Chapter 404 Wynter's Intelligence

In the hotel, the delivery man wanted to escape, but Wynter cornered him by the window.

Seeing this, the delivery man pleaded pitifully, “Master, please let me go. I'm just a delivery man, and I've never harmed anyone.”

“Are you sure?” Wynter approached him while speaking. “The first thing supernatural phenomenons affect.

is communication.”

Wynter opened the webpage on her phone. “I don't usually use this application much, but the homepage. automatically refreshed with a news article from seven years ago.”

She continued, “It says here that a girl often gave a delivery man bad reviews, and then the delivery man pushed her down as he was unable to bear it, accidentally causing an irreversible tragedy. Later, the incident was exposed. He came from a poor family and was quite pitiable.

“Moreover, he seemed to have some m e n ta I issues. The girl who lived in an upscale neighborhood was said to often pick fights with people. Neighbors confirmed that she had a bad temper.

“During that period, she even had conflicts with a child. So everyone thought the girl was being too aggressive, he was instigated by her, and that he acted in self defense. The public's opinion sided with him, and with the crucial evidence missing, he was only sentenced to a few years in prison.”

Wynter turned to look at him. “If I'm not mistaken, he should have been released from prison by now.”

She said with determination, “When you entered just now, you said, “Don’t think that just because you used the word Mr.“ on your door, I wouldn't know you're not living alone!"

“This implied that your actions then weren't accidental, but premeditated. You even seemed to be aware of the girl's living situation. She had used “Mr.”, to protect herself, but you still targeted her. This fixation of yours manifested from the day you delivered the order to her on the 23rd.”

Wynter lowered her gaze. “The change in the delivery orders happened after that day. Usually, a delivery man would stay in areas where the orders were higher.

“You only received 20—something orders a day, and between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm, you only took her orders. Your obsession with her has grown since then. The girl's intuition was accurate—she sensed danger and left bad reviews for you.

“This wasn't your first time committing a crime.”

Wynter lifted the delivery man and mocked, “A half-dead earthbound spirit showing up in this formation... and in this manner. You're clearly rushing it!”

The delivery man froze. He never expected that one day he would encounter someone else who also understood rushing formations. This method was only practiced by those who dabbled in the dark arts. Especially when their sect’s secret techniques were never disclosed. How did she know about this method?

Furthermore, she was accompanied by him!

The delivery man's eyes darted around. When he first saw her manipulating the lucky coin, he naturally assumed she was an Arcane Way Master sent by a reputable sect.

However, these things wouldn't cause substantial harm to him.

His true body hadn't entered the formation. As long as the formation remained intact, he could repeat his actions endlessly.

After all, the formation master wouldn't dare to appear as long as he was present.

The Earthbound Formation couldn't be broken without the formation master.

And as soon as it hit 10:00 pm, he could return to his true body.

The delivery man desperately tried to stall for time. He turned to Logan and pleaded, “Sir, you have to believe me. I haven't...”

But at this point, the delivery man stopped abruptly as Wynter called out lazily, “Wolf, come and help.”

Wolf pushed the door open and walked out. His pale, boyish face was full of fierceness, but his eyes gleamed when he looked at the delivery man.

Others couldn't see it, but from the delivery man’s position, he could clearly see the tip of Wolf's tongue touching his sharp teeth.


This... this was Chaos!

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