Chapter 227 Aced

Ewan couldn't believe his ears.

"50 thousand dollars?” he blurted out, stunned. “Mr. Tilton, I run such a large company, and you're o Larry shrugged indifferently. “Not Interested? Sult yourself.” With that, Larry abruptly ended the call, Ewan had spent the whole day reaching out to all the influential families he knew. But none of them It was the first time Ewan had felt the gut-

wrenching feeling of hitting rock bottom. The satisfaction he had felt when he ousted Margaret was Having been used to everyone addressing him as “Mr. Yates”, Ewan suddenly lost everything overnig Feeling overwhelmed by the pressure, especially with debts looming and over a hundred employees “I'm ready to sell! But I need to sign the deal right now!”

With each day that went by, Ewan felt the weight of his problems piling up. Taking the money and le He could go find Yvette in Kingbourne. With his abilities, Ewan was confident he could make a fresh : Inside the car, Larry glanced over at Wynter. With a nonchalant smirk, Wynter said, “Just say yes.” Taking her advice, Larry said over the phone, “Alright, bring all the documents to the Chamber of Cor Ewan was in no mood to wait around. As soon as the call ended, he hit the road. The SUV convenien Who would've guessed that after finishing her exam, Wynter would end

up acquiring a company on her way

home? Entering the clinic, she remained casually indifferent as usual.

Margaret asked about her exam and how difficult it was.

Wynter chuckled. “I think I did pretty well.”

Chapter 227 Aced

Margaret visibly let out a sigh of relief but ended up burning the fish while cooking that evening's di At the school, the grading teachers sat together in a group. To ensure fairness, they kept surveillance process.

As they took turns grading papers, they usually didn't encounter any issues with scoring.

However, the accuracy was unusually high. It was so impressive that Ivana, one of the graders, could “I have to ask, has Wynter made any mistakes up to this point?”

“Not in math!”

“And not in Emstian either!

"Her handwriting in language arts is a bit messy, so she might lose points for presentation. And there Ivana interrupted, “So, apart from some minor issues in language arts, she hasn't made any mistakes The office fell silent. The teachers suddenly grasped the significance of this revelation. They were alr left.

If Wynter hadn't made any mistakes even in those major questions... The grading teachers exchange it was pure enjoyment. They each

If at first, it felt like working overtime. But now, it was pure e continued to review the answers.

The language arts teacher tried to speak, but the math teacher cut in. “Full marks! Wynter aced math The Emstian teacher stayed quiet, but her beaming face said it

all. She'd been rooting for Wynter all along, and now her eyes practically sparkled with joy.

As the language arts teacher kept going on about Wynter's handwriting, everyone else ignored him. After Karina failed to mentor her properly and the unjust way she treated Wynter, they were commit!

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