Chapter 413 Claiming Wynter Did Not Know and That It Was Staged Kaspar had never left the mountain without first thinking twice because Ii The sudden popularity flabbergasted Quinnell Corporation's PR departn The attention was a windfall.

Without doing anything, Quinnell Corporation had become a trending to Moreover, their hotel managed to snag the top three spots on the trendil One of the tweets was most sensational: “Shocking! I actually won the I Previously, the rating of the hotel was as low as 4.3.

As a result, many people no longer chose to hold business meetings at star hotel.

Reviews also mentioned the passive—

aggressive behavior of the hotel's staff and that guests would

always get sick while staying there.

Someone claimed that they started to have bad luck after staying at that They were positive the old

fortune teller was an actor the hotel had employed and that he had beer acting

The elderly members of the hotel

administration who were planning to teach Wynter a lesson suddenly had an idea when they saw that

One of them called Shane right away.

“Mr. Quinnell, considering that Ms. Quinnell recently took over the hotel, “If it was discovered that she was the one who led the old man to speak critical reviews instead of positive reviews.

“This is a publicity

stunt, and to put it mildly, if blown out of proportion, it is a scam, Mr. Quii This call agitated Shane even more.

He couldn't understand why Wynter was so impatient to take over the h In his opinion, it was simply

a hotel. He would not stop her if she really wanted to manage it. Although this had all been decided by Fabian, Shane still held the hotel’ Besides, Shane couldn't agree with Wynter’'s method. The online debate Chapte 41 Clean Water boi hot hoed Hot Werland

More and more people were beginning to have doubts about the hotel. “It's clearly staged. I can't believe people would fall for such a scam.” 32

“Here's an inside scoop! The person who spoke

with the old man is the recently appointed owner of the


“I've been saying that the old man doesn’t even look spiritual, yet they ¢ “If he's a fortune teller, I'm a living god. Hahal"

“Hotels like this should just close down!”

"Does the new owner think we're fools?”

In an instant, the Quinnell family was thrust into the line of fire.

Shane didn't want the hotel to fail, of course. After all, he had been runn Naomi, who had just awoken, heard Shane's frazzled voice outside. She Shane heaved a long sigh. “The hotel is having some trouble.”

“Hasn't the hotel always been doing well? Why is there trouble now?" N; on the bed, her face drained of color. She looked worried about the fam The sight of her consoled Shane. “It's nothing serious. The most import “Dad, as long as you still believe me, that's good enough for me.” Naom Shane sighed. “Right now, Wynter...”

“What is it?” Naomi was puzzled.

Shane gave her his phone.

After reading the tweets, she said, “Dad, online public opinion is very in Corporation's share price.”

“I knew you'd be aware of the severity of the situation.” Shane frowned. Chante: 414 An Omen From the Past

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