Chapter 471 Plot Twist

“My sister was suffering in the washing machine,” Lana hissed, soundin save us!”


“If they wanted us dead, why give birth to us in the first place?” Her voic The hospital building quaked like it was about to collapse as Lana tosse The dark shadows looming up behind Lana were a maelstrom of hatred chilling draft blew into the room. It was as if some evil force was trying tc Yvonne and Cecilia had passed out from fear. Zane and Oliver wanted t “What the hell is this?" They spied a black river filled with writhing shadc Zane staggered back and fell on his backside. Fear registered in his eye At that moment, Wynter bit her fingertip until it bled and cast

her purple sugilite pendant into the river.

The shadows fell back as if they had been scorched and disappeared in Lana regarded Wynter with surprise. “You know the Arcane Way?" “Yes,” Wynter answered. With no cameras on her, she could do what sh “This isn't fair!” Lana shrieked. “Why are you helping them and not us?” “How is it fair if you kill these people?” Wynter countered patiently. “If yo “If you and your sister keep reliving the same day, her soul won't be able Wynter looked at Lana and asked, “Are you going to let your sister's sot Lana faltered and clutched her hards nervously. “I... I was told by a mar my sister and me.”

“I can help you with that right now.” Wynter raised her gaze to meet Lan Lana looked puzzled. “Killed us?"

“I can help you remember. But first, you have to restore these cameras : Chapter 471 Plot Twist

should do it with an audience.”

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Hesitation colored Lana's expression, and the shadows behind her swirl "You trust her?” The reflection in the

window made Lana look like she was conversing with herself. A beat later, she said under her breath, “Fine.”

With a wave of her hand, the cameras were

brought back to life, and the footage on the audience’s screens was res Given the interruption earlier, the audience had no idea why Zane and C death.

The only one with any composure was Wynter, who pinned a newspape The audience gasped.

“Another story?” one of them commented in disbelief.

The production crew hurried to reassure the audience once they saw th Back in the hospital, she launched into a retelling of the so—

called second story.

“Three years ago, a couple made a report claiming that their twin daugh “According to the wife, she was busy looking after her newborn son, the “However, something about this narrative doesn’t quite add up.”

Lana froze when she heard this. She mumbled to herself as she stood i “According to the police statement, yes, Wynter confirmed. She pointed Act Fast Free Bonus Time is Running Out!

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