Chapter 458 Challenging Celebrities

To capture the guests' most authentic reactions, the producers and assi: scarce in the hospital building.

Cameras were fixed in every corner of the building to record the guests’ The children’s hospital was not large by any means. It was a two—

story building lined with

long, dark corridors. From the footage, it was clear to see that all the wo Lucy, in particular, couldn't help but glance nervously at the delivery roo “Why is Lucy patting her belly?” someone asked,

Just then, the signboard hanging above the delivery room came off on © Oliver felt a chill down his spine, but he knew this was his moment to sk old, so it's normal for things to start falling off. Watch

where you're going, everyone.”

Feigning concern for his fellow guests, he stepped forward as if to lead I from behind.”

Zane wanted some screen time as well. “I'll be the rear guard,” he offer: The audience began

praising the two men for taking charge. Lucy was grateful for Oliver and initiative as well, seeing as she couldn't wait to get away from the first fic The gang was about to head upstairs when Oliver noticed Wynter still st five!” he called out.

“Mr. Quinnell, could you please keep an eye on your partner?” Zane sigI want us to have to come down again if you both get frightened after this calling them dead weight.

A dark look passed over Tobias’ face as he glared in the others' directio He was about to say something when Wynter fixed her icy stare on Zan mistaken, the rules of the challenge will require us to work in pairs inste: Displeasure flashed in Oliver's eye's. Having been a celebrity for years, like this.

He countered, “I'm asking you to follow us because you're a bunch of ne “There's strength and safety in numbers, but clearly, my sentiments are “Kina,” Aimee began, truly concerned for Tobias" interests, “sometimes v program, or we won't make it to the end.

Chapter 458 Challenging Celebrities

“Besides, what's wrong with a tie when we'll still score anyway? It's not : on your own.”

Zane was done being polite. “Forget them, Oliver. They obviously don't ; The viewers were chiming in with their two cents as well as they vilified ' “Leave them! If they're so great, they can figure out the

challenge on their own!” someone said.

“They should vet through candidates before letting them go on Ultimate Tobias wouldn't stand for his partner getting bullied. He was also aware how many viewers were watching them right now.

Any poor performance from non—

celebrities would mean instant ostracization and cyberbullying.

Tobias couldn't be bothered about the backlash he might receive as he ! Zane forced out a humorless smile as Oliver sneered. “Single player, hu mirking at

Wynter hadn't wanted to get tangled up in the messy world of celebrities

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