Chapter 513 Investigating Shane

CEO Albert: “That's why we need to figure out why Dad's acting so unreasonably.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like Dad's opening up to you, Albert.”

CEO Albert: “Do I have a choice? He sought me out, so I have to listen, right? Maybe I should suggest he

talk to you guys instead.”

Elliot immediately declared, “I'm busy.”

Sebastian smiled cheerfully. “Every time Dad talks to me, he falls Ill. So, for the sake of his health, I'll leave

that responsibility to you, Albert.”

Shane was seen as a thorny issue by his sons, so no one was eager to handle him except Albert.

Albert got straight to the point. “I've been looking into past incidents and will soon have results. If it's

proven that Dad was involved with Mom's illness, then we need to keep Mom away from him first.

“Furthermore, it doesn't make sense for Dad to insist on Wynter accepting that outsider... unless Naomi

holds some special significance to him.”

Sebastian raised his brows. “Albert, are you suggesting that Naomi might be Dad's illegitimate daughter?”

CEO Albert: “Not quite, Sebastian. I'm referring to Wynter’s birthdate and horoscope.”

Elliot narrowed his eyes. “So, you're saying Dad was the one who provided Wynter's birthdate and


CEO Albert: “We're still awaiting confirmation. I need to verify everything first. Meanwhile, we need to figure out how to break the news to Mom and Grandpa if Dad is indeed involved.”

The group lapsed into silence once more.

CEO Albert: “Wynter might be keeping a close watch on Dad, observing how far he'll go.”

Tobias, engrossed in messaging his brothers, suddenly felt Marie's gaze on him. Not wanting to alarm his mother, he swiftly stowed his phone away, pondering over their discussion.

Albert made a valid point. Shane had always seemed to genuinely care for Marie. If he truly was

responsible for Marie's illness, how should they reveal it to her?

Fabian seemed to have suspected something after the incident at the hotel, so they might not need to

worry about breaking the news to him.

If Sebastian hadn't brought up his hypothesis over Wynter's suspicion, Tobias wouldn't have paid much

attention to the situation.

Despite Shane's occasional foolishness, Tobias couldn't fathom him ever harming Marie. Yet, Albert's

suggestion hinted otherwise.

Lost in thought, Tobias found his appetite waning.

Chapter 513 Investigating Shane


Wynter, noticing his distraction, assumed he must have exchanged messages with her brothers, conveying what she had revealed earlier. While Wynter hadn't intended to disclose her suspicions to her brothers so soon, perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that they had picked up on them beforehand.

After all, regardless of whether Wynter’s dreams reflected reality, Shane had failed to protect Marie.

Despite seeming caring and supportive during Marie's recovery outside of work, the truth was he had

isolated her indoors.

However, everyone had their own way of expressing affection, so Wynter couldn't point her finger at

Shane just yet.

Yet, Wynter vividly remembered a moment from her dreams.

It was on the day she officially reclaimed her Quinnell name. Someone at the gathering asked Shane, “Mr. Quinnell, where's Mrs. Quinnell?" Shane replied, “Her condition forbids her from socializing, and I'm concerned it would strain her. But don't worry, I'll bring home her favorite food later.”

While Shane's responses might have seemed considerate to others, was it appropriate to make such a statement at a gathering of prominent families? Even Wynter had her doubts.

Shane's words could easily lead others to believe that Marie was losing her men t a I faculties.

Nevertheless, since Fabian organized the event and invited the guests, Wynter decided to play along. She wanted to see how Shane would officially announce Naomi as his adoptive daughter with everyone present.

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