Chapter 500 Family Reunion Banquet

Despite Dalton’s ailing appearance, the people he dealt with were on Fz After all, no brother would ever find his sister's boyfriend pleasing to the While everything else was comprehensible, his transformation in front of Sensing Toblas' scrutiny, Dalton met his gaze with his deep, inscrutable “I understand that Tobias may have some reservations about me. After ¢ admitted in a subdued tone, sounding innocent.

“It could be because I didn't spend much time with him when we were c With his refined and pale face accentuating his long lashes, there was & him. Who would dare to trouble such a beautiful person? Wynter certain “Our engagement has been restored anyway. Don't worry about it.” “How can I not worry? You have too many identities. It often leaves me \ dissatisfaction with me is inevitable.”

Dalton continued in a pleasant tone, “But since you saved my life, if the Tobias was not standing nearby. So when he heard this, he almost slipp "Dalton’s shamelessness is off the charts! Which media outlet called hin someone wishing to be a kept man described so politely!

“Wynter is no match for him at all. All of you need to come back ASAP!" Wynter saw Tobias" actions, but she turned her gaze to Dalton’s face. “Staying with them? I'll consider it. But I'm curious, was not playing with “I raised a wolf,” Dalton said casually. “He saw it when I was training it, 2 Wynter immediately understood what had happened. Her handsome fia When ordinary children saw him, they probably wanted to approach him After all, most people wouldn't raise a wolf. Given his menacing look an Chapter 500 Family Reunion Banquet

understandable that people would avoid him.

Wynter looked at Dalton. “I suddenly feel like I don’t know you well enou “You can get to know me better in the future,” Dalton said while holding I “After eating, we can grab some coffee and dessert. I've got an old editi might enjoy.”

Wynter was indeed hungry and tired, so she couldn't refuse such a tem “Your hand is so empty. Let's pick something out later.” Dalton held her I “By the way. Mr. Quinnell Senior has announced that the Winstons have

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