Chapter 491 That's My Sister

Wynter had never seen someone with such a nature before. He posses: countless burdens? What did that mean?

Before Wynter could figure it out, Dalton coughed and said, “He's afraid you, so he sent me to ask what you want. As your brother, he'll buy anyt Tobias hid quietly behind, completely devold of his usual energy. Jacqueline had originally been worried that he would argue with Dalton ; His approach was correct. Since everyone had seen their interaction on Jacqueline admitted that Wynter was quite attractive. Even her first reac However, Tobias was different. He usually couldn't care less about wom proactive today. There was definitely something wrong.

“Your contract clearly states that a qualified idol cannot date. You remen Tobias looked puzzled. “Of course. I won't date anyone.”

“You better not.” Jacqueline withdrew her gaze. She was genuinely afrai Tobias knew Jacqueline had misunderstood and immediately explained, “Sister?” Jacqueline’s eyes lit up. “Like by blood?"

Tobias grinned. “Yeah. She's my biological sister.” His affectionate expre Jacqueline was surprised. “I've never heard you mention having a sister on the show.”

At this point, she

squinted her eyes. “Are you lying to me because you're afraid I'll restrict “No.” Tobias casually put his hand in his pocket and looked away from V It was the first time Jacqueline had heard Tobias talk so specifically abo Previously, she only knew that he had many brothers. He had always wt Well, with so many children, what kind of family could afford to support t Chapter 491 Thats My Suter


Now he had a sister. Jacqueline’s eyes shone brightly. “Since she’s youl Tobias was about to refuse when Jacqueline smiled and said, “Your sists When his brothers saw it, they would all be jealous of him.

Tempted, Tobis cleared his throat and replied, “I'll ask her. If she says ok “There's prize money.” Jacqueline decided to mention the benefits of pa substantial.”

While they were discussing the matter, the bodyguards stood in a row, b Wynter didn't get angry with Tobias for his casual remark on the show. T What she was most concerned about now was Dalton’s true nature. Although some of her memories hadn't returned yet, she was certain thz than just heavenly luck.

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