Chapter 433 Let's See Who is Unable To Back Down Gracefully Chapter 433 Let's See Who Is Unable To Back Down Gracefully

“Now it seems time spares no one. Even you, Victor, you've always upheld rules. I have never expected you to find yourself in a dilemma.” Luis patted Victor on the shoulder and continued, “Victor, we're all getting old. My memory is not what it used to be, so I forgot to invite you. Look... It is really not the right time to talk about your junior transferring schools.”

“Transferring schools?” Yvette exclaimed, “Mr. Lopez, with my sister's grades, she

wouldn't be able to transfer to another school, right? She has always been attending your

trade school.”

As soon as these words were spoken, many scholars turned their attention toward them.

Luis did not stop Yvette from speaking.

Victor knew what was going on. He felt disheartened, looking at Wynter apologetically.

Before coming here, he had promised that there would be no problem this time.

Unexpectedly, even his old friend became somewhat unrecognizable. “Mr. Lopez,” Wynter said. She was a smart person and knew that anything Victor said at this moment would be looked down upon.

So, she simply spoke first, “I know you missed your old friends, so you turned down Mr. Quinnell Senior's invitation and made time to see your old friend. But unfortunately, some people misinterpreted your intentions.”

“Mr. Quinnell Senior?”

“This person knows Mr. Quinnell Senior?”

Envious whispers arose around them.

Both Luis and Yvette were stunned.

Yvette responded quickly, “Mr. Lopez, you haven't been to Kingbourne much recently. How did you become acquainted with Mr. Quinnell Senior?”

“You haven't been to Kingbourne, yet you canceled your appointment with Mr. Quinnell


“This is too much of a brag.”.

The other scholars shook their heads when they heard what Yvette said.

Chapter 433 Let's See Who Is Unable To Back Down Gracefully


“And they even thought of transferring a trade school student here. How embarrassing.”

“How bad must her grades be if she can't even get into a regular high school?”

“It's disheartening for Luis to have such a friend.”

“Don’t say that. Victor is very skillful in performing surgeries. He is also a professor.”

“What's the use? He can’t even handle his affairs properly.”

The commotion escalated.

Victor, a true medical professional, felt his heart grow cold seeing the fellow scholars. gossiping like this.

There was pride in Yvette's eyes.

Luis smiled even wider. He feigned kindness and said, “Victor, let's just let the juniors talk nonsense amongst themselves. After all, Kingbourne isn't very big, everyone knows each other.”

“Nonsense?” Wynter's eyes darkened as she looked at the two opposite of her. She said, ” When Mr. Quinnell Senior was seriously ill in Southdale, it was the Lopezes who treated him. Mr. Lopez chose to keep a low profile, so it wasn't widely known.”

She remarked, “After all, a medical professionals intentions matter most, regardless of the patient's identity.”

Wynter continued calmly, “I did learn a bit after watching both of your performances today. From now on, I will make sure to publicize every patient I treat. After all, a bit of self- promotion leads to recognition, doesn't it?”

“Who do you think is boasting? Who is seeking recognition?” A scholar, named Robi, couldnt endure it. So, he protested, “Mr. Xalazar's achievements are evident to all. You outsiders don’t know much about what's happening here, and yet, you dare to speak so arrogantly.

“Mr. Quinnell Senior did visit Southdale, but the person who treated him was a mysterious individual, certainly not the Lopezes. How dare you speak such falsehoods? You're merely trying to elevate yourself as a junior.”

Wynter played with her handphone and smiled amusingly.

Victor couldn't listen anymore. He said, “About that mysterious individual...”

“Who's trying to elevate themselves?” Alexis asked as he walked in with someone. He wore a sharp suit, exuding a business-like aura. His gaze swept over the scholars.

He smiled gently when his gaze landed on Wynter,

Upon arrival, Wynter had sent him a message, Informing him that she would be bringing Victor to dine with Mr. Quinnell today.

Alexis had come to pick them up, but he hadn't expected to hear such remarks upon arrival.

Luis knew Alexis, His arrogant expression changed instantly. He quickly smiled and attempted to shake hands...

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