Chapter 232 Were They Truly Her Parents

Wynter glanced up to see a humble couple standing at the door, carrying bundles of belongings anc Yes?

The woman's face lit up with joy. “Do you know Dr. Genius?”

“That's me. And you are-

But before Wynter could finish her sentence, the woman covered her mouth and burst into tears. “W they were almost choked.

As the commotion drew the attention of the

neighbors, they gathered around to see what was happening.

"What's going on?” someone asked.

"Are these Wynter's biological parents?” another neighbor inquired.

Wynter, standing in the center, hesitated for a moment, then looked back at the couple.

The man, with a weathered face and a humble demeanor, spoke up, “Your mother has been longing

"Why are you telling her this?” The woman nudged the man, her eyes brimming with tears. Witnessir Wynter spoke up, “Please, come inside.”

The couple remained timid, and even after entering, they didn't look around. They truly embodied th Margaret couldn't bear to see their discomfort. “Treat this as your own home, don't be shy.” Wynter I The woman turned to Margaret with gratitude. “Thank you for looking after Wynter all this time. We’ Before she could kneel, Wynter intervened with a gentle smile. “I'll repay Grandma's kindness. You bc fumpter 48 ware Thuy Tory Her Therents

"okay " The woman extended her hand tentatively toward Wynter's face. However, apprehensive of V Wynter's memory was fragmented, leaving her curious about whether the events of the past were ini The woman recounted the events clearly “It was raining heavily that day, and Mrs. Yates and I were b In the chaos, the nurses accidentally switched the bables of two familles. This aligned perfectly with v The woman looked at her, appearing somewhat uneasy, “Wynter, don't overthink it. Though we live i The compassionate Margaret couldn't bear to see this. Her eyes welled up with tears. The woman ev The man nodded and said, “Yes, yes, yes.”


couple appeared to be unfortunate parents in search of their daughter, and everything about them s That evening, Margaret insisted on hosting them for dinner, and the atmosphere in the yard became lit up. “Wynter has a younger brother?” Margaret's


The woman nodded, “Yes. He wanted to visit his sister. Despite his health condition, he insisted on cc Margaret frowned. “He still needs treatment?”

The woman fought back tears, her voice strained. “It's nothing serious. It's just that he really wants tc Chapter 232 Were They Truly Her Parents

Hearing this, Wynter's gaze locked onto her, as if she could see right through her...

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