!

Throughout Kingbourne, there had never been a young lady from any family who had


Lived such

The family reunion banquet had not only caused a sensation in the upper-class society but also among

business elites.

The Quinnell Group finally had a new leader.

Among them, the happiest were Ryan and Alexis.

If leading troops into battle were used as a metaphor, no one would willingly submit to an incompetent


If a boss acknowledged talents, it would be the employee's good fortune.

Many people had talents, but few could be recognized.

They were excited and impressed from the bottom of their hearts when they witnessed Fabian personally handing over the Quinnell Corporation to W

They believed that the Quinnell Corporation would only get better in the future, and they also

believed that Wynter would not misuse her powers by firing talented individuals for the sake of the company's factions

Chapter 586

like Shane.

Employees would opt to stay in a company where those who were competent could take charge.

If a company only engaged in deception, it was not far from collapsing.

There were already many problems within the Quinnell Corporation.

With Wynter at the helm, the Quinnell Corporation would definitely be rejuvenated!

Ryan raised his glass excitedly, and Alexis, who was usually calm, also pushed up his glasses.

No one dared to step forward to stop it. Wynter had truly become the CEO of Quinnell Corporation! However, there were still two people sighing in the venue.

"How about it, old friend? You lost the bet."

"You're really something. How could you tell that Wynter was extraordinary?”

"I just observed her. Don't try to back out now. Pay up!"


"I really didn't expect her to have such great influence. We were still at the hotel when we last saw her.”

"She could even humiliate Shane back then; what more is there to say in a situation like this?"

"But let's look at things from a different perspective. Do you really think she can manage a listed company?"

"Old friend, think about it. Didn't you hear what Dalton said? He'll help her. Besides, I always feel that Ms. Sevie still has some tricks up her sleeve. Just wait. She's extraordinary!"

Indeed, some people also thought that Wynter might not be able to manage a listed company.

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