Chapter 451 Crashing Ultimate Survival

One of the viewers commented, “I'd like to see if Kina could be as cocky during the mission.”

The highlight of Ultimate Survival was the missions given to the particips The missions would occur in real—

life locations like ancient castles or school compounds. Either way, the Is The first location for this season's Ultimate Survival was kept secret. Th “I can't wait to see how the participants this season will farel” someone ¢ "I wonder who this season's MVP will be?” another asked.

As the online discussion grew wilder, concerned remarks began to pipe She had been hospitalized until recently due to poor health. The crew of More importantly, she wanted to dispel the rumors about her. She didn't Lucy's fingers intertwined. She didn’t look too bad, though her make— up barely concealed the greenish shadows under her eyes.

Even so, she smiled brightly and said, “Wow, you sure know how to wor The viewers were showering her with praise on the streaming platform. The managing teams for the celebrities were about ten feet away

from the set. When shooting for Ultimate Survival suddenly started, the ; That was when Marie stepped up and handled everything

Ursula threw at her. Despite her workload, Marie was clear—

headed and did not utter a word of complaint.

Little did Marie know, Tobias was being filmed just a wall away from her. While Marie was an assistant on paper, her age meant that she largely I lunch for the team.

In her haste, she didn’t notice that Wolf, who had been following her aro had suddenly stopped in his tracks.

for her,

Marie handed the takeout containers to another staff member who was the closest to them.

He then signed to Marie, “I don't like her scent. I've smelled it somewnhei Chapter 451 Crashing Uimate Survival

but you should stay away from her.”

He eyed Marie solemnly before emphasizing, “You can't go near her, Mr Marie laughed and ruffled Wolf's hair affectionately. “I won't, Wolf. Now, Wolf nodded and grabbed the container from her. He crouched down an Normally, one might be worried that a child his age would cause trouble different.

The crew loved him and his chubby cheeks, not to mention his wide— eyed gaze. It helped that his incredible strength came in handy when mx Seeing as the shooting site was to the west, the crew decided to leave \ Wolf ate with gusto. He wasn't fussy either and often showed up when One of

the directors had taken a liking to Wolf. He was just about to go over an little boy suddenly straightened up and stared into the distance with brig There was a low rumbling of an engine that came from the other side of It was Wynter. She had followed the directions Wolf had sent her and st She was wearing black pants and a white hoodie and had one foot pus herself after killing the motorbikes engine.

She moved with such an easy grace that everyone couldn't help but glai

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