Chapter 295 Special Skill Set

Dalton patiently asked, “Where's your QR code?”

Wolf pointed at the strap on his shoulder.

Dalton scanned the code with his phone. He then transferred 1000 dollars into Wolf's bank account and said, “I heard you like black truffles.”

Wolf nodded once.

Chuckling, Dalton ruffled the kid's hair affectionately. “I'll bring some for you next time.”

Wolf stared at Dalton in an assessing manner and signed, “I'll spare you this time, but only because you paid me and promised to bring me food the next time.”

Wolf's perception of Dalton could not be changed. He couldn't he feeling that Dalton was dangerous, and he felt the urge to run awa whenever Dalton was near.

Wolf could only hope that Wynter had taken his warning seriously. He sighed as if he was carrying the world’s burden on his shoulders. Little did he know that what he said before would come back to bite him.

Meanwhile, Wynter still had some unfinished business in Southdale. She figured she could do some investigating while Fabian and Margaret were chatting away at home.

After arriving at the destination, the landlord informed Wynter, “You mean those gangsters? I don't know where they went, but I bet they got into huge trouble. Why are you looking for them, young lady?” Wynter chuckled and kept her answer vague. “No particular reason. One of them-the one with the white hair-reminds me of my brother.” “That one?” The landlord's gaze flickered, and he looked like he was debating on telling her something.

Wynter did not press him as she set down cartons of milk and a basket of fruits for his children.

At the sight of this, the landlord finally caved. “Young lady, I'm not trying to spook you or anything, but that brother of yours is a little... odd.”

“How so?” Wynter probed gently.

The landlord's voice dropped to a whisper. “My grandson was alm bitten by a pack of stray dogs when your brother showed up alo

and stood there in complete silence. It was like he could make th dogs obey him or something!”

“Oh, he was an animal whisperer,” Wynter explained breezily, smiling. But he got held back somewhere along the way.”

The landlord was amazed. “An animal whisperer? I never knew there was such a thing!”

“Yeah,” Wynter said. She gave the landlord her number. “Would you mind giving me a call if he ever comes back?"

Sighing, the landlord looked at her ruefully. “I don’t think he’s ever


coming back, young lady. Don’t get your hopes up.”

Wynter had seen it for herself. It appeared Whitley had packed up and left in a hurry, as if he had encountered something terrible. She wondered if that was why he hadn't been showing up at the Empathy Clinic.

However, if Whitley and Wolf were related, she doubted he would run into any trouble he couldn't handle.

She still remembered what Atwater used to tell her. It was along the lines of everything in this world had its place and time.”

Once she was done tying up loose ends, she shrugged on the woven basket and made her way to the farmer's market.

The elderly folk there immediately surrounded her as soon as she arrived.

or wast

old man who came with you your family?"

“Yeah,” Wynter replied.

“Well, he's well-off, isn't he? You'll be living like royalty from now on!" “About time too! She's suffered enough.”

“Darn right, she has!"

Wynter laughed as the market folks fussed over her. As she perused the usual fish and meat selection, she went ahead and took the vendors’ pulses.

“Mr. Webb, your blood pressure is a little high today, Have you been. drinking?” Wynter asked in mock disapproval.

“Heh.” Nolan Webb had the decency to look sheepish. “Maybe just a bit more than usual.”

“Aunt Ruth, you've got to keep an eye on him,” Wynter chided playfully. “What do you want me to do? He's stubborn as a donkey!” Ruth added, “I've got some lovely cuts of beef today, Wynter. Let me bag some up for you. On the house!”

Wynter scanned the QR code to pay the Webbs. “I'm practically royalty now, Mrs. Webb. I've got money to splurge.”

This made the entire market burst into laughter.

“I heard you were planning on bringing your grandmother with you to Kingbourne,” Ruth said, more of a question than a statement. Wynter hummed in response. “She'll recover better in Kingbourne, what with her leg condition and all.”

“Yes, but we don't know when we might see her again,” Ruth pointed out sadly.

This made Wynter pause. “It's a four-hour train ride from Kingbourne. to Southdale. Once everything's settled, I'll bring Grandma back here for a visit whenever she wants.”

She hadn't realized she had overlooked something important until Ruth pointed it out to her. More often than not, the elderly didn’t like. moving into new surroundings.

Margaret had always been selfless whenever it came to Wynter, but that didn’t mean she would acclimate to a new life in Kingbourne.

At the thought of this, Wynter pulled out her phone and quickly sent a message.

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